
xuàn zi
  • copper plate;circle;spinor;copper plate (for making sheets of bean=starch jelly);hot water container for warming wine


xuán zǐ
  • roton;spinor
旋子 [xuán zǐ]
  • [circle] 绕一周

  • 蝙蝠见了火光惊飞起来,打了几个旋子,消失在黑暗中

  • (1) [spinor]∶在两维或四维空间有复坐标的一个相似于矢量的量,特别用于相对论的数学中

  • (2) [copper plate (for making sheets of bean=starch jelly)]∶铜做的器具,像盘而较大,通常用来做粉皮

  • 手时端着一个红铜旋子,盛着半旋子凉水。--《儿女英雄传》

  • (3) [hot water container for warming wine]∶温酒时盛热水的金属器具

  • 快拿旋子烫滚水,你且坐下。--《红楼梦》

旋子[xuán zǐ]
旋子[xuàn zi]
  1. 旋子转体360度的力学分析与计算

    Mechanical analysis and calculation of spinning butterfly 360 °

  2. 光测量中的旋子结构态与光阱理论再分析

    Profound Analysis of the Roton-Structure State and the Photon-Well Theory in the Light Measurement

  3. 武术旋子转体720°接跌叉技术动作的运动生物力学分析

    A Biomechanical Analysis of the Revolving 720 ° Link with Cha in Martial Arts Motion

  4. 梅寒旋子转体720°接竖叉落地技术的运动学分析

    Kinematics Analysis of MEI Han Movement Revolving Turn 72 ° Link with Falls to the Ground Techniques of Cross

  5. 结果表明:棍术旋子转体720°这个动作受伤部位主要是以膝节、髋关节、腰部、踝关节为主;

    The result shows : 720 degrees of this movement injuries mainly take its knee festival , hip joint , waist , ankle joint .

  6. 在半金属磁体的能带结构中,两个自旋子能带分别具有金属性与绝缘性,从而产生自旋完全极化的传导电子。

    With a special band structure in which only one of the two spin directions is metallic , the conducting electrons are completely spin polarized in these materials .

  7. 在此:感谢我的领导远去日本给我带来的礼物,还有旋子的伦敦围脖很是好看,爱不释手!

    In this : I thank my leadership away Japan has brought me a gift , as well as spintronics London bib was very good-looking , put it down !

  8. 母鸟在你们面前打滚,打旋子,弄得羽毛蓬松,使你一时之间不知道它是怎么一种禽鸟了。

    The parent will sometimes roll and spin round before you in such a dishabille , that you cannot , for a few moments , detect what kind of creature it is .

  9. 成功完成旋子转体720°接竖叉可获得0.6分的难度得分,而目前该动作的完成情况并不理想,尤其是在落地接竖叉过程中经常出现失误。

    Completing movement revolving turn 720 ° linked with cross successfully is possible to obtain 0.6 points , however at present the completion situation of this movement is not ideal , especially in falls to the ground in the process frequently appears fault .