
  • 网络carotid endarterectomy;cea
  1. 颈动脉内膜剥脱术相关临床问题的探讨

    Carotid endarterectomy and some related clinical problems

  2. 目的研究颈动脉内膜剥脱术和成形术对颈动脉狭窄患者的治疗结果。

    Objective To assess the effectiveness of carotid endarterectomy ( CEA ) in the surgical treatment of stenosis of carotid artery .

  3. 目的探讨转流与无转流两种颈动脉内膜剥脱术(CEA)术式对脑局部血液流变学及红细胞变形能力的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of two different CEA on brain erythrocyte deformability and rheology .

  4. 目的:观察颈动脉内膜剥脱术(CEA)对脑缺血症状的改善作用。

    Objective : Carotid endarterectomy ( CEA ) has been evaluated in improving symptoms of cerebral ischemic syndromes .

  5. 但对于血管重度狭窄(≥70%)拟行颈动脉内膜剥脱术或经皮颈动脉成形术的患者,术前应行DSA检查。

    For patient with severe stenosis (≥ 70 % ), which is considered as candidate for endarterectomy and percutaneous transluminal carotid angioplasty , DSA should be performed .

  6. 颈动脉内膜剥脱术防治缺血性脑卒中

    Carotid artery endarterectomy for prevention and treatment to patients of stroke

  7. 颈动脉内膜剥脱术治疗缺血性脑卒中的护理20例

    Caring 20 Cases of Ischemic Cerebral Apoplexy after Carotid Endarterectomy

  8. 目的总结我们行颈动脉内膜剥脱术的经验。

    Objective To sum up our experience of carotid endarterectomy ( CEA ) .

  9. 颈动脉内膜剥脱术中的体感诱发电位监测

    Monitoring of somatosensory evoked potential during carotid endarterectomy

  10. 目的探讨“首问负责制”对颈动脉内膜剥脱术患者疾病不确定感的影响。

    A study on influence of disease uncertainty on lung cancer patients of progressive stage undergoing chemotherapy ;

  11. 结论颈动脉内膜剥脱术是治疗颅外颈动脉狭窄、脑梗死后遗症及预防脑梗死、改善脑供血的安全、有效方法。

    Conclusion The carotid endarterectomy is an effective and safe method for treatment of the extracranial carotid stenosis , the sequelae of cerebral infarction as well as prevention from cerebral infarction and improvement of cerebral blood supply .

  12. 方法对30例行颈动脉内膜剥脱术的患者,术后控制血压,密切观察脑部症状,重视患者自觉症状,加强呼吸道管理,抗凝药物应用的观察与护理。

    Method 30 patients having undergone cervical endarterium denudation were cared by postoperative control of blood pressure , close observation of cerebral symptoms , attaching importance to rational symptom of the patients , enhanced management of respiratory tract and observation after use of anticoagulants .

  13. 流行病学研究发现,一些神经外科、血管外科和心血管手术(如:颈动脉内膜剥脱术、颅内动脉瘤切除术、深低温下主动脉修补术)存在较高的脑缺血再灌注损伤的风险。

    Recent epidemiological investigations have determined that some neurosurgical , vascular , and cardiovascular procedures , such as carotid endarterectomy , intracranial aneurysmectomy and aorta arteriorrhaphy in deep hypothermia , present a high risk for transient cerebral ischemia and reperfusion ( I / R ) .

  14. 目的探讨颈动脉内膜切除剥脱术(CEA)的手术方法及技巧,以降低围手术期脑卒中发生率及术后再狭窄发生率。

    Objective To study the methods and skill of carotid endarterectomy ( CEA ) for reducing the stroke incidence perioperatively and restenosis of carotid artery after operation .

  15. 高危颈动脉狭窄患者内膜剥脱术和支架术的对比分析

    Comparison of Endarterectomy and Stenting for High-risk Carotid Atherosclerotic Stenosis

  16. 目的:观察家兔颈动脉粥样硬化模型颈动脉内膜剥脱术(CEA)后早期再狭窄随时间的变化过程,为临床预防再狭窄提供依据。

    Objective : To observe the time course of early restenosis of rabbit carotid atherosclerosis model after CEA and to provide information for clinical preventing restenosis .

  17. 高分辨超声动态观察家兔颈动脉粥样硬化模型颈动脉内膜剥脱术前后血管内膜的变化

    Changes of vessel tunica intima before and after carotid arterial endarterectomy in rabbit models with carotid atherosclerosis observed using high resolution ultrasound dynamically

  18. 为了研究颈动脉支架与颈动脉内膜剥脱术在长期对于防止卒中方面有同样的效果,来自SAPPHIRE试验其后三年的随访结果现在公布了。

    To investigate whether carotid stenting can provide the same degree of long-term protection against stroke as endarterectomy , 3-year follow-up results from SAPPHIRE have now been published .

  19. 全麻和颈丛阻滞行颈动脉内膜剥脱术的对比研究

    Comparative study of carotid endarterectomy under general anesthesia and cervical plexus block

  20. 颈丛阻滞下行颈动脉内膜剥脱术&附32例分析

    Carotid endarterectomy under cervical plexus block , clinical analysis of 32 cases

  21. 颈动脉狭窄患者行颈动脉内膜剥脱术的护理

    Nursing care of cervical artery stenosis patients undergoing cervical endarterectomy

  22. 置腔内转流管和颈动脉补片行颈动脉内膜剥脱术(附45例报告)

    Carotid endarterectomy with routine shunting and patch : a report of 45 cases .

  23. 背景对于单侧严重的颈动脉粥样硬化性狭窄进行颈动脉内膜剥脱术来预防中风的效用正在被围手术期的并发症所抵消。

    The effect of carotid endarterectomy in lowering the risk of stroke ipsilateral to severe atherosclerotic carotid-artery stenosis is offset by complications during or soon after surgery .

  24. 作者认为确诊颈动脉存在70%以上狭窄者,颈动脉内膜剥脱术是最好的治疗方法。

    If more than 70 % carotid stenosis have been found , the best treatment is carotid endarterectomy .

  25. 病变部位在颈动脉分叉及颈动脉起始处25例,其中22例行单纯颈动脉内膜剥脱术(carotidendarferecfomy,CEA),3例行CEA+补片;

    Among them 25 cases of lesion sites located at bifurcation of common carotid artery or initial part of internal carotid artery and 22 cases of them had been treated by carotid endarferecfomy ( CEA ), 3 cases of them by CEA plus patch .