
  • 网络ancillary service market
  1. 发电商既可以在双边合同市场中进行电力交易,也可以在日前市场的实时电能市场和辅助服务市场进行电力交易。

    Generator can sell energy in bilateral market and day-ahead auction market including the spot energy market and ancillary service market .

  2. 随着辅助服务市场的建立和完善,抽水蓄能电站的动态效益将得到有效补偿,其财务生存能力和竞争力将进一步提高。

    Along with the establishment and perfection of ancillary service market , the dynamic benefit of PS stations will be effectively compensated and their financial viability and competitive power can be further improved .

  3. 备用容量辅助服务市场的可中断负荷(IL)管理数学模型;

    The model of interruptable load in reserve market ;

  4. 因此,需求侧可中断负荷(IL)和发电侧备用容量一样,都可作为系统的备用容量参与辅助服务市场。

    Therefore , both the interruptible load ( IL ) of demand side and the reserve capacity of generation side can be involved in ancillary services markets as system reserve .

  5. 该文研究建立了二级备用(即非旋转备用,或称运行备用)容量辅助服务市场中的可中断负荷(以下简称IL招标数学模型。

    In this paper some research work is done to set up a tender mathematic model of interrupted load ( IL , for short ) in the secondary reserve market .

  6. 为了适应现代电力市场环境的要求,提出一种新的以TBC为基础、满足二次辅助服务市场开放要求的区域间AGC改进模式。

    For satisfying the requests of modern power market environment , this paper addresses a new improved AGC mode , which is based on TBC and may satisfy the open requirement of the secondary auxiliary service market .

  7. 备用辅助服务市场的组织与交易决策

    Organization and trading decision of reserve service market for power systems

  8. 二级备用辅助服务市场中可中断负荷管理模型研究

    A study on management model of secondary reserve for ancillary services market

  9. 电力辅助服务市场下的核蓄组合投资分析

    Integrate Invest Analysis of Nuclear Power Plant and Pumped Storage Hydro-Power Plant Based on Ancillary Services Market

  10. 从美国加州电力辅助服务市场的表现,分析了其辅助服务市场存在的问题。

    The problems in California Ancillary Services market are analyzed in accord with this market 's performances .

  11. 发电市场与辅助服务市场协调优化调度的数学模型和一种由顺序调度法与同时调度法结合而成的最优协调调度方法;

    The optimally coordinated model of energy and ancillary services , and the method which combines the sequential dispatch and the simultaneous dispatch ;

  12. 比较了以美国加州和英格兰威尔士为代表的两大类运行备用辅助服务市场,认为英格兰威尔士模式对我国初期的电力市场更有参考价值。

    Two kinds of ancillary service ( AS ) market modes for operating reserve . California 's and UK ' s. are compared .

  13. 以双边交易为主导的电力批发市场需要建立良好运作的辅助服务市场;

    It is essential to make ancillary services market operating effectively when bilateral transactions are in the leading position in the wholesale market ;

  14. 本文首次提出了一个新的无功电力市场运营模式&统一优化补偿型无功电力市场,即采用优化潮流进行统一计算和统一补偿的无功辅助服务市场模式。

    This paper presents a new concept for reactive power market model , that is the reactive power market based on optimal consolidated compensation .

  15. 在电力市场多级多元化的背景下,随着各种电力辅助服务市场的开放,研究机组所涵盖的有功、无功、备用等多种电力交易商品如何在多个市场中实现最优分配意义重大。

    In a multistage and multilevel power market , it is necessary to research on how to jointly optimize primary energy and ancillary service bidding for maximizing profit .

  16. 在电力市场交易中,如果发电商故意隐瞒可用发电容量或者抬高报价,将会损害辅助服务市场和实时平衡市场的竞争效率。

    In prevailing electricity trade models , the capacity withdraw and strategic bidding price of generators can damage the competition efficiency in the ancillary services market and real-time market .

  17. 无功服务是保证系统安全稳定运行的有效手段,而无功电价又是辅助服务市场定价的基础。

    Reactive power service is an effective measure to ensure the safe and steady operation of power system , and the reactive power price is the base of reactive power market .

  18. 本文就是在这种背景下,对电力市场环境下的辅助服务市场的相关理论进行了研究,形成了一套系统的理论体系,并就某些研究成果进行了实证研究。

    Under this background , this paper studies the relevant theories of ancillary service ( AS ) market , forms a theoretical system , and carries on the positive research on some results .

  19. 文中首先对国外的电力市场情况进行了充分的研究,分析了国外电力市场的先进经验,尤其对国外电力市场的辅助服务市场部分。

    In this paper , firstly , we have made many researches on position about electricity market at abroad and home and analyzed the good experience of developed countries especially in ancillary service market .

  20. 东北区域电力市场的电力交易体系应由合约电量市场、日前和实时电量市场、双边交易市场、发电权市场及辅助服务市场构成;

    The electric transaction system of northeast regional electric market should include : contract electric consumption market , previous-day and real-time electric consumption market , bilateral transaction market , electricity generation right market and auxiliary services market .

  21. 通过实例得出这个辅助服务市场招标与交易的新方法能够明显减少辅助服务的总成本。采用这个新方法可以使市场运营管理机构通过招标得到最优的辅助服务方案,同时遵守给定的辅助服务市场规则。

    Through the case , it can be concluded that the new bidding method of ancillary services is able to apparently reduce the total cost of ancillary services , and the management department can get the optimal plan through the bidding , while subjects to the market rules .

  22. 目前,我国还未建立辅助服务交易市场,为了激励辅助服务发展,应按成本和合理收益进行补偿。

    Since the ancillary service market has not been established in China , the ancillary service should be compensated based on its cost and reasonable benefits in order to promote its development .

  23. 计及辅助服务的发电市场日交易计划的研究

    Research on daily trading plan considering ancillary service in power market

  24. 备用辅助服务是电力市场环境下保证电力系统安全稳定运行的重要环节。

    Reserve ancillary services are important guarantee for safe and stable operation of power system in power market .

  25. 辅助服务是电力市场最重要的特征之一,在保障电力系统稳定和电能质量方面起着至关重要的作用。

    As one of the most important features in power market , ancillary service plays a critical role in ensuring the stability of power system and the quality of power energy .

  26. 在新的电力市场竞争环境下,从技术与经济的角度,为保证电网经济可靠运行而提供的维护频率、电压稳定的服务,即电力辅助服务,在市场化运营中,必须计及。

    Under new competitive market environment , ASM , the service of maintaining the stability of frequency and voltage to ensure stable and economical operation of the power grid from technical and economic views must be involved in the market oriented operation .

  27. 介绍了辅助服务的基本概念、分类、考核指标以及影响因素,分析了辅助服务的构成以及辅助服务在电力市场下的框架结构。

    The article introduces the basic concepts of ancillary services , classification , assessment indicators and influence factors of the composition of the ancillary services and ancillary services in the electricity market under the framework .

  28. 本论文把新型的辅助服务理论与我国的改革实践相结合,主要对以下几方面进行了研究:1.独立于主市场(电能市场)之外的辅助服务市场结构;

    This paper integrates the new ancillary services theories and the practice in our power industry reform and focuses on the following contents : 1 . The structure of the ancillary services markets which are independent on the energy market ;