
  1. 也许百思买可以支撑到亚马逊开始以盈利价格收费的那一天?

    Perhaps best buy can stay on its feet until Amazon starts charging prices at which it can make a profit ?

  2. 制定实行市场调节价的商品价格和收费标准;

    Set and implement market adjusted commodity prices and service fee rates ;

  3. 进一步开展价格和收费专项整治。

    Prices and fees need to be rectified .

  4. 市场调节价是指由生产者、营者制定的商品价格和收费标准。

    Market adjusted prices refer to commodity prices and service fee rates determined by producers and sellers .

  5. 组织、监督本系统、本行业执行规定的商品价格和收费标准;

    Organize and supervise the implementation of stipulated commodity prices and service fee rates within the system and industries concerned ;

  6. 执行物价部门规定的商品价格和收费标准的申报、备案制度;

    Implement an application and record filing system for commodity prices and service fee rates , as stipulated by the commodity price departments ;

  7. 保险公司关联交易原则上不得偏离市场独立第三方的价格或者收费标准。

    In general , the related transactions of insurance companies shall not deviate from the prices or charging rates for the independent third party on the market .

  8. 第十条制定、调整商品价格和收费标准,必须按照国家规定的权限和程序执行。

    Article 10 Assessment and adjustment of commodity prices and service fee rates shall be conducted in accordance with their area of jurisdiction and the procedures as stipulated by the State .

  9. 对物流服务需求商而言,物流企业服务价格及收费标准的合理、公开可以大大降低由于信息不对称所引起的交易成本,使企业专注于核心业务。

    As to the logistic services demander , an open reasonable price could deeply decrease the deal costs which risen from information imbalance , also help them dedicated to their core business .

  10. 业主和物业公司应当对物业服务收费的项目、内容、价格、收费方式、代理收费等事项作出明确约定,以减少合同履行过程中产生的纠纷。

    Property owners and property companies should expressly agree on the project , content , price , charging method , agent fees matters of property service charges , to reduce disputes arising from the performance of the Property Services Contract .

  11. Rao说,他对达成一项允许该公司提高价格,增加收费的解决方案“相当有信心”。

    Rao , says he is " very confident " that a settlement will be reached allowing it to raise tariffs and extend its charges .

  12. 来自欧盟以外的国际学生尤其重要,因为英国学校可以按照市场价格向他们收费。

    International scholars those from outside the European Union are particularly important because they can be charged a market rate .

  13. 政府补贴、资源与能源价格、排污收费等政策是影响企业实施清洁生产的重要因素。

    Policies of government subsidy , prices of resource and energy , pollution charge and so on are important factors for a company to carry out cleaner production .

  14. 改革税制,强化对收入分配的宏观调控:价格上涨及收费制度的出台要充分考虑低收入户居民的承受能力;

    Reforming the tax system , strengthening the macro adjustment and control to income distribution ; Fully considering the low-income residents ' bearing ability when constitute the regulations for rise in price and charge ;

  15. 深化资源性产品价格和环保收费改革,作为节约能源资源、保护环境、实现可持续发展的重要举措。

    We will deepen the reform of prices for resource products and environmental protection charges . This is an important measure for conserving energy and resources , protecting the environment , and achieving sustainable development .

  16. 除了食物之外,投诉也针对暴涨的住宿价格和旅游点收费。

    Apart from food , complaints have also targeted skyrocketing prices for accommodation and fees at tourist sites .

  17. 中国民用航空总局近日表示,将逐步放开机票价格及行政性收费。

    The Civil Aviation Administration of China has pledged to gradually loosen control over air carriers ' ticket prices and administrative charges .

  18. 此外将团体的定价和收费分开,营销部确定门票价格,财务部收费,加强了监督。

    In addition , separates pricing from charging , Marketing Department prices the ticket and Financial Department charge , which strengthen the supervision .

  19. 报告还认为“通过价格机能、时段收费、和智能电网/先进测量方案来鼓励在低谷时段充电,培养适宜的充电行为”。

    " Rate design to encourage off-peak charging , coupled with time-of-use rates , and smart grid / advanced metering initiatives , would facilitate favorable charging behavior ," it said .

  20. 按照价格管理权限,规定商品和收费的作价原则、作价办法,制定、调整分管的商品价格和收费标准;

    Organize and supervise the implementation of State price guidelines , policies , laws and regulations within the system and industries concerned ;

  21. 入世后,国际市场价格对国内市场价格的冲击主要集中在国内的第三产业价格及收费和第一产业的农产品价格。

    The impact and negative influence on the domestic market price brough by the international market price after entering WTO , concentrates on the prices and fees in the domestic tertiary sector and the prices of agricultural goods in the primary sector .