首页 / 词典 / good

  • used at the end of a sentence;used in exclamatory sentences.
  • 文言助词(a.用于句末,与“了”相同,如“由来久~”,“悔之晚~”;b.表示感叹,如“大~哉”)。

  1. 一提“心脏衰竭”四字,外行人就联想到命不久矣的情景。

    The mere mention of the words ' heart failure ' , can conjure up , to the layman , the prospect of imminent death

  2. 天命不慆久矣。

    Long has there been no doubt of Heaven 's mandate .

  3. 盖有之矣。

    It is possible that such cases exist .

  4. 夫子之道,忠恕而已矣。

    Our master 's way is simply this : loyalty and consideration .

  5. 尔来二十有一年矣。

    Twenty-one years have passed since then .

  6. 人不可以无耻,无耻之耻,无耻矣。

    A man must not be without shame , for the shame of being without shame is shamelessness indeed .

  7. 苗而不秀者有矣夫!秀而不实者有矣夫!(《论语》)

    There are , are there not , young plants that fail to produce blossoms , and blossoms that fail to produce fruit ?

  8. 群居终日,言不及义,好行小慧,难矣哉。(《论语》)

    To be together all day long and never talk about fundamentals but take pleasure only in showing one 's cleverness & indeed it 's a hopeless case !

  9. 不过在这部电影中,亚历克西斯的画外音警告我们,大卫命不久矣,因此在两人共处的时光中,关于大卫死亡的谜团一直笼罩在我们心头。

    But in this case , as Alexis 's voice-over warns us , David doesn ’ t have long to live , so the mystery of his death looms17 over their time together .

  10. Blog能否在中国行之久矣,很大程度上取决于这一传播技术力量与其社会影响之间的平衡。

    How long Blog can be prevalent in China depends on the balance between the power of this communication technology and its social effects .

  11. 法尔哈德•芒戈在时政电子杂志Slate撰文称,Google+现在只是苟延残喘,命不久矣。

    Over at slate , writer Farhad mango makes the bold statement that Google + is livingon borrowed time .

  12. 球迷们会因为你保持自我而爱上你,就像他们喜欢林书豪一样。朱迪·加兰(JudyGarland)此言妙矣:“永远做一流版本的自己,不做二流版本的别人。”(Alwaysbeafirst-rateversionofyourself,insteadofasecond-rateversionofsomebodyelse.)

    Fans will love you for being you , just like they love Jeremy Lin. Judy Garland said it best : Always be a first-rate version of yourself , instead of a second-rate version of somebody else . 7 .

  13. “此尚有诸多余事,吾仍喜而为之,”韦斯特菲尔德女士坦言,其协助MDMA之上一次疗程已是四载前之往事矣。

    " There are other things that I would still like to work on ," says Ms Westerfield , whose last MDMA-assisted therapeutic session was four years ago .

  14. 食品行业渴盼大刀阔斧整合久矣。

    The food industry has long been ripe for drastic consolidation .

  15. 能够做到这样就差不多合于道矣!

    Doing like so , it means that you fit Tao .

  16. “中国风”对西方时装的影响可谓久矣。

    Chinoiserie has been influenced western fashion for a long time .

  17. 他们不是瘦,只是界线清楚而矣。

    They 're not thin . they 're just well defined .

  18. 请留盘石上,垂钓将已矣。

    Please stay to the solid rock , fishing will be gone .

  19. 有人斯可教,有教斯可学,自开辟则既然矣。(《文献通考·学校》)自从人类社会产生,教育就随之出现。

    Education appeared since the human society came into being .

  20. 虽千万人,吾往矣!

    9th , Chen Xiaolan Although thousands of people , I toward !

  21. 来而不往,非礼矣!

    A friend can not always stand on one side !

  22. 多饮水则体不滞水矣。

    Your body will stop holding water if you drink more water .

  23. 巧言令色,鲜仁矣。

    Clever talk and ingratiating manner are seldom found in a virtuous man .

  24. 温故而知新,可以为师矣。

    You can think of , I can do .

  25. 仁且智,夫子既圣矣!

    Benevolent and wise-Master , you ARE a Sage .

  26. 现在要挽回局面为时晚矣。

    It is too late to repair the situation .

  27. 魏徵没,朕亡一镜矣。

    Without Wei Zheng , I lose one mirror .

  28. 贞节之妇女而不厌倦其所扮演之角色者鲜矣。

    There be few virtuous women who do not tire of their role .

  29. 同样,良好的意愿亦不足矣,否则更多的特许学校早就取得成功了。

    Nor are good intentions & or else more charter schools would succeed .

  30. 但是我已懂得此言差矣。

    I have learned though , that this is far from the truth .