
  • 网络price cap;Price Ceiling;Ceiling price
  1. 苹果的iPad为平板电脑设置了一个价格上限,因此安卓厂商都在跌跌撞撞地寻找自己的价格点。

    Apple set a price ceiling and everybody stumbled and searched for the right price point .

  2. 纽特金里奇(newtgingrich)正在做出保证:如果他成为总统,将制定每加仑2.5美元的价格上限。

    Newt Gingrich is guaranteeing to deliver a price ceiling of $ 2.50 a gallon if he becomes president .

  3. 对价格上限规制公式的生产效率因素X值进行计算,并与国外的情况进行比较分析,判断我国电信业的X值水平。

    It has calculated the productive efficiency factor X value of formula and compared with foreign countries , and then makes a judgment on the level of X value .

  4. 迄今为止,欧盟政界人士的对策是对呼叫、短信和每兆字节(MB)的下载数据设置价格上限。

    Until now , EU politicians have dealt with this by setting maximum prices for calls and texts , as well as for each megabyte of data downloaded .

  5. 分别对这种债券设置了CERs价格上限、下限和双限,并与常数利率下的定价研究进行了比较。

    Then set up CERs price cap , lower and double limit on this bond .

  6. 价格上限是电力市场化改革的简单产物。

    Price cap is a natural by-product of power industry restructuring .

  7. 4政府要有比设置价格上限更为有效合理的监管手段。

    Implementing more effective regulation measures than just setting the price caps .

  8. 价格上限对市场结构和社会福利的影响

    The Impact Caused by Price Ceiling on Market Structure and Social Welfare

  9. 基于改进价格上限的输配电价监管模型

    Research on Power Supply Price Regulation Based on Improved Price Cap Model

  10. 从激励角度看,价格上限规制的效率最高。

    From those view , PC regulation is high power incentive scheme .

  11. 消费者从价格上限中能获利多少尚不明朗。

    Just how much customers will gain from price caps is unclear .

  12. 电力市场合理价格上限之确定

    Setting reasonable price cap in electricity market

  13. 价格上限是某种物品或劳务价格法定的最高限。

    A price ceiling is a legal maximum on the price of a good or service .

  14. 无须设置价格上限,自动抑制价格尖峰;

    No need to set price cap , and the price peak can be restrained automatically ;

  15. 价格上限规制相较于投资回报率规制来说具有更强的激励性。

    Price cap regulation has a stronger incentive than the rate of return regulation for investments .

  16. 事实上价格上限不能有效地抑制电价飞升和规避市场风险。

    In fact , price capping cannot suppress the price spikes and evade the market risks effectively .

  17. 有效的价格上限必须定于均衡价格之下。

    To be effective , price ceiling must be set below the equilibrium price ( Pe ) .

  18. 在电信业中,价格上限管制方式有取代公正报酬率管制方式的趋势。

    In telecom industry , the price-cap regulation system tends to take over the rate of return regulation .

  19. 指出了在价格上限管制等电信定价方法中也存在消费者之间和企业与消费者之间的不公平定价现象。

    It indicates that there existed unfair pricing situations using price-cap pricing among consumers and between the enterprise and consumers .

  20. 但这个过程的结果应该让市场明白了,私募股权投资公司其实也有价格上限。

    But the result of this process should teach the market that private equity firms do have actual price ceilings .

  21. 价格上限、产品同质性与成本竞争&对再生资源产业竞争问题的新解释

    Upper Limit of Price , Homogeneity and Cost Competition & New Explanation to the Competition Problem of Renewable Resources Industry

  22. 与垄断情形比较后发现,由于等待期权与价格上限两种效应相互抵消,完美竞争情形下的进入价格和垄断性企业的进入价格是相同的。

    Compared with the monopoly case , the entry price of a competitive firm is identical to that of a monopoly .

  23. 他证明,简单的政策规则(比如针对垄断企业设定价格上限)有时弊大于利。

    He showed that simple policy rules , such as capping prices for monopolies , sometimes did more harm than good .

  24. 在中国,价格上限已刺激国家炼油商更多出口到价格更高的海外,导致国内短缺。

    In China price caps have encouraged state refiners to sell more overseas where the price is higher leading to shortages at home .

  25. 尽管政府设置了食品价格上限,然而农民很有可能因此蒙受损失,从而致使农民转而从事其他行业的生产。

    If the government sets food prices though , millions of farmers are likely to suffer losses , driving them into other productions .

  26. 欧洲委员会不顾运营商的强烈反对,行将对漫游电话施行批量和零售价格上限。

    In the teeth of furious opposition from operators , the European Commission is close to imposing wholesale and retail price-caps on roaming calls .

  27. 再次,本文对投资回报率、价格上限和收入上限规制定价方式进行介绍与分析比较,根据我国电信价格规制现状并结合价格上限规制模型,尝试着设计了我国电信行业的价格上限规制模型。

    Thirdly , this paper introduces and analyzes the three methods of pricing of regulation & Return on Investment , Price Cap and Revenue Cap .

  28. 以往文献在均匀分配假定下探讨价格上限对市场结构和社会福利的影响。

    The past papers assuming consumer income to be evenly distributed use duopoly model for analyzing the impact on the social welfare caused by price ceiling .

  29. 由于信息不对称,目前的两部制电价以及传统的价格上限规制方法不能够有效地针对发电商的这种不完全竞争行为。

    Because of information imbalance , the Two-Part Pricing System and the high limit of price method in practice is not able to restrict the noncompetitive behavior .

  30. 第一,通过结合投资回报率和价格上限规制模型,引入药物经济学评价指标,建立了中国的药品价格规制模型。

    Firstly , the paper performs a pharmaceuticals price regulation model after analyzing applicability of Rate of Return and Price Cap regulation models and introducing pharmacoeconomics indexes .