
  • 网络silver;Nano Silver;nanosilver;Silver Nano
  1. 研究人员同样通过紫外可见光谱、X射线衍射和扫描电子显微镜研究了纳米银颗粒的组成、结构、形态和大小。

    The nano silver particles have also been studied for their formation , structure , morphology and size using UV – Visible spectroscopy , XRD and SEM .

  2. 银催化剂上NO/O2共吸附后的TPD和TPR研究揭示了纳米银颗粒参与选择还原反应的机制。

    TPD and TPR studies revealed the catalytic roles of nano silver particles in the SCR reaction .

  3. 纳米银组装结构上罗丹明B的表面增强荧光效应

    Surface-Enhanced Fluorescence of Rhodamine B on Assembled Structure of Silver Nanoparticles

  4. 抗坏血酸在纳米银DNA修饰电极上的电化学行为研究

    Electrochemical Studies of Ascorbic Acid on Silver Nanoparticle and DNA Modified Elctrode

  5. 飞秒光脉冲Z扫描技术测量纳米银颗粒非线性折射率

    Measurement of silver nanoparticle nonlinear index by femto second pulse

  6. 透射电子显微镜(TEM)分析表述了纳米银粒子在螺旋藻中的分布情况及粒径分布;

    The TEM analyzed the nano-silver particles ' distribution in spirulina platensis .

  7. 纳米银掺杂对Bi(2223)超导体的影响

    Effect of nanometer Ag doping on Bi ( 2223 ) superconductor

  8. X射线衍射图谱表明纳米银颗粒为面心立方晶系的单质银,而且产品结晶性能良好。

    The XRD curve shows that the silver nano-particle is face-centered cubic structure elemental silver with fine crystallinity .

  9. 喷墨印制PCB用新型纳米银导电油墨的研发现状及趋势

    Research and Development Trends of Nano Silver Conductive Ink for Ink-Jet Printing of PCB

  10. 利用X射线衍射、透射电镜等分析测试手段对纳米银胶体颗粒进行了表征。

    Silver nanoparticles colloids are characterized by means of X-ray Diffraction ( XRD ) and Transmission Electron Microscope ( TEM ) .

  11. XRD结果表明,产物为纳米银颗粒,晶体结构为面心立方。

    The XRD result shows that the products are silver nanoparticles and the crystals are face-centered cubic .

  12. 以SiO2为载体的纳米银粒子的制备及其在塑料中的应用

    Preparation of SiO_2 Containing Ag Nano-meter Particle and Its Applications in Antistatic Plastics

  13. 将修饰后的银溶胶固着在Pt片电极上进行了电化学测定。结果显示,修饰后的纳米银颗粒具有较好的氧化还原活性。

    Cyclic voltammogram of the TTF-Ag nanoparticles on a Pt electrode showed that it was a redox active nano-system .

  14. 负电性纳米银溶胶SERS活性及稳定性的比较研究

    Comparative Study on SERS and Stability of Negative Silver Colloids

  15. 纳米银自组装多层膜修饰铟锡氧化物(ITO)电极的制备及电化学研究导电多层膜的层层自组装及性能研究

    Study on preparation of silver nano-particle self-assembled multilayer film modified ITO electrode and its electrochemical behavior

  16. XRD测试表明复合材料的结晶性提高,掺入的经过表面改性的纳米银粒子与基体材料有良好的界面相容性。

    XRD examinations revealed that Composite materials have better crystallization performance and nanometer silver particles modified had excellent interface compatibilities with polycarbonate .

  17. 正、负电性纳米银吸附阴、阳离子型分子的SERS比较

    A Comparison of SERS of Positive and Negative Nano-silver Adsorbing Cation and Anion Molecule

  18. AOT反胶束法制备纳米银的机理及应用

    Mechanism of Synthesizing Silver Nanoparticles by AOT Reverse Micelles and Its Application

  19. 纳米银颗粒的Debye温度与粒径的关系

    Relation between Debye temperature and particle size of nanometer-sized silver particles

  20. 利用表面活性剂PVP与超声辐照,实现了纳米银粒子的分散、活化和稳定。

    The dispersion and steadiness of silver nanoparticles were realized by use of surface activator PVP and ultrasonic radiation .

  21. 研究该复合材料对治疗SD大鼠深Ⅱ度切割伤的作用及其生物安全性;研究角质形成细胞在丹参纳米银壳聚糖膜复合材料上的贴壁、生长及增殖情况。

    Investigate the efficacy and bio-safety of salvia miltiorrhiza / nano-silver / chitosan film composite and adherence , growth , proliferation of keratinocytes on this composite .

  22. AAO辅助多形貌纳米银颗粒的化学法制备及其增强荧光性能研究

    Study on the Chemical Preparation and Enhanced Fluorescence Properties of Different Shapes of Silver Nanoparticles Assisted by AAO Template

  23. 利用CTS为稳定剂和柠檬酸钠为还原剂,在微波辐射条件下绿色合成纳米银/壳聚糖(Ag/CTS)复合溶胶。

    Nano-Ag / CTS complex sols were synthesized by microwave heating using sodium citrate as reductant and CTS as protectant .

  24. 采用乳液聚合方法、包裹聚合方式,制备出纳米银/聚苯乙烯核壳复合粒子,并借助于TEM、FTIR、XPS、AFM、TG/DTA等分析手段对复合粒子微观结构进行了表征;

    Nano-Ag / Polystyrene core-shell particles were prepared by emulsion polymerization and their microstructure were characterized by TEM , FTIR , XPS , AFM and TG / DTA .

  25. 并以醛、炔、胺三组分的偶联反应(A3)为模型,对纳米银/碳复合物在有机反应中的催化性能进行了初步研究。

    With the three-components coupling reaction of amine , alkyne and aldehyde as prototype , the catalytic property of the nanoparticle was also studied .

  26. 将表征结果与反应数据相结合,说明了分子筛外表面纳米银颗粒的形成,提高了银催化剂在CH4选择还原NO反应中的活性。

    Combined characterization results with activity measurements , it was concluded that the catalytic activities were apparently enhanced by the nano silver particles formed .

  27. 结果表明:纳米银复合材料具有较高的电阻率和击穿场强,较低的tgδ和较高的介电常数。

    By analyzing their dielectric properties , the results show that nano-Ag composites have higher resistivity and strength of the breakdown electrical field , lower tg δ, and a higher dielectric constant .

  28. 纳米银溶液作用噬菌体MS2衣壳蛋白的分析

    Analysis of effect of silver nanoparticle aqueous solution on the coat protein of bacteriophage MS2

  29. 目的:观察MEBO与纳米银敷料对烧伤后期残余创面的治疗作用。

    Objective : To observe the curative effect of MEBO in combination with nano silver dressing on treating residual wounds in burns later stage .

  30. 研究结果表明,纳米银对表面吸附FL的荧光作用与FL分子附近局域电磁场增强和分子到金属表面无辐射跃迁能量转移过程决定并与纳米银的浓度、尺寸及电解质等密切相关。

    The results suggest that the effect of metal-enhanced fluorescence is strongly affected by the local field enhancement , the size and concentration of silver nanoparticles and electrolyte .