
  1. 我的孩子都比那时的我们大了

    I got children older than we were back then .

  2. 它对那时的我们意义重大

    I think it meant a lot to us .

  3. 我没有汽车,那时的我们很沮丧。

    I had no car and we were frustrated .

  4. 看着它,我便想起那时的我们是怎样的年轻和纯真啊!

    eg. I think of how young and innocent we were back then .

  5. 那时的我们青春年少,无忧无虑。

    We are young and wild and free .

  6. 那时的我们依然年轻,依然稚嫩

    We were younger , we were younger

  7. 那时的我们青春年少肆意自由

    When we were younger and free

  8. 从前只是个传说,传说里有你也有我,那时的我们很快乐。

    Formerly is a legend , legend has you have me , then we are happy .

  9. 那时的我们都从老师的嘴里学着王进喜、时传祥的先进事迹!

    At the time we have teachers from the mouth of the Wang Jinxi , when Chuanxiang the advanced deeds !

  10. 那时的我们是一支年轻的队伍,而且由于我们缺少那种经历,所以我们需要时间去调整。

    We were a young team and because we didn 't have that experience in playing , it took us more time to adjust .

  11. 那时的我们,手头都还拮据,买书的欲望虽特别强烈,但那种热望中却含有羞涩和苦恼的况味在里面。

    At that time we were on hand , still strapped , the desire of buying books is particularly strong , but the desire but with shyness and distressed country inside .

  12. 等我们老了,阳光依旧会暖暖的照在树杈上,那时的我们是否能安详地坐在树下聆听花开的声音?

    When we old and still be warm sun shone on Shucha Shang , at that time if we could sit quietly under a tree listening to the voices of flowers ?

  13. 那时的我们手中抱着《罗密欧与朱丽叶》《梁山伯与祝英台》,更有甚者会看看那部《钢铁是怎样炼成的》!

    At the time we take the hands of " Romeo and Juliet " and " Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai ," What is more that the Department will look at " How to Make Steel "!

  14. 我前面曾指出的一点是,人类将不能见证太阳的最后生命时刻,那时的生物与我们的差别将和我们现在与细菌间的差别一样悬殊。

    As I should have shown this earlier , it will not be humans who witness the end point of the sun ; it will be creatures as different from us as we are from bacteria .

  15. 而许多女性仍被灌输外貌比独立、自信以及学识等品质都更为重要的想法——尽管距离上世纪50年代已有半个世纪,大家都认为那时的世界与我们现在相差甚远。

    And many women are still taught to believe that appearance is more important for them than qualities such as independence , confidence and knowledge - even though we 're now over half a century away from the 1950s , a world we thought we 'd left far behind .

  16. 那时的政府不会像我们现在所预想的那样采取行动。

    The government didn 't take action as would be expected nowadays .

  17. 但那时的日本并不像我们今天这样,面临新一轮的资产价格泡沫。

    But Japan did not experience the beginning of another round of serial asset price bubbles as we do today .