
  1. 另外,基于我们所提出的Agent混合式结构,给出了一个典型的系统应用原型&基于多Agent合作的供应链电子商务系统原型。

    In the end , a classic prototype based on the agent structure is provided .

  2. 目前在此基础上分别从产业结构、市场和产品专长、组织发展三个方面构建了农业供应链电子商务解决方案的成功策略。

    On this basis , this paper discusses several successful strategies for in this area in terms of industry structure , market and product expertise and the development of organization .

  3. 第四,设计了基于Agent的电信企业供应链和电子商务模型,最后扩展到基于MAS的动态企业建模。

    Finally , this paper designs a telecom enterprise supply chain and an electronic commerce model based on agent which are expanded to dynamic enterprise modeling based on MAS .

  4. e化供应链是电子商务B2B模式的进一步延伸,如何低成本地实现企业间信息平台的无缝连接是实现e化供应链的关键。

    E-supply chain management is the extension of B2B model of e-commerce , the key to the success of e-supply chain management is to realize the seamless connection of the information platform between enterprises .

  5. 供应链与电子商务环境下的仓储信息化建设

    Stock Information System Based on Supply Chain and E-Commerce

  6. 构建面向供应链的电子商务交易平台

    Establishment of Supply Chain-oriented E-business Platform

  7. 阐述了我国企业间电子商务存在的问题,从电子商务供应链、电子商务中介体系等方面,提出了相应的对策。

    This paper expounds the existing problems of B2B in China , and advances the corresponding countermeasures from the aspects of electronic business supply chain , electronic business intermediate system , etc.

  8. 影响农业供应链中电子商务发展的三个决定性因素:产业结构、产品复杂性、农产品交易的高接触性。

    This paper analyses three dominant factors influencing the development of B2B e-commerce in agriculture supply chain , including industry structure , product complexity and high-touch nature of agriculture product transactions .

  9. 一种基于Agent支持电子供应链和B2B电子商务的工作流模型

    A workflow model supporting e-supply chain and B to B e-commerce based on agent

  10. 供应链与B2B电子商务:基于分布式工作流系统的方案研究

    Supply Chain and B2B Electronic Commerce : A Study on the Distributed Workflow System Based Solution

  11. 试图从供应链角度提出电子商务物流的特点,并阐述最具代表性的CPFR、QR、3PL/4PL物流模型。

    The article is concentrating on these features from Supply Chain , and expatiates on CPFR , QR , 3PL / 4PL , the representative logistics models .

  12. 曾鸣坚称:整个供应链将以电子商务为依托。

    The entire supply chain will sit on e-commerce , insists Mr Zeng .

  13. 供应链管理的电子商务技术支持

    Technical Support of Electronic Commerce for Supply Chain Management

  14. 构建供应链,发展电子商务,是我国船舶出口适应国际化的需要。

    It is the necessity of internationalization for China to construct the supply chain and develope-commence .

  15. 它们通常缺乏紧密结合的关键功能,如供应链管理、电子商务和客户关系等。

    They generally lack tightly integrated key functionality , such as supply chain management , e-commerce , and customer interaction .

  16. 供应链管理和电子商务是建筑企业节约成本、缩短工期、提高质量的有效方法。

    Supply chain management and e-business are efficient ways for construction enterprises to reduce cost of , shorten time limit for and improve quality of engineering projects .

  17. 此外,本文通过算例证明当市场需求越大时,生产规模大的企业越能体现其规模优势,在供应链中引入电子商务零售业态也就越适用。

    Furthermore , it is proved that when there is more demand in the market , the supply chain with larger production ability behaves better , and the electronic commerce is more applicable .

  18. 论文系统考察和深入探究了供应链管理在电子商务中的理论发展和方法创新以推动供应链管理的正确认识和科学发展。

    For the sake of promoting the precise cognition and scientific development of SCM , this paper deeply and systematically explored the theory evolution and method innovation for the SCM in E-Business field .

  19. 本文分析了供应链管理和电子商务之间的关系,论述了汽车产业供应链管理电子商务化的必要性和可行性,在此基础上,进一步提出中国汽车产业的应对策略。

    The article analyzes the relationship between SCM and EC , discusses the necessity and feasibility of electronic commercialized SCM of automobile industry , and on this base puts forward the countermeasures of Chinese automobile industry .

  20. 本文介绍了整合企业资源计划、客户关系管理和供应链管理的电子商务模式,分析实施电子商务的企业经营特点,提出了传统企业在开展电子商务的一些策略。

    This paper introduces e - business model of integration about enterprise resource plan , custom relation management and supply chain management . It analyzes management features of enterprises which have implemented e - business , also puts forward some strategies for developing e - business in traditional enterprises .

  21. 供应链和ERP在电子商务模拟教学系统中的应用

    Realization of Supply Chain & ERP in EC Simulation Training System

  22. 第五章基于供应链管理的B2B电子商务系统的实现。

    Chapter V : Implements the B2B B-Commerce System based on SCM .

  23. 在本文中,对大型连锁超市集团的基于供应链管理的B2B电子商务系统做了深入的分析,对系统的两大部分连锁超市管理信息系统及供应链管理系统作了全面的分析。

    Etc of this solution . A further discussion on the B-Commerce System based on Supply Chain Management of large supper-market chain is proposed .

  24. 面向供应链管理的汽车电子商务应用模式

    Application Mode of Auto Electronic Business Facing Supply Chain Management

  25. 精益供应链管理中的电子商务化研究

    Research on Electronic Commercialized of Lean SCM

  26. 本文针对中小纺织服装企业的现状与特征,对其供应链管理模式下电子商务的运营进行了探讨。

    This essay has carried on the study on the electronic commerce under supply chain Management of medium small spinning clothing enterprises aiming at their present condition and characteristics .

  27. 信息技术的高速发展,强烈冲击着传统的供应链管理模式,电子商务环境促进了供应链中信息流的改善,使各环节实现信息共享。

    The fast developing information technology strongly lashes the traditional supply chain management model and deeply transforms the supply chain information management . In the environment of E commerce , the information flow has been improved and the information is shared .

  28. 今天企业推行供应链管理必然面临电子商务这一新的环境,只有促进电子商务环境下供应链管理的优化,才能给企业带来更大的效率和效益。

    Nowadays , when modern business enterprises promote a supply chain , they have to face a new surrounding including electronic-commerce , and if enterprises want gain a greater efficiency and better performance , they should optimize the SCM under EC environment .

  29. 本文在研究供应链管理基本理论及电子商务特别是企业间的电子商务理论的基础上,分析了如何在大型连锁超市集团实施基于供应链管理的电子商务系统。

    Based on the research of Supply Chain Management theory and E-Commerce theory , especially in Business to Business B-Commerce , this paper analyses the deployment of the E-Commerce System based on Supply Chain Management of large supper-market chain .

  30. 本文以B2B电子商务环境下的供应链为研究对象,针对传统供应链在B2B电子商务环境下产生的变化,探讨了在这个特定环境下供应链协调的机制和策略。

    This thesis discusses the coordination policies and mechanisms of supply chain under the environment of B2B E-Business in order to promote enterprises ' performance .