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ō yō
  • Oh
喔唷 [ō yō]
  • [oh]--表示惊讶、痛苦。如:喔唷,这么大的水牛

喔唷[ō yō]
  1. 喔唷,这么大的西瓜!

    Oh , what a big watermelon !

  2. 喔唷,好疼!

    Ouch , it hurts !

  3. 这次这个短语还是出自美洲印第安人之口:“喔唷,你家娘子,shenolongtimeseeyou:你归家去罢赶紧滴。”

    Once again , the phrase was attributed to an American Indian , " Ugh , you squaw , she no long time see you : you go home mucha quick . "

  4. 喔唷,约翰·汤普森坐着看圣经呢!

    Well , well ; John Thomson sitting reading hisBible !

  5. 喔唷,我差点踩着了猫!

    Ouch ! I nearly step on my cat .

  6. 喔唷,查莉,快看你圆滚滚的西瓜肚

    Uh-oh , Charlie , look at your tummy .

  7. 喔唷,你吃蜗牛啊!

    Ugh ! You 're eating snails !

  8. “喔唷,约翰汤普森坐着看圣经呢!现在我算是看到了新鲜事儿了。”“我只不过是在查一条注释呀,你这蠢驴!”

    " Well , well ; john Thomson sitting reading his bible ! Now I 've seen everything . "" I 'm just looking up a reference , you ass. "

  9. 一个华彩乐段应该保持在作品的风格范围内,它应该像一个总结、一个收场白,但是要有一个小小的闪现:喔唷!

    A cadenza should not break away from the style of the work , it should be like a summing up , an epilogue , but with a little touch of Whoops !