
  • 网络Strong focusing;sharp focus;sharp-focus
  1. 本文使用矢量德拜积分来计算强聚焦入射光束,用Mie理论计算散射场,用麦克斯韦应力张量来计算光学力。

    We model the incident focused beam by using the highly accurate generalized vector Debye integral , and calculate the scattering field by using the Mie theory , and calculate the optical force by using the Maxwell stress tensor .

  2. 强聚焦加速器中带电粒子横向运动稳定性的线性理论

    Linear stability theory of transverse motion of charged particle in a strong-focusing accelerator

  3. 空间偏振变化矢量光束强聚焦性质的研究。

    Research of tightly focusing properties of spatial-variant states of polarization vector beam .

  4. 强聚焦混合型扭摆器的优化设计

    Design of a Hybrid Undulator with Superimposed Strong Focusing

  5. 强聚焦圆柱形四极电透镜

    A strong focussing cylindrical electrostatic quadrupole

  6. 实验验证了空间电荷场的存在及其强聚焦特性。

    The existence of a space charge field and its strong focusing properties are tested experimentally .

  7. 强聚焦系统中的强流比率公式

    Scaling law for strong focusing system

  8. 分离轨道强聚焦回旋加速器

    Strong-focusing cyclotron with separated orbits

  9. 获得了常用遮拦比条件下均强聚焦光束光斑扩展和湍流效应特征参数的定标关系。

    Moreover , the scaling relation between the beam spreading and the characteristic parameter described turbulence effects is derived .

  10. 利用数值模拟方法讨论了发射系统遮拦比对均强聚焦光束湍流大气传输光斑扩展的影响。

    In this paper , numerical method was used to quantitatively calculate the limited uniform-intensity focused beam spreading induced by atmospheric turbulence .

  11. 用最佳值α与β数值模拟了空间偏振变化矢量光束强聚焦时在焦平面上的场分布。

    Then , we numerically simulated the transverse and longitudinal electric field intensity of spatial-variant states of polarized vector beams in the focal plane with the optimum value of α and β .

  12. 基于光丝相互作用导致的作用区域荧光辐射强度的急剧增强,提出了通过光丝相互作用高效产生高密度自由电子的方法,有效的避免了强聚焦中的光丝分裂及调制不稳定性。

    Significant fluorescence enhancement in the interaction region was observed , We proposed an effective high density free electron generation method based on filament interaction that avoid filament split and modulation instability .

  13. 利用具有极高脉冲光强的飞秒激光器和对光束进行强聚焦的显微镜装置可以制造具有亚微米精度的三维微器件以及进行三维高密度信息存储。

    By use of the femtosecond laser with extreme high pulse intensity and the microscope with high numerical aperture , it is possible to fabricate the three dimensional microdevice and to process three dimensional optical data storage .

  14. 目的观察不同声强高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)损毁兔腹腔神经节的效果。

    Objective To investigate the ablative effect of high intensity focused ultrasound ( HIFU ) on the celiac ganglion ( CG ) and the subsequent change in gastro-intestinal ( GI ) function .

  15. 相对强的激光聚焦有利于获得较好的光致发光光谱。

    ( iii ) Excitation with relatively stronger focus produces better PL spectrum .

  16. 通常它具有比单个透镜元素强得多的聚焦能力(在相同的电压比下)。这种周期场透镜曾用于静电加速器离子源初聚系统中,但它的成象特性尚未有详细的分析。

    In this paper the transport of charged particle beams in nonlinear periodic fields is stu - Generally , it possesses much stronger focusing ability than a single lens element under the same voltage ratio .

  17. 通过数值求解非线性近轴波方程,研究了在等离子体中传输的超高斯强激光的自聚焦行为。

    The behavior of self-focusing of the ultra-intensity rotation symmetric super-Gaussian beam ( RSSGB ) during propagation in the plasmas is studied , with the aid of the numerical solution to the nonlinear paraxial wave equation .