
  1. 绿色的墙纸完美地衬托出衣橱那年代久远的松木。

    The green wallpaper is the perfect complement to the old pine of the dresser

  2. 阿尔文托夫勒(1928年出生)是他那年代最有名的未来学家。

    Alvin Toffler ( born 1928 ) was the most famous futurologist of his generation .

  3. 不过与我那年代以及莱塞那年代相比,当今时代发生了两个重大改变。

    But since my day , and since Mr Lesser 's , two big things have changed .

  4. 带喜字的搪瓷脸盆、毛巾和暖水瓶是那年代结婚的常送礼品。

    The enamel basin with " happiness " character , towel and thermos are so common for wedding present .

  5. 我的父亲,和今天的许多人以及他那年代的绝大部份人一样,闭口不谈失聪给他带来的困扰。

    Like most people of his generation and many today , my father did not discuss the problems that his hearing loss caused for him .

  6. 神圣罗马帝国,是马奇亚维利那年代的称号,那是古罗马国的继承者,即较古老的罗马帝国。

    The Holy Roman Empire , as it was known in the time of Machiavelli , was the successor to the ancient Roman state , the older Roman Empire .

  7. 埃玛斯塔法&上天所眷爱的,是他那年代的曙光,他在奥非里斯城等待了十二年,等着载他返乡的船,载他回到他诞生的小岛。

    Almustafa , the chosen and the beloved , who was a dawn unto his own day , had waited twelve years in the city of Orphalese for his ship that was to return and bear him back to the isle of his birth .

  8. 在那年代,凡是流星出现和不象日月升落这么规律的其它自然现象,统统都被解释为超自然力量所给予的启示,这是再普通不过的事了。

    Nothing was more common , in those days , than to interpret all meteoric appearances , and other natural phenomena , that occurred with less regularity than the rise and set of sun and moon , as so many revelations from a supernatural source .

  9. 我们专程去看了巨石阵,那是年代久远的史前遗迹。

    We took a special trip to see stonehenge , a prehistoric monument of great antiquity .

  10. 这些论文代表着那一年代中国现代主义诗学理论的最高水平,其指归是中国新诗现代化。

    These papers aiming at the modernization of Chinese new poetry represent the highest level of China 's modernist poetic theory at that time .

  11. 中国民国时期书籍设计继承了中国传统文化精髓的同时,蕴含着文人参与创作的深厚的文化内涵,同时吸收外国设计思想和风格影响给我们展示了属于在那特定年代所别样的风采和生命力。

    While the absorption of foreign design ideas and style effects show us in that particular times which belongs to a different kind of style and vitality .

  12. 只有懒汉庸才才会留恋那大锅饭的年代。

    Only lazybones and mediocre persons could hanker after the days of messing together .

  13. 别再把它放在嘴里了,那是80年代。

    Never put it in the mouth . that 's '80s .

  14. 那是60年代一部老影片的更新版。

    It 's an update of an old60 's movie .

  15. 故事发生在两周前那是纯真年代

    Our story began two weeks ago , it was a simpler time .

  16. 那是70年代初期的事了。

    That was way back in the early seventies .

  17. 我早就告诉过你,那是六十年代的东西!

    Status Offline I told you it had to be from the sixties !

  18. 那是六十年代后期,

    This was in the late 1960 's ,

  19. 那是六十年代初期。现在的情况同那个时候完全不同了。

    But that was in the early sixties , and the situation today is completely different .

  20. 我深深地知道,在那战火纷飞的年代恰恰是这个丑陋无比的女人给了我巨大的帮助。

    I knew well it was this ugly woman who gave me a great help in the war-ridden years .

  21. 也许是痴,也许是傻,我却依然无可救药的迷恋的迷恋那纯真的年代。

    May be crazy , maybe stupid , but I remain an incurable obsession with the obsession that innocent era .

  22. 我们就该喊“拜拜小鸟”。那是六十年代的一台大型音乐剧。

    It 's gonna be " Bye Bye Birdie . " It 's a big musical from the ' 60s .

  23. 那是二十年代末,七月里的一个星期天,在这个阴雨天的早晨,爱迪和他的朋友们正在玩棒球。

    Take a rainy Sunday morning in July , in the late1920s , when Eddie and his friends are tossing a baseball .

  24. 在那久远的年代,一个女子去学医一定是相当困难的,这想法闪电般的划过我的脑海

    It struck me like lightning how difficult it must have been for a woman to get a medical training so long ago

  25. 那是六十年代后期,在个人电脑出现之前,所以这本书全部是用打字机、剪刀还有偏光镜制造的。

    This was in the late 1960 's , before personal computers and desktop publishing , so it was all made with typewriters , scissors , and polaroid cameras .

  26. 那是1960年代末期,个人计算机跟桌上出版还没发明,所有内容都是打字机、剪刀跟拍立得相机做出来的。

    This was in the late 1960 " s , before personal computers and desktop publishing , so it was all made with typewriters , scissors , and polaroid cameras .

  27. 那是四十年代初,我们相信自己已被抛弃,注定要摔倒、掉东西、遗忘、丧失理智。

    Back then , in the for ¬ ties , we believed we were already forsaken , destined to fall down , drop things , forget , and misplace our minds .

  28. 一个想法闪电般地划过我的脑海:在那久远的年代,当女性的教育总是被摆在第二位的时候,一个女子去学医一定是相当困难的。

    It struck me like lightning how difficult it must have been for a woman to get a medical training so long ago when women 's education was always placed second to men 's.

  29. 但他承认,20世纪有两场金融危机确实具有重要后果,那就是30年代的大萧条和二次世界大战后欧洲的经济崩溃。

    Yet he admits that two financial crises of the 20th century - the depression of the 1930s and economic collapse in Europe after the Second World War - did have important results .

  30. 我想到李白、杜甫在那遥远的年代,以一叶扁舟,搏浪急进,该是多么雄伟的搏斗,会激发诗人多少瑰丽的诗思啊!

    This makes me think of the poets Li Bai and Du Fu in those ancient days when they sailed upstream against the current and how such a magnificent struggle would stir the poets'imagination .