
  • 网络the historical method
  1. 此外,它还违背史学方法的基本准则,即史学家应敏感关注那些有可能驳倒其论点的反面事例。

    And it violates the basic tenet of historical method : that historians be alert to the negative instances that would refute their theses .

  2. 这一部分主要从史学评论的角度,提炼王夫之的史学方法,阐述其史论价值。

    Historical method was summed up from the view of historical comment and its historical value was expressed .

  3. 几种史学方法及其在医学史研究中的应用举隅

    The Historiography Methods and Application Sample in Medical History Research

  4. 使用的研究方法包括实证分析(事实证明的史学方法)、历史比较和制度分析。

    Research approaches include empirical analysis , historical comparison and institution theory .

  5. 熔入史学方法、现状考察与发展思考、民族情感

    Integrate history ways , current survey and development thinking , and national feelings

  6. 论史学方法体系的重建

    On Re-establishment of Historiography Method System

  7. 研究以文献学方法为主,结合数理统计学和口述史学方法。

    Philology is the main method in the research , together with mathematical statistics and dictation history .

  8. 并且在史学方法上提出更生之变与洗汰传统的史研新法。

    Promoting new methods for the research , such as the change of regeneracy and transformative tradition .

  9. 为什麽一位精于运用史学方法的学者,竟然会有评价这麽极端的结果?

    Why does a scholar who masters the methodology of historiography surprisingly have such extremely different evaluation results ?

  10. 论新史学方法在黄宾虹美术史论中的运用

    The Application of New History Studies Methodology in the Huang Binhong ' Theory of the History of Arts

  11. 从具体的个体及集团入手研究抽象的历史问题是他的史学方法(个体取向)。

    To study abstract history from the individual and group was his historical research method ( individual election ) .

  12. 他使用了社会学的研究方法,并结合传统的实证史学方法,也从中国史籍里面找一些材料。

    And he adopted sociological methodology combined with empirical study and some collected materials from Chinese literature of history study .

  13. 在方法上,公共历史学家在项目实践过程中主要采用了跨学科的研究方法、.亲身经历法、团队协作法、口述史学方法和心理史学方法。

    For the methods , the methods of public history are interdisciplinary , personal experiencing , teamwork , oral history and psychological history .

  14. 他有意识地运用哲学美学方法、心理学方法和史学方法综合考察和探究文学的审美性及其感人的艺术魅力。

    He reviewed and researched into the aesthetic or artic charm of literature from the views of philosophic , psychology and history consciously .

  15. 本文按时间顺序展开论述,拟运用风格学、比较学和社会学等美术史学方法进行较为全面和深入细致的分析研究,探讨林风眠戏曲画独特的艺术价值。

    This disquisition dissertate on time sequence , intending to make use of the art doctrine of comparative value 、 sociology 、 history , etc.

  16. 本课程目的是为使学生熟悉二十世纪史家在研究历史时所采用的各种不同的史学方法。

    This course is designed to acquaint students with a variety of approaches to the past used by historians writing in the twentieth century .

  17. 本文以马克思主义史学方法为指导,借鉴区域经济学和产业经济学的理论和研究方法,以吴江乡镇企业为个案进行研究。

    The thesis , directed by Marxist historic methods , is a study of case on Wujiang collective enterprise , using the ways of marketing and local economy .

  18. 此外,崔述治史有自觉追求证据确凿、逻辑严密的朴素理性主义精神,十分重视史学方法的总结。

    In addition , Cui Shu had the spirit of pursuing irrefutable evidence and close logic and paid much attention to the summary of methods of historical science .

  19. 同样的,既然学术界使用史学方法进行大众所熟悉之世俗世界的历史研究,尚且产生极大的错谬;

    With the application of historiographical method , the academia has made severe mistakes even in the historical research of the mundane world , which the public are familiar with ;

  20. 然而,叙事主义的历史哲学仍关心历史认识的逻辑、史学方法等问题,这些问题与分析的、批判的历史哲学存在着千丝万缕的联系。

    However , the narrative philosophy of history is still concerned about the historical understanding of the logic , historiography , and so on . These issues are inextricably linked with the analysis , critical philosophy of history .

  21. 梁启超:史学比较方法的倡导与实践

    Liang Qi-chao : Initiator and Practicer of the Comparative Approach in Historiography

  22. 历史人类学:中国史学研究方法的新诉求

    Historical Anthropology : New Trend of Study Style on History in China

  23. 法律史学研究方法问题商榷

    Some Problems on the Approaches of Law History Studies

  24. 是史学研究方法多样化的结果和反映;

    It is the result and reflection of diversification of historical research approach ;

  25. 试论李大钊的史学研究方法

    On Historical Studying Method of Li Dazhao

  26. 文章采用史学分析方法全面探讨了数学猜想的特点、类型,提出方法及解决方法。

    Using method of historical analysis , the paper analysed mathematical conjecture ' character , category , posing and solving methods .

  27. 本文大体上运用一般的史学研究方法,侧重于金融史与外交史、政治史研究相结合。

    The dissertation utilized generally historical methods , emphasized particularly on the integration between finance history and diplomatic history , political history .

  28. 运用史学比较方法,对秦始皇和汉武帝的功过是非进行了对比分析,全面揭示了他们从强盛之巅走向崩溃边缘的历史原因。

    A contrast on the merits and faults between Qin Shihuang and Han Wudi is made from the historical point of view .

  29. 在后现代语境下,艺术史学在方法上和观念上必然会走向更为多元的、开放的、多向度的舞台。

    In the postmodern context , the ideology and methodology of art history studies must move onto a multiple , open , and poly-dimensional stage .

  30. 研究方法上,本选题跨越历史学、经济学、马克思主义哲学等学科,力图运用比较史学的方法,结合各个学科的研究方法对此问题进行深入探讨。

    In research technique , this selected topic spans history , economic , Marxist philosophy and so on , therefore tries hard to utilize the comparison history research method , unifies each discipline the research technique to carry on the discussion to this question .