
  • 网络Supplementary Signs;Auxiliary sign
  1. 那种将异剥钙榴岩片面地看成蛇绿岩的组成部分或者作为鉴别蛇绿岩辅助标志的观点需要改正。

    The viewpoint that rodingites are the end-member of ophiolite or the auxiliary sign for ophiolite discrimination needs to be corrected .

  2. 煤的热谱(DTA、DSC、TG)特征与煤的其他物化特征参数一样,是煤大分子结构特征的反映,可作为研究煤化作用的参考和无烟煤分类的辅助标志。

    The thermal spectra ( DSC , DTA , TG ) of coal , like other physical and chemical parameters of coal , can reflect the macromolecular structure of coal , which can be used as parameters for studying coalification and as supplementary indicators for the classification of anthracite .

  3. [目的]鳞状上皮细胞癌抗原(SCC-Ag)已广泛被采用于作为宫颈癌、食管癌、肺癌等的诊断、病情监测及预后判断的辅助标志。

    [ Objective ] Squamous cell carcinoma antigen ( SCC-Ag ) has been widely used in the clinical detection . The SCC-Ag level can be used as diagnosis , monitoring and auxiliary indicator of prognosis for cervical cancer , esophageal cancer and lung cancer .

  4. 放射性异常可以作为油气勘探的重要辅助标志。

    Radioactive abnormality can be taken as one of complimentary markers in oil and gas exploration .

  5. 因此,可以利用锆石、磷灰石、榍石的标型特征作为判别和划分花岗岩成因的辅助标志。

    Thus the typomorphic characteristics can be subsidiary signs to distinguish and classify the genesis of granites .

  6. 针对目标地层的时代判别与对比,作者除了运用传统的生物地层学和岩石地层学方法外,还成功地将泥岩矿物学和元素地球化学作为辅助标志应用其中。

    The authors distinguish and compare the strata by using not only biological stratigraphy and rock stratigraphy but also mudstone mineralogy and element geochemistry .

  7. 取得成果如下:1、根据杜家台油层沉积演化特点及测井响应特征,在曙四区识别了3个标志层和4个辅助标志层,对全区427口井进行进一步统层对比。

    According to the sedimentary evolvement of du jia tai reservoir and response of logging , it can be identified 3 main index beds and 4 assistant index beds at Shu 4th section , with 427 wells contrasted .

  8. 这些辅助标志层的发现为孤岛油田地层、构造、沉积与油气分布规律等研究奠定了重要基础。研究成果可作为油田开发中后期河流相小层划分对比研究工作的借鉴。

    The work lays an important foundation for the study on the stratigraphy , structure , sedimentation and oil distribution and will be used for the substratum division and correlation in the later period of the oil field .

  9. 有关地点将设置适当辅助交通标志,指导驾车人士。而巴士公司及专线小巴营办商亦张贴通告,通知乘客上述的临时安排。

    Appropriate traffic signs will be erected to guide motorists and notices will be displayed by bus companies and green minibus operators to advise passengers of the above temporary arrangements .

  10. 目前临床上主要通过直接观察超声图像中射频消融区域的病灶大小、回声特性、周围血管组织等变化并辅助肿瘤标志物水平的检查、穿刺活检、术后随机寻访等手段进行复查。

    At present , doctors primarily directly observed the changes of the surrounding vascular tissues , size and echo characteristics of RFA region , assisted by such means as biopsy and random visiting to evaluate the effect of radiofrequency ablation treatment .

  11. 计算机辅助乙型肝炎病毒标志物检测系统的建立

    Establishment of computer-aided system for detection of hepatitis virus markers

  12. 提供有关步骤,说明如何设置选项以显示或隐藏编辑辅助工具,如标志符号和不可见元素的边框。

    Provides steps for setting options to show or hide editing aids such as glyphs and borders around non-visible elements .