
  • 网络Turn things
  1. 他正在翻东西,还把东西扔得到处都是。

    He was searching and throwing things here and there .

  2. 我们不想看到其他人闯入我们自己的厨房,没有帮助地乱翻东西。

    But , we don 't expect other people to wander into our kitchen and start grabbing things without help .

  3. 尤其要翻的东西是这么蓬松的一大坨

    Especially if it 's a loose sort of mass like ...

  4. 我不许你乱翻我东西。

    I 'm not having you mess up my things .

  5. 这下她肯定知道我在偷翻她东西。

    Now she 's gonna know I was snooping .

  6. 你乱翻我东西吗

    Have you been poking around in my things ?

  7. 你一直翻这些东西做什么

    What are you doing with all this stuff ?

  8. 我才懒得翻你东西,我只需要找到那孩子在城堡里的踪迹。

    I 'm not interested in your things , I 'm just looking for any evidence that the Druid boy 's in the castle .

  9. 很简单,自己网站的英文都一塌糊涂,又怎么能给你翻好东西呢。

    Quite simply , if they cannot translate the materials on their website correctly , how can they possibly provide a good translation of anything ?

  10. 因为你既可能碰翻一些东西或打碎贵重的传家宝,伞骨尖也可能会戳伤他人甚至引发其他坏事。

    Not only is there a good chance that you 'll knock something over or break some precious family heirloom , but you could also end up poking someone with one of the umbrella 's metal points - bringing on even more bad luck .

  11. 她用手杖尖翻拨挪动东西。

    She poked and shifted things with the tip of her walking stick

  12. 我要知道你为什么翻我的东西。

    I want to know why you were going through my stuff .

  13. 你翻我的东西干吗?

    What are you doing in my stuff , son ?

  14. 老师翻了她的东西但没找到烟。

    The teacher went through her stuff but couldn 't find the cigarettes .

  15. 这是我的东西,别翻我的东西

    This is my stuff ! Don 't be going through my stuff .

  16. 你怎么能乱翻我的东西。

    You were the one snooping through my closet .

  17. 我不会让你乱翻我的东西。

    You 're not gonna snoop through my stuff .

  18. 大概是翻我的东西的时候。

    Going through my stuff , I guess .

  19. 尽管高手可以用鼻子闻到敌人的气息,但在被偷听时,只有对方碰翻了什么东西才能察觉。

    Although experts can use their nose to smell their enemy 's breathing , but when they are being eavesdropped , they will only realize if the other party knock something over .

  20. 我们甚至都没翻遍每一样东西

    We didn 't even get to go through it all .

  21. 他翻了我的东西!

    He went through my things !

  22. 她看到他们已经坐下,正在翻看着提包的东西。

    She saw that they had sat down and were going through the contents of the bag .