
  1. 风险值(VaR)与压力测试都是衡量金融资产价格波动风险的重要工具。

    Both Value-at-Risk and stress testing loss are important measures for the financial market risk .

  2. 随着我国加入WTO后市场国际化进程的加快,大豆及其制品产业链中越来越多的生产、流通、加工等企业已直接面对国际竞争并陷入价格波动风险之中。

    With development of market internationalization after China entry into the WTO , enterprises of produce . circulation and process in industry chain of soybean and it 's products face international competition involved in risk of price wave .

  3. 作为一种理想的需求侧电价机制,通过结合与RTP相关的各类套期保值合同,RTP的价格波动风险可以在市场参与者之间合理分摊。

    As an ideal demand side tariff mechanism , the price volatility risk of RTP can be rationally shared among market participants by integrating various RTP-related hedge contracts .

  4. 第四部分采用自相关分析方法、GARCH族模型来研究上市商业银行股票收益与波动的相关性、聚集性、杠杆效应及股票价格波动风险与收益之间的关系。

    The fourth part is a auto-correlation method using GARCH family model to a listed commercial bank stock returns and volatility correlation , aggregation , leverage and stock price volatility of the relationship between risk and return .

  5. 研究成果认为,CDM卖方企业发行这种债券,能有效的规避CERs价格波动风险,克服传统的固定利率债券和浮动利率债券不能规避CERs价格波动风险的缺点。

    Researches show that , this bond , can effectively avoid the risk of price fluctuation of CERs , while the traditional fixed rate bonds and floating rate bonds cannot avoid CERs price fluctuation risk .

  6. 其中,房地产价格波动风险是最大的风险。

    The house price risk will be the main risk .

  7. 反抵押贷款与房地产价格波动风险

    Reverse Mortgage and House Price Risk

  8. 整个产业如何利用期货市场套期保值以规避价格波动风险,提高生产加工效益,具有非常重大的意义。

    How the entire industry to avoid the risk of price fluctuation by hedging is of great significance .

  9. 如何管理这些市场价格波动风险已成为航运企业财务管理和财务决策的新问题和新难点,如果不能有效管理这些市场风险,将极大地影响我国航运企业的长期稳定发展。

    These market risks have brought a series of questions for the shipping enterprise 's financial control and the financial decision-making .

  10. 为了避免价格波动风险,有效的手段之一就是在期货市场进行套期保值交易。

    To avoid price fluctuating risks , one of the effective methods is to carry out hedging trade in futures market .

  11. 因此,企业选择期货市场管理原材料、产成品等的价格波动风险成为必然。

    Therefore , the risks of the price fluctuation from the hedging management , manufactured goods , and others became necessity .

  12. 反抵押贷款机构所面临的风险中包括道德风险、房地产价格波动风险、利率风险等。

    Future reverse mortgage institutions will face moral hazard , interest risk , longevity risk , political risk and house price risk .

  13. 在这样的市场环境中,矿产企业既要规避价格波动风险,又要实现获利目标,当然需要规避价格风险的工具。

    In such market circumstances , mining enterprises need a tool which can help them avoid risk of price fluctuation and achieve profit target .

  14. 这种买卖是由转移价格波动风险的生产经营者和承受价格风险而获利的风险投资者参加的。

    This kind of trade is provided to the production operators which shift the price fluctuations and the ventures which get profits from risk .

  15. 随着菜油期货在郑州交易所的上市,油菜产业有了规避现货价格波动风险的渠道。

    As the rape oil listed on Zhengzhou commodity exchange market ( ZCE ), the rape industry found way to avoid the spot price risk .

  16. 期货市场是重要的风险管理场所,利用其套期保值功能可以规避棉花现货价格波动风险。

    Futures market is an important risk management area in which the use of hedging function of its stock to avoid price fluctuations of cotton .

  17. 一方面,我们要应对国内市场化带来的价格波动风险,另一方面,要应对参与国际市场的风险。

    On the one hand , we must cope with the price risk brought by the domestic market , on the other hand , the international market .

  18. 最终帮助农户与大豆加工企业规避现货市场价格波动风险,从而提升国内大豆竞争力,保障民族大豆产业的发展。

    Ultimately help farmers and soybean processors to avoid the spot market price fluctuations , so as to enhance the competitiveness of the domestic soybean , to protect national soybean industry .

  19. 后来,大宗商品还开发出了衍生品合约,先是场外掉期合约,接着是期货合约,让消费者和生产商得以对冲价格波动风险。

    At a later stage , the commodities also developed derivatives contracts , with consumers and producers hedging the risk of volatile prices with over-the-counter swaps and , later , futures contracts .

  20. 股指期货的基本功能之一是套期保值,套期保值者可以利用期货合约进行风险管理,降低或转移不利的价格波动风险。

    One of the basic functions of the stock index futures is hedging . Hedgers can use a futures contract to manage risk , reduce or transfer the adverse price fluctuation risk .

  21. 煤基燃料项目将面临国际原油市场价格波动风险、国内煤炭市场价格波动风险以及国家产业政策等风险。

    The project of coal-based fuel will face price risks both from the international crude oil market and the local coal market , and risks of RMB exchange rate and national industry policy .

  22. 套期保值者进行套期保值交易的目的是转移现货市场上的价格波动风险,套期保值交易效果常常受基差变动的影响,所以,基差风险的存在会影响套期保值交易效果。

    The purpose of hedge transaction is hedger transfer risk of price fluctuation on spot market . The result of hedge is usually affected by basis change . So basis risk can change the result of hedge .

  23. 有色金属期货市场有利于有色企业建立现代的经营管理机制,它主要表现为现货市场可利用期货市场回避价格波动风险和利用期货市场价格发现功能科学管理企业。

    The futures market is helpful for nonferrous metals industry to build modern managerial and administrative mechanism . It mainly finds expression in that cash market can take advantage of the function of price risk avoiding and price forecasting of futures market to manage the industry scientifically .

  24. 本文首先从电力市场的特殊性出发对市场风险进行识别,针对市场成员面临的价格波动风险,本文尝试着将保险机制引入到电力市场中。

    This paper first studies on Risk Identification in electricity market based on the special characteristic about electricity . According to the fierce risk on fast fluctuation of electricity price faced by electricity market participants , this paper tries to introduce the mechanism of insurance into electricity market .

  25. 通过构建保护价+期权模式下的SD模型并对模型进行仿真模拟,可以看出通过购买期权公司可以在一定程度上化解市场价格波动的风险,使利润趋于稳定。

    It constructs a " protective price + options " SD model and simulates it . From the results it can be seen that the company can dissolve market risk of price fluctuation to a certain extent through the purchase of options and achieve stable profit .

  26. 或因对主要大宗商品价格波动的风险敞口而倒闭;

    or they crash thanks to exposure to major commodity price swings ;

  27. 通过套期保值操作,可以在很大程度上规避价格波动的风险。

    Through hedging operations , enterprises can largely avoid the risk of price fluctuations .

  28. 为此国际市场推出了黄金期货,让投资者可以借这一衍生产品来规避黄金价格波动的风险。

    To hedge the fluctuation of gold price , the gold futures came to the market .

  29. 利用期货市场套期保值策略,企业可以避免或减少现货价格波动的风险。

    With the help of futures hedging , the business can avoid or minimize spot price risks .

  30. 投资风险因素无法解除,有时高于直接投资风险,承担基金价格波动的风险。

    The latter lies in being unable to avoid factors of investment risks and acceplance of risks of fluctuations in prices .