
fān yì ɡōnɡ jù
  • translation tool
  1. 基于上述思想,本文开发了一种供专业翻译人员使用的交互式翻译工具&具有英汉辅助翻译功能的拼音输入法。

    Accordingly , this thesis develops an interactive translation tool objected to professional translators & a PinYin Edit Method with English-Chinese aided translation function .

  2. 但是如果你打算用翻译工具来翻译这些报道,你最终看到的只能是一个曲解了的、超现实主义的世界。

    Yet if you were to use a translation tool to try to make sense of such reports , you could end up with a rather skewed and surreal view of the world .

  3. 这些/对通常保存在专门的XML格式中,称为TranslationMemoryeXchange(TMX),所有主要的翻译工具都支持这种格式。

    These pairs are usually stored in a special XML format called Translation Memory eXchange ( TMX ), which all important translation tools support .

  4. 在现实世界中,可能会使用叫做XLIFF的基于XML的格式,该格式适用于导入到第三方翻译工具中。

    In the real world , you would probably use an XML-based format called XLIFF , which is suitable for importing into third-party translation tools .

  5. 主动的Trados的翻译工具套件的用户邮件列表。

    Active mailing list for users of the Trados suite of translation tools .

  6. 翻译者可以使用常见的翻译工具,例如使用Trados直接在这些文件上执行翻译工作。

    The translators can use common translation tools such as Trados to perform the translation work directly on these files .

  7. 可以使用一些完整的翻译工具。

    Several complete translation tools are available to help you .

  8. 论翻译工具书的研编

    On Compiling Reference Books for Translation or Translation Studies

  9. 谷歌也有了波斯文翻译工具。

    Google also has a new Farsi translating tool .

  10. 互联网免费在线翻译工具述评

    A brief introduction to online translation tools on internet

  11. 最后根据不同需要选用相应的翻译工具。

    Finally , adopt corresponding translation tools in accordance with different requirements . 2 .

  12. 选择恰当的计算机辅助翻译工具

    How to Select the Right CAT Tools

  13. 实验组和控制组在具体翻译工具的使用问题上也体现出了差异性。

    Differences also exist in the use of specific translation tools for the two groups .

  14. 编写专业翻译工具书;

    Compiling specialty translation reference books ;

  15. 该服务不是提供海外语音电话,而是一个手持翻译工具。

    The service isn 't meant for voice calls abroad-instead , it 's a handheld translator .

  16. 当前,并没有任何一个机器翻译工具,能够完全取代人的工作。

    At present , there is no machine-translation tool that can totally replace human 's work .

  17. 我想自己学习英语,有没有什么好的翻译工具呢?

    I want to learn English by myself , Is there any suitble translated tools for me ?

  18. 其结果是,使用翻译工具来增进各种文化之间的理解已变得日趋重要。

    As a result , translation is becoming an increasingly important tool to enhance understanding between cultures .

  19. 《新时代汉英大词典》是我国近年出版的一部大型汉英翻译工具书。

    The Chinese-English Dictionary of New Age is a large-scale Chinese-English translation reference book published recently in China .

  20. 这表明实验组在基于项目的学习环境中更频繁地使用了翻译工具。

    This shows that the experimental group is using the translation tools more frequently in a PBL environment .

  21. 考虑在上例中进行如下的改变:对软件本地化翻译工具和过程有一般水平的经验。

    Consider the same example with the following change : average experience with software localization translating tools and processes .

  22. 为了更仔细地观察两组学生的翻译工具使用情况,研究者对两组学生在翻译测试中的翻译过程进行了录像。

    The translation processes of the two groups are recorded to facilitate a detailed observation about the usage of translation tools .

  23. 用翻译工具翻译的意思是:请谈谈您对我们发现可供选择的方案如打字或成空场。

    Please tell us how you found us by choosing an option if available or by typing it into the empty field .

  24. 此外,我们设计一个小的规约语言并实现相应的翻译工具,使得能够较为简洁地描述程序的规约。

    Finally , a small specification language is designed and a translator is implemented to help the user write more concise specifications .

  25. 跨语言模式部分包含基于双语词典统计的跨语言模式,以及基于机器翻译工具的跨语言模式。3.英文答案抽取。

    Cross-Language model section contains the bilingual English model based on statistics information and the inter-language mode based on machine translation tools . 3 .

  26. 目前,动态二进制翻译工具进行系统级模拟构建虚拟层的相关研究大多是在用户空间下的移植和优化。

    At present , research and optimization of the dynamic binary translation tools which construct the system-level virtual layer is based upon the user space .

  27. 借助这种所谓的万能翻译工具,海明威可以随意的将对白诗意化。

    Using the device of a pretended'translation ' , which would be bound to stilt in any case , Hemingway can'poetize'the dialogue as he wishes .

  28. 具体来说,翻译工具应用能力包括两个方面:翻译工具的使用以及译者的职业化意识。

    To be more exact , instrumental competence includes two aspects : the use of translation tools and the competence needed to be a professional translator .

  29. 目前,网络上的翻译工具众多,其中免费在线即时翻译服务方便快捷,正受到越来越多人的欢迎。

    Nowadays different translation tools can be found on Internet , and among them the online-instant translating service is getting popular as it is convenient and fast .

  30. 注意,由于这些译文是为了起说明作用而从网站上摘下来的,所以您仍旧需要专业翻译工具来确保每个译文的准确性。

    Note that since these translations were taken from a web site for illustrative purposes , you still need a professional translator to ensure the accuracy of each translation .