
  • 网络Bluetooth Wireless Technology
  1. 一种蓝牙无线技术在报警监控系统中的应用设计

    A Kind of Application Design about Bluetooth Wireless Technology in Alarm Monitor System

  2. 他们想看一下人们是否能够通过蓝牙无线技术来分享视频。

    They wanted to see if people would share the video using Bluetooth wireless technology .

  3. 心脏会议上公布的单独研究发现蓝牙无线技术手机不对心脏设备构成威胁。

    A separate study presented at the heart conference found no danger to heart devices from cell phones equipped with Bluetooth wireless technology .

  4. 蓝牙无线技术是一种小范围无线电通信技术,旨在保持高安全级得基础上,在便携式设备与固定设备之间实现无线连接。

    Bluetooth wireless technology is a short-range communications technology intended to replacce the cables connecting portable and fixed devices while maintaining high levels of security .

  5. 设计了基于蓝牙无线技术的远距离控制电能表现场校验系统,阐述了该系统的工作原理、软硬件实现及通讯协议。

    Based on bluetooth technology , this paper designs a long-distance Watt-hour meter 's field test control system , describes working principle , implementation and communicating protocol .

  6. 介绍利用蓝牙无线技术,实现体育裁判信息收发和处理,具体介绍了裁判器的硬件实现方法,并给出了编程框图。

    The paper applies bluetooth technology to realize receiving-sending and handling of matches judging information , concretely presents hardware implementation of judging equipment , at last gives out programming block diagram .

  7. 戴维斯说这款裙子通过蓝牙无线技术最终连接到穿着者的手机上,所以即使在最喧闹的地方,穿着者也能被提示有来电。

    Davis said the dress is designed to eventually be connected to the wearer ' sphone by Bluetooth wireless technology , so she can be alerted to a call even in the noisiest places .

  8. 论文首先简介了制造系统、车间控制技术及蓝牙无线技术的发展现状及趋势,提出了本项目的研究意义;建立了基于分布式车间控制模式的系统通信模型;

    This paper first summarizes the situation and tendency of manufacture , workshop control and Bluetooth technology , indicates research significance of the project , then sets the corresponding communication model for the distributed control mode of workshop .

  9. 蓝牙无线通讯技术在AGV中的应用

    The Application of Bluetooth Technology in AGV

  10. 目的:将蓝牙无线传输技术应用于雷达式生命探测仪中,实现PDA对雷达的无线控制及两端数据的无线传输。

    Objective To put bluetooth wireless communication technology into the non-contact detection via radar for PDA control of radar and data wireless communication .

  11. 本论文旨在研究在Android移动平台下,基于蓝牙无线通信技术组建的无线局域网中,设计和开发一款对战类游戏模型的关键技术。

    This paper aims to study the key technology of design and develop a competitive played game model , based on a wireless local area network built with Bluetooth communication technology .

  12. 本文基于蓝牙无线传输技术设计了一个电能质量数据采集系统,并详细介绍了系统软硬件的开发流程。

    The paper proposed a solution of power quality data acquisition system based on bluetooth technology .

  13. 通过软硬件设计,将蓝牙无线通信技术引入汽车的CAN总线中,使后者能够通过无线传输方式连接到互联网上,从而实现两者的信息交换。

    Bluetooth is applied in the CAN bus of the vehicle by designing the soft and hard ware , which makes the later connect with Internet through the wireless way .

  14. 采用蓝牙无线通信技术来实现数据的采集,使得数据的采集和远程监测更为简单和方便,不受电缆布线限制和使用不便等问题,并且提高了数据采集的抗干扰性能。

    Data acquisition and remote monitoring with more conveniences are achieved by the blue teeth wireless communication technologies , avoiding the inconvenient usages and limitations brought by wire-arrangement , and in the meantime improving anti-interference capabilities for data collection .

  15. 近年来蓝牙产品和无线技术应用领域的不断扩大,加上CMOS工艺的持续发展,使得低成本CMOS单片集成无线接发器的研究与实现不仅具有现实经济价值,而且具有学术研究意义。

    In recent years , the expansion of Bluetooth products and wireless technology applications , and the continuous development of CMOS process , make the research and realization of low cost CMOS integrated wireless transceiver important not only in economics , but in academics .

  16. 蓝牙:无线医疗技术的未来?

    Bluetooth : The Future of Wireless Medical Technology ?

  17. 移动电子政务(MobileGovernment),主要是指无线通讯及移动技术在政府工作中的应用,通过诸如手机、PDA、WI-FI、蓝牙、无线网络等技术为公众提供服务。

    The Mobile Government means application of wireless communication and mobile technology in government work , which can service for public by mobile phone , PDA , WI-FI , Bluetooth and wireless network .

  18. 蓝牙短距离无线通信技术提供一种低功耗、低成本的无线连接,目前已经在手机、PDA、笔记本电脑等设备上广泛使用,市场对蓝牙研发人员的需求越来越迫切。

    Bluetooth short distance wireless communication technology is a low power , low cost solution for wireless connection , which has been widely used in mobile-phone , PDA , notebook and so on .

  19. 蓝牙短距离无线通信技术

    Bluetooth : a New Short-range Wireless Communication Technique

  20. 介绍了蓝牙短距离无线通信技术的特点、体系结构中的协议以及目前的主要应用;

    The paper introduces the technical characteristics , the protocol architecture and the application of bluetooth ;

  21. 蓝牙技术是无线联网技术中发展最快,也是最有前途的一个分支。

    Bluetooth technique is the most promising branch whose development is the fastest in the wireless network technique .

  22. 介绍了蓝牙这一无线网络技术,主要阐述了蓝牙的技术特点、系统功能和应用。

    This article introduces the wireless network technology of Bluetooth , and explaines mainly the Bluetooth technic characteristics , system function and application .

  23. 蓝牙近距离无线传输技术,既适合在办公室的环境下使用,也可以在比较嘈杂的工厂环境下使用。

    The Bluetooth wireless transmission technology , as one of the short-range radio communication technology , can be used in both industrial and office environment .

  24. 谷歌定价200美元的OnHub路由器包含蓝牙和其他无线连接技术,意味着它将能够控制家庭内的“物联网”。如今,越来越多的消费者购买了无线音箱、恒温器和监控摄像头等可连接外设。

    The inclusion of Bluetooth and other methods of wireless connectivity means Google 's $ 200 OnHub will be able to control the " internet of things " inside the home as more consumers buy connected peripherals such as wireless speakers , thermostats and security cameras .

  25. 蓝牙2.1是对于蓝牙无线技术和Windows立即连接(WCN)Wi-Fi配置的最新规定。

    Bluetooth v2.1 is the most recent specification for Bluetooth wireless technology and Windows Connect Now ( WCN ) Wi-Fi Configuration .

  26. 介绍了把蓝牙技术嵌入到核测量仪器的方法,利用蓝牙的无线技术和便携式掌上电脑实现了远程监控和测量数据的快速分析。

    Introduced the method that the bluetooth technique imbeds the radioactivity measurement instrument , and realized remote monitor and radioactivity measurement data quickly analysis throught the use of the wireless technique-bluetooth and the portable handhold PC.