
  1. 煤矿安全科技型企业C研究院蓝海战略研究

    The Study on Blue Ocean Strategy of Science and Technology Enterprise of Coal Mine Safety in C Research Institute

  2. 联合创始人阿里特斯•洛佩兹对《食客》说,创造出葡萄酒这种独特颜色的灵感源于W•钱•金写的《蓝海战略》,W•钱•金生于韩国,是一位商业理论家。

    Co-founder Aritz L ó pez told Eater that the inspiration for the unique color of the wine came from Blue Ocean Strategy , a book written by W. Chan Kim , a Korean-born business theorist .

  3. 如何打破瓶颈,找到属于自己的那片蓝海不单单是BHF公司想要解决的问题,也是诸多国内医药企业想要解决的问题。

    How to break the bottlenecks , and found to the blue sea , not only BHF company wants to solve the problem is also a number of domestic companies want to solve the problem .

  4. 运用蓝海策略,发展学校特色;

    Utilizes the blue ocean strategy , develops the school characteristic ;

  5. 长沙蓝海管理顾问有限公司发展战略研究

    The Research on the Development Strategy of Changsha Blue Ocean Company

  6. 拓展电视产业的内涵与外延&广东电视台红海与蓝海战略

    Industry Industry The Extended Connotation and Denotation of TV Industry

  7. 现代服务业&宽带无线移动互联网新的蓝海

    Modern Service-The New Blue Ocean of Wideband Wireless Mobile Internet

  8. 基于蓝海战略的企业战略理论新思维

    New Thinking of Enterprises ' Strategic Theory Basing on Blue Ocean Strategy

  9. 基于蓝海战略的建筑企业发展战略研究

    Strategic Thinking for Development of Construction Enterprises Based on Blue Ocean Strategy

  10. 你好,请问你们这里有《蓝海战略》吗?

    A.Hi , do you here have Blue Ocean Strategy ?

  11. 电子银行业务必将成为银行争抢的蓝海。

    Electronic banking proves to be a blue ocean for the banks .

  12. 企业人力资源战略的新选择&蓝海战略

    Blue Ocean Strategy is the New Choice of Enterprise Human Resource Strategy

  13. 奢侈:中国酒的新蓝海

    Luxury : the New Blue Ocean of Chinese Drink

  14. 蓝海战略给企业带来了新的战略思维模式。

    The " Blue Ocean " strategy brought new strategic thinking to enterprises .

  15. 军队医院门诊医疗服务管理中蓝海战略的应用初探

    Application on implementing blue ocean strategy of outpatient service management in military hospital

  16. 微小企业贷款:城市商业银行的蓝海战略

    Microfinance : Blue Ocean Strategy for City Commercial Banks

  17. 听钱·金教授讲蓝海战略

    Listen to Professor King Explaining the Blue sea Stratagem

  18. 寻找调味品市场的蓝海&记抚顺市独凤轩食品有限公司市场营销总监陈鑫

    Looking for the blue sea for seasoning market

  19. 开创蓝海的机会就在眼前。

    Blue ocean opportunities have been out there .

  20. 移动通信行业蓝海战略分析

    Analysis on Blue Ocean Strategy in Mobile Industry

  21. 从蓝海战略反思本土经济型酒店的价值创新

    Reflections over Value Innovation of Budget Hotels in China with the Blue Ocean Strategy

  22. 蓝海战略的理论精髓是规则再造与价值创新。

    The theoretic marrow of blue ocean strategy is rule reengineering and value innovation .

  23. 电力企业的蓝海战略

    The Blue Ocean Strategy for Power Company

  24. LG:巧克力带来的蓝海

    LG Blue Sea Brought by Chocolates

  25. 论《天府早报》改版失败与市场竞争的蓝海战略

    The Study on the Failed Revision of Tianfu Morning Paper and " Blue Sea " Competition

  26. 而价值创新又是蓝海战略的基石。

    At the same time they hold that value innovation is the cornerstone of Blue Ocean Strategy .

  27. 产业蓝海战略为传统产业获取经济运行效率提供了一种新的思路。

    This offers a kind of new thinking way for traditional industry to obtain economic operational efficiency .

  28. 第二部分:蓝海战略与保险公司内部审计之间的联系。

    The relation Between the blue ocean strategy and the interior audit of insurance company . 3 .

  29. 县域经济发展与县域农行蓝海战略研究

    Research on County Economy Development and ' Blue Sea Strategy ' of County Sub-branches of Agricultural Bank of China

  30. 应用蓝海战略理论,采用实证分析的办法,对葡萄酒行业的产品隐性需求挖掘与开发进行了研究。

    With Blue Ocean theory , we take an empirical research on demand mining and development of sherry wine industry .