
fān lù
  • Rip;duplicate;pirate recordings
翻录 [fān lù]
  • [duplicate] 将原有磁带的内容(声音、图像等)转录到其他磁带

  1. 未经授权,不得翻录。

    Unauthorized duplication is forbidden .

  2. 他说:“不好意思,我从朋友那里翻录了你的CD。”

    he says , " I 'm sorry , I burned your CD from a friend . "

  3. 往往新片一上映,中国市场就会出现在影院偷拍后翻录的枪版DVD,给影片票房造成损失。

    DVDs made from in-theater videos frequently circulate the Chinese market and result in ticket losses .

  4. 有关翻录cd时如何添加或编辑媒体信息的详细信息,请参阅从cd翻录音乐。

    For detailed information about how to add or edit media information when you rip a cd , see rip music from a cd .

  5. 音像制品出版管理规定警察没收了非法翻录的音像制品

    Audio and Video Product Publication Regulation The police confiscated the pirate label

  6. 你有没有收到这种自行车在任何线索翻录没有借口。

    You have no excuses for not getting this bike ripping on any trail .

  7. 我给了她一盘翻录带,而留下了母带。

    I have sent her a copy of the recording and have kept the master .

  8. 有关复制保护的详细信息,请参阅翻录音乐:常见问题解答。

    For more information about copy protection , see rip music : frequently asked questions .

  9. 然后将这些挑出的句子或词单独翻录成一张碟。一封有声情书就诞生啦~

    Then re-record only those words in the correct order to make a video love letter .

  10. 当他们来到预定抵达的山顶上时,他在所有人面前播放了这段以太空为背景翻录的视频。

    After reaching the summit they aimed to conquer , he played the space video in front of everyone .

  11. 如果不能确定要使用的设置,请尝试翻录成不同的格式和比特率,然后播放文件。

    If you are not sure what setting to use , try ripping to different formats and bit rates and then play the files .

  12. 未经许可对部分或全部网页的内容使用,复制和翻录将追究刑事和民事法律责任。

    The unauthorized use , reproduction or dissemination of individual contents or of complete pages will be subject to prosecution under both criminal and civil law .

  13. 您的选择适用于将来要翻录的曲目;不能使用播放机更改已经翻录的曲目格式。

    Your selections apply to tracks you rip in the future ; it is not possible to use the player to change the format of a track you already ripped .

  14. 我发现有个会员剽窃并抄袭了我的私人网页,我在此郑重声明我的个人网页属于私有的知识产权,不得翻录,否则追究法律责任。

    I find one member plagiarized my private profile . I declare this profile is my Intellectual Asset and Patent , All Right Reserved Can Not Be Copied by Anyone or Bear Legal Duty .

  15. 他把自己的手机和一部极限运动专用相机绑在充满氦气的气象气球上,气象气球升到了9万英尺的高空,相机在空中翻录下了手机上播放的一段他提前录制的视频。

    He sent a helium-filled weather balloon with his phone and and a GoPro camera attached to it 90000 feet in the air , and the camera captured his phone playing a pre-recorded message from space 。