首页 / 词典 / good

  • here;herein;how;why
  • then
  • 与介词“于”加代词“是”相当:心不在~。不复出~。

  • 乃,才:必知乱之所自起,~能治之。

  • 文言疑问词,怎么,哪儿:且~置土石?

  • 文言助词:又何戚~。


(跟介词“于”加代词“是”相当) here; herein:

  • 她心不在焉。

    Her mind is elsewhere.; She is absent-minded.

  • 罪莫大焉。

    There is no greater crime than this.


(哪里; 怎么) how; why:

  • 不入虎穴,焉得虎子?

    How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger's lair?; Nothing venture, nothing have.

  • 焉能不去?

    How could I possibly not go?


(乃; 才) then:

  • 焉始乘舟

    and then take the boat;

  • 必知乱之所自起,焉能治之。

    You have to know how the trouble arose before you can deal with it.



  • 有厚望焉

    cherish high hopes for;

  • 少焉,月出于东山之上。

    After a little while, the moon lifted itself above the eastern hills.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 焉棱

    Yan Leng

  1. 未知死,焉知生&中国古代死亡观探究

    We do not as yet understand death ; how can we understand life & probing into China 's ancient outlook on death

  2. 藉由考察《论语》原文中可见的孔子之生死观,对《先进篇》中“未知生,焉知死”一语之意涵进行再检讨。

    This paper , based on Confucius view of life and death , analyzes the implications of " If you don t understand what life is , how will you understand death " in The Analects .

  3. 皮之不存,毛将焉附?

    With the skin gone , to what can the hair attach itself ?

  4. 罪莫大焉。

    There is no greater crime than this .

  5. 少焉,月出于东山之上。

    After a little while , the moon lifted itself above the eastern hills .

  6. 不吃苦,焉知甜。

    Who have never taste bitter , know not what is sweet .

  7. 当道驰骋在阴阳之中时,则万物生焉,万物兴焉。

    When Tao gallops through and Yang , all things come into and thrive .

  8. 而青玉独无说焉。

    The sapphire is not had and talked about here alone .

  9. 非有大楼,而有大师焉。

    It relies on distinguished scholars rather than on great buildings .

  10. 井底之蛙焉之大海的广阔。

    A frog in the well does not know the ocean .

  11. 君子疾没世而名不称焉。

    A gentleman regrets leaving no name when he is gone .

  12. 我生性稳重,有厚望焉。

    My parts were solid , and would wear well .

  13. 此时也,精神解放,为之雀跃,为之欢庆,现代世界于焉诞生。

    In this moment of joyful liberation the modern world was born .

  14. 民吾同胞,物吾与焉

    The people are my Brothers , the creation is part of me

  15. 但是,塞翁失马焉知是福。

    But it had all worked out for the best .

  16. 万钟于我何加焉?

    What can the ten thousand chung add to him ?

  17. 世上焉得无辜物,且度罪状几丈长。

    There is no such thing as innocence , only degrees of guilt .

  18. 三人行,必有我师焉。

    There must be one out of three who can be your teacher .

  19. 钱先生对宋诗情有独钟,有《宋诗选注》在焉。

    Being in especial love of song poems , Mr.

  20. 旋律暗淡模糊,歌词语焉不明。

    Melody is dim , so are the words .

  21. 他们的祖国因而与有荣焉,他们并因此而昌盛。

    Hence , their fatherlands were ennobled by it and they became prosperous .

  22. 皮之不存毛将焉附&谈病历档案在医疗保险中的作用

    The Function of Medical Files in Medical Insurance

  23. 故德交归焉。

    Therefore virtue is consigned to this country .

  24. 不事耕耘,焉得收获。(不打破蛋就不能做煎蛋卷)

    You cannot make omelettes without breaking eggs .

  25. 人文课程的地位焉在?

    What is the position of humanities course ?

  26. 惟天为大,惟尧则之,荡荡乎民无能名焉!

    How vast was his virtue ! The people could find no name for it .

  27. 不知其仁,焉用佞」士兵们用刺刀杀出一条血路。

    The soldiers bayoneted their way out .

  28. 可当对方无法满足我们的需要时,特殊的恨于焉而生。

    When we feel someone has failed to meet our needs , we experience special hate .

  29. 其乡人曰:肉食者谋之,又何间焉?

    His neighbours said , this is the business of meat-eating officials , why meddle with it ?

  30. 隐喻从来都是行话的一个主要支柱,既可卖弄才华,又语焉不明。

    One of the main pillars of jargon has always been metaphor , both sporting and mixed .