
  • 网络rotary table;ROTATING TABLE;Turntable;A.A.T.
  1. 4轴3D激光测量系统中旋转工作台参数标定

    Parameter calibration research of the turntable for 4-axis 3D laser measuring system

  2. 将工件固定在旋转工作台上,然后对摆台的角度进行控制,以此来确保研抛工具主轴方向和工件法线方向成一定角度。

    The workpiece is clamped on the rotating table , and the normal direction of the workpiece at a certain angle with the direction of polishing tool spindle by controlling the angle of precision swing table .

  3. PC在八工位旋转工作台组合机床上的应用

    PC Used on the Eight Processed Rotative Work Table Modular Machine Tool

  4. 三工位旋转工作台的PLC控制设计

    Research on the PLC Control Design of Three-station Rotary Tables

  5. 详细介绍了八工位旋转工作台组合机床的PC控制系统设计。

    This paper introduced the design of the PC 's control system on the Eight Processed rotative work table modular machine tool in detail .

  6. 设计出由AVR单片机控制的步进电机旋转工作台,该系统包括键盘输入模块、LCD液晶显示模块、步进电机控制模块,能够实现步进电机旋转角度的精确控制。

    This paper designed a rotary table which was controlled by the AVR MCU stepper motor . The system includes keyboard input module , LCD liquid crystal display modules , stepper motor control module . It was be able to achieve precise control on the rotation of the stepper motor .

  7. 用单片机实现旋转工作台的定位控制

    Realization of Positioning Control of Rotary Table by Use of MCU

  8. 气动无级变速旋转工作台

    Pneumatic Stepless Speed Change Rotation Bench

  9. 旋转工作台的动力学分析

    Dynamical analysis of the rotation table

  10. 该轴承特别适用于机床或其他精密机械的旋转工作台或分度盘。

    It is most suitable to apply to machine tools or other precise machinery rotary working table or graduated disc .

  11. 完成了旋转工作台的结构设计,磨削试验台的制造、安装和调试工作。

    The structure of the rotary table is designed , and the grinding table is manufactured , installed and debugged .

  12. 配合激光的专用旋转工作台,可以实现快速柱面打标加工。

    Fast marking on a cylinder is also available with the help of a special rotary worktable for laser beam .

  13. 为实现对旋转工作台定位位移的快速测试与诊断,提出了一种基于虚拟仪器的自动测试系统;

    The Auto-Testing System based on virtual instrument is set up to carry out testing and diagnosing the displacement of rotary table .

  14. 而立式主轴磨床既可以像卧式主轴磨床那样具有刨床式工作台也可以具有旋转工作台。

    However , grinding machines with vertical spindles can have either a planer type table like that of the horizontal-spindle machine or a rotating worktable .

  15. 本文研究开发了磨削试验台的磨削力测量系统,进行了压电测试系统的理论分析和旋转工作台的受力分析;

    In this paper , the grinding force measuring system is developed , and both the piezo-electic measuring system and the forces on rotary table are analyzed .

  16. 完成了磨头主轴的结构设计及主轴轴线与旋转工作台轴线之间夹角的调整机构;

    The grinding head spindle 's structure and the adjusting device for the angle between the axes of spindle and the axes of rotary table are designed completely ;

  17. 然后,对旋转工作台的传动定位机构零部件进行了建模与选型,在此基础上对其传动速度、受力校核及其传动精度进行了深入分析与计算。

    Then , on the rotary table positioning mechanism of transmission parts and components for modeling and selection , on this basis , its transmission speed , precision driving force calibration and in-depth analysis and calculation .

  18. 考虑旋转工作台的自重及承载,把对油膜压力场计算得到的数值模拟结果耦合到与油膜接触的上、下环面上得到力变形。

    Considering the weight of rotating worktable and load on it , numerical simulation results of lubricant film pressure field are coupled to upper and lower ring surface and base contacting with lubricant film to calculate force deformation .

  19. 工作定位于慢慢旋转的工作台上。

    The work is positioned on the slowly rotating table .

  20. 由固定在水平的旋转的工作台和一个水平仪上的短望远镜组成的测量仪器。

    A surveying instrument having a short telescope fixed to a horizontally rotating table and a spirit level .

  21. PAN&TILT两维视觉转台是一种可以同时绕垂直方向和水平方向旋转的机电工作台,简称PT转台。

    P AN & TILT two-dimensional visual turntable is a kind of machinery workbench which can also rotate around its horizontal axis and vertical axis .

  22. PT视觉转台是一种可以同时绕水平轴和竖直轴旋转的机电工作台,所以又被称为PT视觉二维转台。

    PT visual turntable is an electromechanical workbench which can rotate on horizontal axis and vertical axis , therefore it is called PT two-dimensional visual turntable .

  23. 最大转数旋转的发动机工作台最大回转度数

    Engine turning at peak revolution maximum swivel of table

  24. 有两个旋转和摆动工作台的加工中心

    Machining Center with Two Rotating and Swinging Tables

  25. 通过采用步进电机控制的旋转式定位工作台和多视角数据融合技术,实现对零件各个侧面的测量,得到完整的零件表面数据云,以适应零件尺寸检测的各种要求。

    To satisfy the versatile requirement for dimension measurement of industry part , step motor controlled turntable and data cloud merging from multi view technique are adopted to collect complete information of the part surface .

  26. 对工作台进行运动建模,并在模型上建立坐标系,然后利用旋转矩阵找出工作台的动平台和机架之间的关系。

    A motion modeling was carried on the parallel platform , and establishes a coordinate system in the model . Then the rotation matrix was used to identify the relationship between the platform and the rock .

  27. 最后提出了一种简化的旋转标定方案,该方案只需要一个标准球,通过旋转工作台带动标准球旋转及Z轴移动即可得到多个标定点。

    Finally , a simplified rotation calibration program is proposed , which only needs a standard ball .