
  • 网络Prehistoric Settlement of Akrotiri
  1. 巨石阵是世界上保存最好的史前遗址之一。

    Stonehenge is one of the world 's best preserved pre-historic monuments .

  2. 中国北方史前遗址稻作遗存的植物硅酸体判别标准

    Phytolith diagnostic characteristics of rice remains at prehistoric settlements in North China

  3. 论安徽蒙城尉迟寺史前遗址聚落文化的审美体征

    On the Cultural Aesthetic Signs of the Yuchi Temple & Prehistoric Village sites of Mengcheng Anhui

  4. 以全方位呈现史前遗址,带动遗址发展,满足参观者多样的心理需求,吸引不同参观者。

    For a comprehensive picture of the prehistoric sites , driving development of sites to meet a variety of psychological needs of visitors , and to attract different visitors .

  5. 同时,考古研究周期过长,无法在短期内提供遗址完整、系统展示所需要的信息与空间,限制了展示工作,使得史前遗址的展示陷入了跋前踬后的状态。

    At the same time , the long cycle of archaeological research , can not supply sites the information and space for systematic and complete display in the short term .

  6. 据榆林市文物局在7月份发布的一份文件显示,该局曾敦促政府停止该项目。据悉,这一高速公路建设项目涉及到了6处长城文物遗址和48处史前遗址。

    The Yulin Bureau of Cultural Heritage urged authorities to halt the project , which involved six Great Wall relics sites and 48 prehistoric sites , according to a document issued by the bureau in July .

  7. 纽格莱奇墓被视为爱尔兰最古老最有名的史前遗址,它是由泥土、木头、黏土和石头于公元前3100年修建成的墓穴,比埃及金字塔还早1000年建成。

    Considered to be the oldest and most famous prehistoric site in all of Ireland , Newgrange is a tomb that was built from earth , wood , clay , and stone around 3100 BC , some 1000 years before the construction of the pyramids in Egypt .

  8. 科阿山谷的史前岩画遗址

    Prehistoric Rock Art Sites in the Coa Valley

  9. 宁绍地区史前文化遗址地理环境特征及相关问题探索

    A Discussion on the Geographical Environment Features of Prehistoric Sites in Ning bo-Shaoxing Area and the Relevant Problems

  10. 奥莫低谷位于图阿卡那湖附近,是世界上著名的史前文化遗址。

    A prehistoric site near Lake Turkana , the lower valley of the Omo is renowned the world over .

  11. 一个软体动物贝壳的收藏者和研究人员。史前考古遗址中一种重要的古气候信息载体:软体动物贝壳

    The Mollusc Shells : An Important Message Carrier for the Study of Ancient Climate in the Prehistorical Relics of Archaeology

  12. 本文通过对鲁中南山前平原西部9处史前文化遗址动植物遗存的综合分析,获得了有价值的史前环境信息。作者还根据史前遗址的分布复原了史前海岸线与鲁西地貌;

    By a comprehensive analysis to the faunal and floral remains from 9 prehistoric sites in the west part of plains in front of the mountains in the coddle-south Shandong Province , the authors obtained valuable information of prehistoric environment .

  13. 在史前期村落遗址找到的人工制品中有箭簇和陶器。

    Arrowheads and pottery were among the artifacts found at the site of the prehistoric village .

  14. 中亚旧石器时代早期文化是指距今300~200万年至30~20万年前的史前人类文化遗址。

    The culture of the early Paleolithic Period in Central Asia was the culture remains of primitive human beings from 2 or 3 million to 200 or 300 thousand years ago .

  15. 史前聚落与考古遗址

    Prehistoric Community and Ruins

  16. 对哈密及其邻近地区16处史前时期墓葬和遗址出土的234件铜器样品进行了金相检验与成分分析,并探讨了其合金成分与当地矿产的关系。

    234 copper and bronze artifacts from 16 prehistoric sites in Hami and its neighboring regions were examined and analyzed in this paper . The relationship between the compositions of alloys and local mines were also discussed here .

  17. 史前时期人类创造文明时所遗留下连续分布的遗迹与遗物,经过历史的沉淀后,转化成了在历史、艺术、科学等方面均有着重大价值的史前遗址。

    The continuous distribution of ruins and relics of prehistoric times were left behind by humans when they created civilization , after a history of precipitation , have translated into the prehistoric sites in terms of history , art , science are of great value .