首页 / 词典 / good

  • 语素in līlilālā 哩哩啦啦

  • indicating excitement/doubt
  • 同“拉”。


  • 溪水哗啦啦地流淌。

    The stream went gurgling on.

  • 雨哗啦哗啦地落下来。

    The rain falls with pattering sound.


(“了”[le] 和“啊”[a] 的合音, 表示感叹、疑问等语气):

  • 车开啦?

    Has the bus left?

  • 人都到齐啦!

    Look! Everybody is here.

  • 他早来啦!

    Why, he's been here a long time!

  • 她真来啦?

    Has she really come?

  • 这回我可亲眼看见啦!

    This time I've actually seen it for myself.

  1. “你安全啦!”汤姆高兴地大声说道。

    ' You 're safe ! ' Tom cried in delight .

  2. 天啊,你把头发弄成什么样子啦!

    Good Lord , what have you done to your hair !

  3. 请让一让——你挡着路啦!

    Mind out ─ you 're in the way there !

  4. 对啦!你做得不错。

    That 's the idea ! You 're doing fine .

  5. 我们得承认,我们赢不了啦。

    Let 's face it , we 're not going to win .

  6. 别抱怨啦!我跟你说过我要迟到的。

    Don 't start ! I told you I 'd be late .

  7. “你去哪儿啦?”她尖声问道。

    ' Where have you been ? ' she rasped .

  8. 你尝过这种新咖啡吗?好极啦。

    Have you tried this new coffee ? It 's very good .

  9. 你在这个国家居住多久啦?

    How long have you been living in this country ?

  10. 钟在打点前先嘎啦嘎啦地响起来。

    The clock began to whirr before striking the hour .

  11. 啊,我这是怎么啦?我竟把这事忘得一干二净了。

    Oh , what am I like ? I just completely forgot it .

  12. “你疯啦!”她哈哈大笑起来。

    ' You 're crazy ! ' she laughed .

  13. 走开,我要睡觉啦!

    Bog off , I 'm trying to sleep !

  14. 我就靠你帮我啦。

    I 'm counting on you to help me .

  15. 亚历克斯怎么啦?他以前从未那样愁过。

    What 's got into Alex ? He never used to worry like that .

  16. 我厌烦历史——尽是些年代啦战争啦什么的。

    I 'm bored by history ─ dates and battles and all that stuff .

  17. 她说她来不了啦。

    She said that she couldn 't come .

  18. 你怎么啦?整个上午你一句话都没说。

    What 's with you ? You haven 't said a word all morning .

  19. 你看起来愁眉苦脸的,怎么啦?

    You look wretched ─ what 's wrong ?

  20. 啊,天哪!都这会儿啦?

    Oh crumbs ! Is that the time ?

  21. 喂,哥们儿,怎么啦?

    Hey , dude , what 's up ?

  22. 别那么傻笑啦。

    Wipe that stupid smile off your face .

  23. 怎么啦?你想不想出去?

    What 's the deal ? Do you want to go out or not ?

  24. “快要到啦。”她哄着说。

    ‘ Nearly there , ’ she coaxed .

  25. 讲这话太不近人情啦!

    What a horrible thing to say !

  26. 我发觉跟杰里待上一会儿就受不了啦。

    I find that a little of Jerry 's company can go a long way .

  27. 哎呀,都这会儿啦?

    Crikey , is that the time ?

  28. 啊呀,都这会儿啦?

    Gosh , is that the time ?

  29. 怎么啦,亲爱的?

    What 's the matter , darling ?

  30. 你是傻还是怎么啦?

    Are you thick , or what ?