
qiáng cì jī
  • strong stimulation
强刺激 [qiáng cì jī]
  • [strong stimulation] 针灸术语。指刺激强度较大的针灸方法

强刺激[qiáng cì jī]
  1. 有效:8≤GCS≤12,昏睡至浅昏迷,强刺激可睁眼,对疼痛有定位。瞳孔对光反射灵敏。

    Effective : 8GCS12coma to shallow coma , strong stimulation can open your eyes , the pain has positioning . Pupilary light reflex sensitive .

  2. 结果:强刺激针后使波幅下降,弱刺激针后使波幅上升。

    Results After strong stimulation of acupuncture , the amplitude decreased and after weak stimulation , the amplitude increased .

  3. CS2是一种有毒、强刺激性气味的挥发性气体化合物。

    CS_2 is the a kind of poisonous and strong volatility gas chemical compound of irritate temper taste .

  4. 强刺激阳陵泉配合TDP照射治疗落枕

    Strong stimulating to Yanglingquan point combined with TDP irradiation treatment on stiff neck

  5. 结果:(1)用亚强刺激测得的T1值(TOF中的第一个颤搐反应高度)虽降低,但可能在监测非去极化阻滞中无实际意义;

    Results : ( 1 ) T 1 ( first twitch height of TOF ) at submaximal CS is lower than that at supramaximal CS , but it has not clinical significance for monitoring of non depolarizing NMB ;

  6. 结论向肺组织施以13-cis-RA可以对肺RAR起到强刺激作用,表明用异维甲酸吸入法肺部给药是增量调节异维甲酸受体的更有效的方法,可能取得更好的化学预防效果。

    Conclusion 13-cis - RA delivered to lung tissue is a potent stimulant of lung . These data support the concept that epithelial delivery of chemopreventive retinoic acid to lung tissue is a more efficacious way to attain up-regulation of the retinoid receptors and possibly to achieve chemoprevention .

  7. 方法:对强刺激性抗癌药物渗漏96例采用穴位注射治疗,并与皮下注射法进行对照研究。

    Method : Undergo acupoint injection treatment and control research .

  8. 亚强刺激电流在肌松监测中的应用研究

    Application of submaximal current stimulation to monitoring neuromuscular blockade

  9. 而实际上,神经元受到刺激不是弱刺激,而应是强刺激。

    But in realistic situations , the stimulus should not be weak but strong .

  10. 新生儿静脉输注强刺激性药物渗漏的原因分析及护理

    Causative analysis and nursing care of neonates with leakage after intravenous injection of irritative drugs

  11. 小儿静脉注射强刺激性药物渗漏的防治

    Prevent and Cure of Seepage Caused by Intense Irritant Drugs Through Intravenous Injection for Children

  12. 强刺激性化疗药物不同给药方式对静脉炎发生的不同影响

    The effect of different medicine given method on phlebitis in strong and stimulating medicine chemotherapy

  13. 聚维酮碘乳膏外敷治疗强刺激性药物外渗的效果观察

    Observation on effect of povidone iodine cream external applying to treat patients with strong irritative drugs exosmosis

  14. 强刺激推拿压痛点治疗椎管外软组织损害性疼痛的临床观察

    Powerful stimulus and manipulation to tenderness point in treating pain caused by soft tissue injury outside vertebral canal

  15. 强刺激十二井穴为主对脑外科意识障碍患者的影响

    Effect of strong stimulation of acupuncture at twelve Jing-well points as main for neurosurgery patients with disorder of consciousness

  16. 弱刺激时所有刺激点都产生镇静作用,而强刺激时都产生假怒。

    Weak stimulation of every tested point in the PGM produces sedative effect , whereas strong stimulation results in rage .

  17. (神经生理学)弱刺激产生的神经冲动和强刺激产生的神经冲动一样强。

    ( neurophysiology ) a nerve impulse resulting from a weak stimulus is just as strong as a nerve impulse resulting from a strong stimulus .

  18. 医院是一个社会学、生物学和心理学的复杂体系,它带来的许多强刺激既影响病人又影响医护人员。

    As a complex system of sociology , biology and psychology , the hospital could bring much powerful stimulation that affects both patients and paramedics .

  19. 实验结果表明,强刺激艾条灸可使家兔全血组胺含量明显升高;

    The outcome of the experiments'showed that intensive stimulation brought by the moxibustion with moxa sticks remarkably elevated the whole blood content of histamine in rabbits ;

  20. 由于项目本身所具有的强刺激性、高对抗性和高观赏性,篮球运动一直深受全世界人民群众的喜爱。

    Because of strong irritation , high antagonism and high appreciative value , basketball has been well received by the people in whole world all the time .

  21. 结论:双氯芬酸钠栓剂直肠给药是胆囊切除术后一种理想的镇痛给药方式。强刺激性化疗药物不同给药方式对静脉炎发生的不同影响

    Conclusion : Diclofenac sodium was the better way to releve the pain of cholecyst resection . The effect of different medicine given method on phlebitis in strong and stimulating medicine chemotherapy

  22. 结论:对于穿孔耳,冷热气成为强刺激,半规管功能正常时诱发的眼震强于非穿孔耳;

    Conclusion : Bilateral caloric air became strong stimulation for the perforated ear , nystagmus of perforated ear with normal function of semicircular canal was stronger than that of the non-perforated ear .

  23. 两组对强刺激引起的心血管反应不能完全抑制,但布托啡诺组优于曲马多组(P<0.05);

    The cardiovascular responses induced by strong stimulation could not be entirely inhibited by both medications but the inhibitory effect of butorphanol was superior to that of tramadol ( P < 0.05 ) .

  24. 光气遇水后有强烈腐蚀性,是一种强刺激、窒息性气体,吸入光气引起肺水肿、肺炎等,具有致死危险。

    Phosgene cause strong corrosive after treating in water , which is a strong stimulation , suffocate gas , inhalation phosgene cause pulmonary edema , pneumonia , etc , which could cause death .

  25. 强刺激减压神经。血压下降36mmHg(P<0.001),且伴有心率平均减慢31次/分。

    A strong stimulation of depressor nerve caused an average decrease in blood pressure of 36 mmHg ( P < 0.001 ), and the heart rate was also reduced on an average of 31 beats per minute .

  26. 发生这些问题的原因是多方面的,但从心理学的角度来分析,主要是受强刺激心理、小群体心理、高期望心理和嫌弃型人格的影响。

    There are many reasons , but from the angle of psychology , the main reasons are the effects of the strong stimulus psychology , the group psychology , the high expectation psychology and the psychology of dislike .

  27. 我们不会为经济一时波动而采取短期的强刺激政策,而是更加注重中长期的健康发展,努力实现中国经济持续健康发展。

    We will not resort to short-term massive stimulus policies just because of temporary economic fluctuations and we will pay more attention to sound development in the medium to long run and strive for sustained and sound economic development .

  28. 论文提出了通过建立国家对生态林实施生态效益(产权)合同购买、对商品林实行林分生态等级财政补贴(补助)制度的激励强刺激,来推动中国林业社会化的快速发展;

    In this paper , the author insists that the forestry socialization can be developed rapidly in China if we adopt the stimulating policy of ecological-benefit-contract-purchase on the ecological forestry and adopt the policy of rating-financial-subsidy on the merchandise forestry .

  29. 通过数值分析表明,一阶弱谐波刺激对神经振子群体编码没有显著的影响;强刺激或高阶谐波刺激加强了神经振子群的同步化活动,并增强了神经振子之间的耦合;

    The numerical simulations indicate that a weak stimulation of harmonic of the first order has little impact on the neural coding , a strong stimulation or a stimulation of harmonic of higher order enhances the synchronized activity of population of neuronal oscillators and the coupling among the neuronal oscillators .

  30. 千万不要将任何精油抹到眼睛周围。它们有很强的刺激性,可能会使眼睛产生刺痛感。

    Never put any essential oils near the eyes . They are very strong and could sting