
  1. 纳米生物医学研究的进展与发展趋势

    Progress of Nanotechnology in Biomedical Engineering Area

  2. DHA衍生物是极具前景的高密度光学存储介质及分子开关材料,在纳米技术、生物医学、电子信息等领域有着广泛的应用前景。

    DHA derivative is promising high-density optical storage medium and molecular switch material which is widely used in nanotechnology , bio-medicine , electronic information .

  3. 纳米材料在生物医学中的应用

    Application of nano - structured materials in the biomedical field

  4. 微流体及纳米磁珠在生物医学上的应用研究

    Application of Microfluidics and Nano magnetic Beads in Biomedicine

  5. 磁性纳米材料在生物医学领域的应用

    Application of magnetic nano-material in biomedicine domain

  6. 纳米科技在生物医学中的应用

    Application of nanoscience and nanotechnology in biomedicine

  7. 纳米技术在生物医学领域的研究现状

    Current status of nanotechnology applied in biomedicine

  8. 纳米羟基磷灰石在生物医学领域中的应用研究

    Application of Nano Hydroxyapatite in Biomedicine

  9. 而且,根据测试结果分析,这些具有分级结构的纳米球在生物医学领域可能具有很好的应用前景。

    Moreover , these nanospheres with hierarchical structures may have very good application prospects in biomedical domain according to the test results .

  10. 纳米颗粒在生物医学、化学、物理、光纤传感等等方面已经得到了非常广泛的应用。

    Nanometer particles has already got extensive application in the biomedical , chemical , physical , optical fiber sensing and so on .

  11. 研究分子马达对生物电工学、纳米科学、生物医学工程以及统计物理学有重要的意义。

    The research on the molecular motor is significant to the biology , nano-science , the biology medicine engineering and the statistical physics .

  12. 从靶向药物载体技术,细胞分离技术,免疫分析,酶的吸附与固定作用和基因治疗几个方面简要分析磁性纳米材料在生物医学领域的应用及其发展过程中有待解决的问题。

    The application of magnetic nano-material in the field of biomedicine is introduced from aspects of drug-target technology , cell separation , immunity analysis , absorption and immobility of enzyme and gene therapy and the problems are raised to be solved in its application .

  13. 纳米碳管在生物医学工程领域中的应用

    Applications of NM Carbon Pipe in the Field of Biomedicine Engineering

  14. 原子力显微镜分子成像和纳米操纵技术在生物医学中具有广阔的应用前景。

    Atomic force microscope molecular imaging and nanometer manipulation will be widely applied on biomedicine .

  15. 纳米基因载体在生物医学中的研究进展

    Development of Nano-Scale Genic Carriers in Biomedicine

  16. 由于纳米技术促进了生物医学、材料、信息等技术领域的创新和发展,因此纳米测量以及纳米制造技术的研究逐渐成为国际化科技竞争的焦点之一。

    Nano metrology and manufacturing technologies have become the focus of international technological competition , since nanotechnology promotes the innovation and development in research areas such as biomedicine , material science and information technology .

  17. 纳米技术与纳米微粒及其在生物医学领域的研究应用

    Nanotechnology Nanoparticles and Their Advances of Investigation and Application in the Fields of Biomedicine

  18. 主要介绍了高分子纳米颗粒材料和纳米技术在生物医学等高新科技领域中的应用。

    The applications of polymeric nanometer-sized particles and nanometer technologies in high and new technology fields such as biology and medical sciences were focused .

  19. 现在,纳米材料被广泛应用于各个领域,包括纳米器件和纳米生物医学等。

    Nano-scale materials have been widely used in various fields , including nano-devices and nano-biomedicine .

  20. 纳米技术与材料学、生物学及医学的融合,促使纳米生物医学迅速发展,在减缓患者痛苦,改善人类健康领域发挥着重要的作用。

    The convergence of nanotechnology , material science , biology and medicine promotes the rapid development of nano-biomedicine , which plays an important role in relieving the pain of patients and improving the health of human , in particular of cancer therapy .

  21. Fe、Ni金属纳米粒子具有磁性金属微粉材料、纳米金属材料和纳米磁性材料的多种优点;核壳型Ni/Au磁性金属纳米粒子作为一种新型的复合纳米功能材料在生物医学等领域有着广阔的应用前景。

    Fe and Ni nanoparticles possess the merits of magnetic metal fine powders , nanometer metals , and nanometer magnetic materials . As a new kind of nanometer functional composite materials , core / shell Ni / Au nanoparticles have broad applications in biomedical field .