
  1. hd-dvd影碟机的价格低于蓝光影碟机。

    HD-DVD players are cheaper than Blu-ray devices .

  2. 但多数人认为蓝光影碟机在竞争中胜过了高清影碟机。

    But many people think Blu-ray has won the competition with HD DVD .

  3. 然而,事实证明,蓝光影碟机更受欢迎。

    But Blu-ray machines have proved more popular .

  4. 本月早些时候,好莱坞最大的影碟销售商华纳兄弟宣布要在蓝光和高清数字影碟机的竞争中做出选择。

    Then earlier this month , Hollywood 's biggest seller of DVDs announced its choice in the fight between Blu-ray and HD DVD .

  5. 圣诞节前,蓝光影碟的销售量是HD-DVD的两倍。到去年年底,北美有400万台支持蓝光格式的影碟机,而HD-DVD影碟机仅为75万台左右。

    Blu-ray discs outsold HD-DVDs by a ratio of two to one before Christmas and by the end of last year there were 4m Blu-ray-capable players in North America , compared with about 750,000 HD-DVD machines .