
  1. 但是价格的降低使得生产成本显得相对提高,那么合同商就会通过降低生产成本来保证利润,而导致了质量比较低的供电服务。

    But the price reducing causes the production cost relatively higher .

  2. 解析供电服务供给与需求的平衡点

    Resolution to The Balance Point Between Supply and Demand in Power Service

  3. 基于模糊熵综合评价法的供电服务质量对比分析

    Comparative Analysis of Power Supply Service Quality Based on Fuzzy-entropy Comprehensive Evaluation

  4. 供电服务质量评价方法研究

    Research on assessment method for power supply service quality

  5. 城市住宅供电服务中若干问题的探讨

    Discussion on Problems Existing in Urban Residence Power Supply

  6. 供电服务质量外部评价指标体系及模型研究

    Study on External Evaluation Index Systems and Model of Power Supply Service Quality

  7. 基于服务蓝图技术的供电服务质量外部评价

    External evaluation of electric power supply service quality based on service blueprint technology

  8. 六西格玛管理法在供电服务中的应用

    Six-sigma Management Used in Power Supply Service

  9. 供电服务质量综合评价理论与实证研究

    Study on Service Quality Comprehensive Evaluation Theory and Its Application in Power Supply Enterprise in China

  10. 电能质量和供电服务的特点,对供电企业的生存产生直接影响。

    The quality of power supply and power supply service quality , directly affects the power supply enterprise survival .

  11. 本文介绍了一套基于营销数据的供电服务质量提升及事故预控系统的结构及功能特点。

    In this paper we describe a service promotion and accident pre-control system and its structure and function characteristic .

  12. 国家电网公司于2007年提出供电服务品质评价办法,使得供电服务成为行业研究的主题。

    China State Grid Corporation proposed electricity service quality evaluation methods in 2007 , making power supply services become the industry study subject .

  13. 论证了从客户出发,自下到上、自终端解决消化矛盾的全新供电服务营销策略。

    The new supply service marketing Strategy that starting from the customer , bottom-up , resolving and digesting contradictions from the terminal is demonstrated .

  14. 在价格策略上,电价政策变动频繁,营业性服务收费政策滞后,临时性供电服务政策缺省。

    In the price strategy , electrovalency policy is fluctuant and frequent , business services charges policy lag , temporary power supply service policy default .

  15. 微网灵活的运行方式、高质量的供电服务以及绿色高效的经济性能,使其成为了各国研究的热点。

    Flexible operation of the micro-grid and high-quality power supply services as well as green and efficient economic performance , making it a national research focus .

  16. 内部评价是供电服务质量综合评价体系中的重要组成部分,以供电服务项目为基础,构建了一套涵盖电力客户服务各业务流程的服务质量内部评价指标体系。

    Currently , while most enterprises in China adopt Operation Guide for Performance Evaluation issued in2002 , there is not a united internal performance evaluation system in the group .

  17. 在第三章中,分别从政治环境、经济环境、社会环境及技术环境来探讨供电服务的宏观环境,并深入对重庆市供电服务质量的现状进行调查,为后续研究打下基础。

    In the chapter three , it analyzes the political environment , economic environment , social environment and technical environment , and investigates the status of supply services in Chongqing .

  18. 服务经济时代的到来,市场竞争的日益激烈,供电服务成为社会关注的焦点,服务质量成为服务竞争的关键因素。

    Along with the coming of service economy era , market competition becomes more and more fierce . Whole society focus on service . The quality of service is the key factor of competition .

  19. 二是在定价方面,成本状态不构成电价的决定因素,电力部门通过交叉补贴的方法,只向消费者提供单一价格的供电服务。

    Two , on the aspect of price making , the cost is not the deciding factor . The power administration only provides the single price service to the customers with the method of allowance .

  20. 对电能质量进行综合评估得出的量化描述结果,可以作为用户选择供电服务的参考依据,有利于最终实现电能按质定价。

    The quantified description from power quality synthetic evaluation is available for reference to the consumers in choosing the power suppliers , and it is also beneficial to fix the price according to the quality of electric energy .

  21. 随着国内电力市场的迅速扩展,供电服务行业将面临激烈的竞争,用电营销的信息化进程逐步加快,用电营销管理系统的使用与发展成为必然。

    With the rapid increase of domestic electric power market , power supply service industries will face fierce competition , the power marketing informationization gradually accelerated , the use of the power marketing management system and development become inevitable .

  22. 电力系统负荷预测关系到电力规划、生产计划、调度、营销等各专业工作,对于我们提升电网安全运行能力,保障优质供电服务意义重大。

    Load forecasting for electric power system relates to the power scheduling , production planning , dispatching , marketing and other professional work , so it is significant to raise the ability to ensure safe operation of power grid and power supply quality .

  23. 建立以呼叫系统为中心的客户服务技术支持系统,全面提升电力客户服务水平,是新形势下供电服务亟待解决的关键问题。

    Improving the overall service level for the customer is a crucial issue needed to be settled immediately under the new situation . This issue could be resolved by establishing the customer service supporting system that taking the calling system as the center .

  24. 开展顾客满意度测评工作,帮助供电服务公司发现问题和影响电力供应服务质量的因素,它可以提高措施的针对性,进一步提高电力供应质量的服务及时的发展。

    Develop the power supply enterprise customer satisfaction assessment work , can help power supply enterprises find power supply service problems in power and influence the quality of service of various factors , thus can promptly formulate pertinently improvement measures , further enhances the power supply service quality .

  25. 网络结构的确定,决定了中压配电网络最本质的东西,对其能否提供安全优质的供电服务具有重要的意义,使得网络结构的选择成为中压配电网规划过程中一个亟待解决的问题。

    Determination of network structure determines the most essential things of the medium voltage distribution network . It has great significance to provide safe and high quality supply service . Therefore , the choice of network structure has been an urgent solution Problem of the medium voltage distribution network planning .

  26. 宿迁市供电公司服务营销与流程再造

    Services Marketing and Process Reengineering in Su Qian Power Supply Company

  27. 提高供电企业服务质量初探

    On Standardization of Service Quality of Power - supplying Enterprises

  28. 浅议供电企业服务文化的建设

    Discussion on the Construction of Power-supply Enterprises ' " Service Culture "

  29. 廊坊供电客户服务系统在建设上采用一级模式,减少了中间环节。

    Langfang Power Supply Customer Service System adopts the mode to directly face users , save intermediate links .

  30. 该公司将此次行风评议工作作为对供电优质服务的一次大检阅。

    The company will be the work of the professional climate appraisal services as an overall review of the power supply .