
  1. 啦啦啦,我是卖报的小行家

    I think it 's a little

  2. 他会用“吼吼”“啦啦啦”来展示他可爱的一面。

    He will use " hou hou "" la La la " to show his cute side .

  3. 但是我不惊慌,因为我不喝牛奶……啦啦啦,啦啦,啦啦……

    But to me it is not scary , because I stay away from dairy .... la la la , la la , la la ...

  4. 最后他们第二天发现他们的尸体,在第二天他们发现了他们的尸体,啦啦啦。

    Phoebe : They found their bodies the very next day , they found their bodies the very next ... la la la la la la .

  5. 一只老蚱蜢在唱着它的“啦啦啦”之歌,这是它最后的欢乐,&啊,冬季将要来临!

    An old locust is singing " LA , LA , and LA !" It is the last jocundity . & Yes , the winter is coming !

  6. 啦啦啦啦啦

    Blah blah blah blah blah !

  7. 发啦啦啦啦啦啦…啦…啦!

    Penny : Fala , lala , la , lala ... la ... la !

  8. 噜啦啦噜啦啦噜啦噜啦噜

    Ba-da-dum ba bat da doot doot doo