
  • 网络Strong-echo;strong echo;hyperechoic
  1. 强回声4个,病理表现为混合性结节和腺瘤样增生结节。

    Strong echo 4 , pathological performance for mixed nodules and adenomatoid hyperplasia nodules .

  2. 彩超对肾实质强回声病变良恶性鉴别诊断的价值

    Value of Color Doppler Ultrasound used in Diagnosing Pathological Changes between Malignant and Benign of Small Focal Strong Echo in Solid Renal

  3. 结果超声表现为肾内弥漫性强回声,CT和MRI表现为肾脏增大,呈分叶状,增强扫描典型表现为放射状排列的高密度或高信号影,肝脾肿大,肝纤维化。

    CT and MRI display kidneys enlargement , lobulation , enhancement scan typical finding was radiating arrangement of high density or high signal tubules , liver and spleen enlargement , hepatic fibrosis .

  4. 根据超声显示的SCTA形态、数量和分布状况分为三种类型:SCTA呈细强回声带,自胸膜拖曳而下,形态排列较一致者为I型;

    The SCTA trailing down from the visceral pleura , with homogenous shape and regular distribution was classified as type ⅰ;

  5. 结果TM声像图表现为双侧或单侧睾丸实质内均匀散在的直径≤2mm点状强回声,后方无声影;

    Results Sonography of TM showed high-echo dots which diameter ≤ 2 mm , scattering in single or both sides of testicular parenchyma without shadow in diffuse type or partial type .

  6. 超声表现为睾丸实质内弥散分布着直径为1~3mm、后方无声影的点状强回声。

    The sonographic appearance of TM is multiple tiny ( 1-3 mm ), no acoustic shadowing hyperechoic foci that are randomly scattered throughout the testicular parenchyma .

  7. 其中癌性腹膜炎75例,胆囊壁表现为单一的强回声(单纯型),胆囊壁厚均在6mm以下有50例胆囊壁厚度小于3mm。

    75 cases suffered from carcinomatous peritonitis had their gallbladder waif presenting as single hyperechoic layer measured less than 6 mm in thickness ( single layer type ) .

  8. 结果:RAL表现为强回声型(78.3%)、低回声型(0.9%)及混合回声型(13%),强回声型超声诊断有较高符合率。

    Results : RAL demonstrates hyperechoic ( 78.3 % ), hypoechoic ( 0.9 % ) and mix-echoic ( 13 % ) . Most of cases were hyperechoic and sonographic diagnosis has a significant specificity .

  9. 由于CDU受仪器的调节、操作者的手法及患者合作程度、声窗的限制及气体、强回声斑块衰减、肢体肿胀等诸多因素的影响,CDU对于下肢动脉狭窄和闭塞的诊断具有一定的局限性。

    Because of the limitation of acoustic window and the influence of many factors , such as the adjustment of instrument and the technique of operator , there are some limitation to the diagnosis of the lower extremity arterial stenosis and occlusion diseases with CDU .

  10. B超分别显示睾丸1.0cm×1.3cm、0.8cm×0.6cm强回声光团,边界锐利。低回声型肝血管瘤的彩色多普勒超声检测

    B-ultrasound revealed hyperechomass ( 1.0 cm × 1.3 cm and 0.8 cm × 0.6 cm respectively ) with clear boundary in the testis . Color Doppler Sonographic Detection of Hepatic Hemangioma with Hypoechoic Pattern

  11. B超对肝内强回声病变的定性诊断与手术结果对照

    Comparison of B-mode Ultrasonography for Intrahepatic Hyperechoic Lesions With Operative Results

  12. 睾丸微石症合并脾脏实质多发点状强回声1例

    Testicular microlithiasis complicated multiple strong echo in the spleen : case report

  13. 息肉表现为圆形略强回声,附着处肠壁连续关系正常。

    Polyps were showed as high echo and the wall was continous .

  14. 强回声肝占位超声图像的计算机处理与分析

    Computer-aided Processing and Analysis of the Echogenic Images of Liver Space Occupying Lesion

  15. 中期3例病灶显示不均匀低回声,肿块内可见散在高回声,周边部并有薄层骨化强回声环,有声影;

    Three intermediate stage cases revealed heterogeneous hypoechoic masses with thin rim ossification .

  16. 10例(16.7%)甲状腺内可见强回声光斑。

    Strong echoic spots were found in 10 cases ( 16.7 % ) .

  17. 超声诊断胎儿心内强回声灶的临床意义

    Clinical Significance of Echogenic Intracavitary Foci in Fetal Heart

  18. 肺实质呈致密斑点状强回声。

    The lung parenchyma appeared echo rich and patchy .

  19. 超声引导下羊水穿刺检测心室强回声灶胎儿染色体核型

    Analysis of Karyotyping of Chromosome by Ultrasound-guided Amniocentesis in Fetuses with Intracardiac Echogenic Focus

  20. 胎儿肠管强回声与胎儿异常的相关性分析

    Analysis on the correlation between dense echo of fetal intestinal canal and fetal abnormities

  21. 结果早期白内障的超声改变主要是晶状体周边部出现斑点状强回声。

    Results The main ultrasonic features manifested was diffuse enhanced spot echoes around the lens .

  22. 结果声像图表现为睾丸实质内点状强回声,无声影。

    Results Sonography of testicular microlithiasis showed high-echo dots in testicular parenchyma , without shadow .

  23. 结果造影剂信号呈强回声光点,以闪烁方式显示,大部分时间散在分布;

    Results the SonoVue sign showed high sparkling light spot with diffused distribution in most time .

  24. 强回声型(1例)。

    C shape ; ( 3 ) D shape . 4.hyperechoic texture type ( in one case ) .

  25. 测定复合斑块内低、高及强回声区域面积占整个斑块面积百分比。

    Examed the percentage of low echo area 、 high intensity echo area in the total complex plaque .

  26. 全髋置换术的各个时期均可观察到右心房呈点状强回声的脂肪栓子。

    Fat emboli appeared as strong - echo particles in right atrium were found in different period of THA .

  27. 其余16例Ⅰ-Ⅱ级胶质瘤、脑膜瘤和垂体瘤中13例呈强回声,回声均匀。

    13 of 16 cases of gliomas ( grade ⅰ to ⅱ), meningiomas and pituitary adenomas were also hyperechoic but homogeneous .

  28. 伴有声影的肝内强回声灶可由肝内胆管结石或非特异性的肝内钙化灶形成。

    Intrahepatic hyperechoic spots or nodules with acoustic shadows could be intrahepatic bile duct ( IHD ) stones or nonspecific calcification .

  29. 目的:探讨强回声后方的彩色多普勒快闪伪像的产生机制和临床意义。

    Objective : To evaluate the mechanism and the clinical value of the " color Doppler twinkling artifact " behind hyperechoic regions .

  30. 原发性肝癌41例,有晕征者24例,且多为强回声型(56.1%)。

    41 with PHC , 24 of them had halo sign , and most were hyperechoic ( 56 . 1 % ) .