
  • 网络That fool;Babo;Six Month
  1. 那个傻瓜现在在外边干什么呢?

    What 's that prat doing out there now ?

  2. Gale是LiamHemsworth那个傻瓜来演的,因为他和MileyCyrus约会过。

    Gale is play by Liam Hemsworth who is an idiot , because he dated miley cyrus .

  3. 那个傻瓜拉萨和他的队员们太过分了。

    That fool lassard and his team are getting too close .

  4. 那个傻瓜唯一的聪明就是不肯让你自由。

    The wisdom of a fool won 't set you free .

  5. 我是说那个傻瓜输定了!

    I mean , that doofus is going to iose .

  6. 老实说,我真的希望他们不要让那个傻瓜连任。

    I really hope they do not re-elect that fool , honestly .

  7. 那个傻瓜攻击你的时候,他没照顾你么?

    Didn 't he take care of you when that fool attacked ?

  8. 两年来那个傻瓜就像这样挥霍钱财。

    For two years that imbecile threw his money away like this .

  9. 而那个傻瓜却看不出区别来?

    And this fooi can 't teii no difference ?

  10. 天哪,那个傻瓜谁调制的这样的饮料?

    Jesus , what lightweight 's making this drink ?

  11. 那个傻瓜掉了几张帐目收据,因此会计很不高兴。

    That klutz lost several account receipts , so the accountants were upset .

  12. 那个傻瓜离开学校到国外读书了。

    That miser quit school to go study abroad .

  13. 那个傻瓜会给你工作?

    Which fool will give you a job ?

  14. 那个傻瓜老认为自己是个天才。

    The idiot always thinks himeself a genius .

  15. 嘲笑那个傻瓜…借过!

    At the fool ... Excuse me !

  16. 我是在说那个傻瓜!

    I was taiking to that dick !

  17. 你有没有听说过那个傻瓜&他妄想用用个浴盆渡大西洋?

    Did you hear about that fool who 's got a mad-cap idea about rowing across the Atlantic in a bathtub ?

  18. “正确地讲,”他说,“那个傻瓜的尸首应该埋在十字路口,不用任何一种仪式。

    Correctly , 'he remarked , ` that fool 's body should be buried at the crossroads , without ceremony of any kind .

  19. 其中一人看到那人时对同伴说,“嗨,这个就是我们在推车时跑到我们车里的那个傻瓜!”

    One saw the guy and said ," Hey , that 's the stupid fellow that got in our car while were pushing . "

  20. 江湖骗子嗤之以鼻。“你的魔法完全对付得了那个傻瓜的想象力。”他向她保证后便回城堡了,并为自己的聪明沾沾自喜。

    The charlatan scoffed . " Your magic is more than equal to that fool 's imagination , " he assured her , and he retired to the castle , well pleased with his own cleverness .

  21. 那个大傻瓜居然说这毫不重要,他是什么意思?

    What did that dumb dope mean saying it was nothing important ?

  22. 那个小傻瓜得了什么奖?

    So what award did that little shit get ?

  23. 那个老傻瓜是谁?一个冒失的年轻人偶然从这里经过,这样问道。

    " Who is that old fool ?" asks a thoughtless young man who chances to be passing .

  24. 这些话叫骗子们有些招架不住了,不过那个老傻瓜不管公爵怎么个说法,或者怎么做法,还是一个劲地坚决要干下去。

    It injured the frauds some ; but the old fool he bulled right along , spite of all the duke could say or do , and I tell you the duke was powerful uneasy .

  25. 所以我总是那个愿意当傻瓜的人么?

    Stupid is who does stupid does .

  26. 他还是天下那个最笨的傻瓜。

    He is the stupidest man in the universe .

  27. 当我已经爱得如痴如醉的时候,身边有人对我说,你简直就是疯子了,你的世界除了你心中的那个他,还会有什么是可以装进你那个傻瓜脑袋呢?

    When I have loved too intoxicated when someone close to me that you really are crazy , you are a world apart from your heart that he was , but also what can be stuffed into your head that fool do ?