
  • 网络the Stonehenge;standing stone
  1. 上周六我们在一个叫史前巨石柱的地方野餐了。

    Last Saturday we had a picnic at a place called Stonehenge .

  2. 大约在同一时期的英国,充满智慧的劳动人民建造出了史前巨石柱。

    Around the same time , over in England , talented people constructed Stonehenge .

  3. 专家认为史前巨石柱的建造者知道设计,技术和声学的原理。

    Experts believe the builders of Stonehenge knew about design , engineering and sound .

  4. 丹:来看看史前巨石柱。

    Dan : Let 's look at Stonehenge .

  5. 你想仅仅通过意念来重新排列著名的英国史前巨石柱吗?

    HOW would you like to rearrange the famous sarsens of Stonehenge just by thinking about it ?

  6. 科学家称环形的石头称为史前巨石柱,它已经在英格兰屹立了最少400年了。

    Scientists say the circle of stones called Stonehenge has stood in England for at least four thousand years .

  7. 这些怪圈提高了源自史前巨石柱的神秘氛围,为Wiltshire8.5亿磅的旅游业作出了巨大贡献。

    The circles augment a mystical aura that emanates from Stonehenge , and that contributes hugely to Wiltshire 's £ 850m tourism industry .

  8. 有可能史前巨石柱之王与这些石头息息相关:他可能参与了这座纪念碑的策划,或者帮忙运输和竖起石头。

    It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones : he may have had a hand in planning the monument , or in helping transport and pull up the stones .