
fān shēn
  • turn over;emancipate;bring about an upswing;stand up and win one's emancipation;free oneself;liberate one's life
翻身 [fān shēn]
  • (1) [turn over]∶翻转身体

  • (2) [free oneself;emancipate;liberate one's life;stand up and win one's emancipation]∶比喻从受压迫、受剥削的情况下解放出来

  • 翻身户

  • (3) [bring about an upswing]∶比喻改变落后面貌或不利处境

  • 打了个翻身仗

翻身[fān shēn]
  1. 镇痛效果采用视觉模拟评分法(VAS)评估患者翻身、咳嗽等动态疼痛程度。

    The dynamic pain such as patients turn over and cough were evaluated by visual analogue scales ( VAS ) .

  2. 我打赌她一定能从坟墓里再翻身起来。

    I 'll bet she 'll turn over in her grave .

  3. 潜水员向后翻身入水。

    The diver flipped over backwards into the water

  4. 连山区农村也翻身了。

    Even the mountainous rural areas started to prosper .

  5. 在两腿之间有保持外展的支持棒,但千万不能用这条棒给小儿翻身。

    Abduction stabilizer bar between legs is never used as a handle to turn the child .

  6. 躲在梁上的小偷听了,很惭愧,连忙翻身落地,磕头求饶。

    Much ashamed upon hearing this , the thief hiding on the beam promptly2 jumped down to the ground , kowtowed and begged for forgiveness .

  7. 当你翻身把两只眼睛都完全睁开的时候,之前盯着手机屏幕的那只眼睛无法适应房间内黑暗的环境。

    But when they roll over and open both their eyes , the eye which has been staring at the screen cannot cope with the darkness of the room .

  8. 宋国有一游历者的坐骑不肯前进,他就将它赶进河里,再翻身上马继续上路,可马仍然不肯听命,他又用同样的方法对马实施惩罚。马一共被罚了三次,可还是不肯就范。

    Since his horse refused to go forward , a traveler in the state of Song drove it into a stream , then mounted to set off again . Still the horse refused to go , and he punished it once more in the same way . This happened three times in all .

  9. 通用汽车(GM)咸鱼翻身不易,2010年举行首次公开募股一事就别惦记了。

    The GM turnaround will drag on . Forget a 2010 IPO .

  10. 惊艳的白色礼服配上深V领口,阿奎莱拉在今年的红毯上摇曳生姿赚足了风头,也完完全全地打了个翻身仗。

    In a stunning white gown with a plunging neckline , Aguilera completely redeemed herself with this year 's carpet sashay .

  11. 雅虎(Yahoo)已经出现了从多年的沉沦中翻身的迹象。

    Yahoo is showing signs of pulling out of a slump that has lasted for years .

  12. 在结构研究的基础上,对该系列机器人的几种特殊工作状况包括原地转向、越障、翻身、自撑起动作做了整体动力学分析,使用MATLAB进行仿真,得出了相应的驱动力关系。

    Making dynamics analysis on several special working condition on the basis of structure design and simulating through MATLAB to obtain the analysis result .

  13. 换句话说,Facebook投资者们也许能从中看到自己股票一年之后咸鱼翻身的情形。

    On the one hand , that may give hope to Facebook investors for a similar rebound over the next year .

  14. 这种倾向被称为“损失厌恶”(lossaversion):人们死捞着糟糕的投资项目不放,希望能有翻身的一天。

    The tendency is called ' ' loss aversion ' ' ; people hold on to poor investments grimly , hoping for a turnaround .

  15. 爆震伤并发ARDS患者采用翻身床交替卧位通气的护理

    Nursing Care for the Patients with Explosive Injury Combined with ARDS Treated by Prostration in the Turn-over Bed

  16. 结果B组在创面干痂时间、创面愈合时间、翻身耗时及其他操作耗时等方面均比使用普通翻身床的患者短,两者存在统计学差异(P<0.01);

    Results The wound scabbing time , wound healing time , time consuming in turning over and other nursing time were significantly shorter in group B than those in group A ( P < 0.01 ) .

  17. 如今WhatsApp背后有着Facebook强大的营销实力,BBM还有翻身的希望吗?

    Now that WhatsApp has Facebook 's marketing might behind it , does BBM stand a chance ?

  18. NV还在坚持搪塞和周旋这个事件,因为承认这个问题要付出的代价很可能让公司不得翻身。

    NV still insists on stonewalling and spinning because the cost of owning up to the problem could very well sink the company .

  19. [方法]选择高血压脑出血手术病人,实验组71例,术后24h开始翻身并予肺叩打;

    Methods : A total of 71 cases of postoperative patients with hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage were selected as test group . And they started to turn the body over and lung patting at 24 hours after operation .

  20. 对照组58例术后24h开始翻身,72h开始肺叩打。

    Another 58 cases with the same illness were selected as control group and they began to turn the body over at 24 hours after operation and started lung patting at 72 hours after operation .

  21. 但使Xerox成功翻身的,真正动力是,当我们现在回想起来,即使在我们最糟糕的时候,我们也没有停止,投资。

    But the actual real power of the Xerox 's turnaround now when we look back is that even though we were in the worst of times , we actually continued to invest in the best of times .

  22. ENG扭颈试验,特别是左、右翻身转颈试验对诊断椎-基底动脉供血不足敏感,应作为老年眩晕患者的常规检查。

    Since ENG was considered as the most sensitive method for diagnosis of VBI , it is suggested that the cervical torsion test in ENG examination should be used as a routine examination for elderly patients with vertigo .

  23. 并于翻身前,翻身后1、10、30min各观察生命体征1次及褥疮好发部位皮肤的变化。

    The skin where the pressure ulcer was easy to occur was observed when the position changed , and vital signs were taken before position change , 1 min , 10 min and 30 min after position change .

  24. 史赛克公司(Stryker)的创始人就是“翻身床”的发明者,借助这个设备,卧床的病人无需挪动身体就能改变在病床上的位置。顺其自然地,这家医疗设备制造商也向自家员工及其家属出借医疗床,分毫不收。

    Considering Stryker 's founder invented the turning frame -- a device that allows patients to be repositioned in bed while keeping their bodies immobile -- it only makes sense that this medical equipment manufacturer lends employees and their families medical beds , free of charge .

  25. 目标:教语柔用正确的方式翻身。

    Goal : to teach the right way to roll over .

  26. 这是你最后翻身的机会了。

    This is your last chance to redeem yourself this time .

  27. 乔佛里翻身下马,手中握剑。

    Joffrey swung down from his mount , sword in hand .

  28. 韩剧:咸鱼翻身的奇迹

    South Korean Drama : Miracle of Salted Fish Turns over

  29. 后来萨博打了几个漂亮的翻身仗,推出了可能是该品牌有史以来最好的9-3轿车。

    It developed what was probably the best 9-3 ever .

  30. 解放区文学女性翻身话语

    " Turning Over " Discourse of Literary Females in the Liberated Areas