
  • 网络Carotid plaque;carotid artery plaque
  1. 急性脑梗死患者颈动脉斑块与血清高敏感性C反应蛋白和IL-6的关系

    Correlation of carotid plaque , serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 levels in patients with acute cerebral infarction

  2. 结论应用超声和AD技术可以了解颈动脉斑块的性质,评价存在颈动脉斑块患者有无发生脑梗死的危险性。

    Conclusions AD technology can evaluate the property of carotid plaque and the risk of carotid plaque in cerebral infarction .

  3. 结论急性脑梗死患者的高敏C反应蛋白水平与颈动脉斑块性质具有明显的相关性。

    Conclusion Patients with acute cerebral infarction with high sensitivity C-reactive protein and carotid plaque has obvious relevance .

  4. 中老年自然人群中高敏C反应蛋白与颈动脉斑块检出率及斑块性质的关系

    Association between High Sensitive C-Reactive Protein and the Positive Rate and Characteristics of Carotid Plaque in the General Population

  5. 老年高血压昼夜节律变化与超敏C反应蛋白、颈动脉斑块的关系

    Relationship between day-night rhythm , serum levels of high sensitive C-reactive protein and carotid atherosclerosis in elderly people with essential hypertension

  6. 颈动脉斑块的发生A组较B组明显增多,差异有显著性(P0.05)。

    The incidence of carotid artery plaque in group A was much higher than that in group B ( P0.05 ) .

  7. 结论胼胝体梗死因其累及部位不同临床表现不同,其中颈动脉斑块为胼胝体梗死不容忽视的重要高危因素,头颅MRI对胼胝体梗死及累及部位的定位诊断有指导作用。

    Carotid atherosclerosis is one of the substantially important risk factors , and head MRI is helpful to the clinical location and treatment of corpus callosal infarction .

  8. TIA患者脑动脉微栓子的监测及其与颈动脉斑块的相关性

    Cerebral microembolism monitoring in patients with transient ischemic attack and its relation to carotid plaque

  9. 有颈动脉斑块者MES阳性率(46.34%)较无斑块者MES阳性率(21.88%)高(P

    The presence of MES in patients with carotid plaques ( 46.34 % ) was significantly higher than patients without carotid plaques ( 21.88 % )( P

  10. 经辛伐他汀治疗,在MMP-9及LP(a)下降的同时颈动脉斑块有所消退。

    Simvastatin treatment decreased IMT and carotid atherosclerosis plaques in associated with the decreases in MMP-9 and LP ( a ) .

  11. 不同性质颈动脉斑块脑梗死患者的血hs-CRP与纤维蛋白原水平研究

    Study of Serum hs-CRP and Fibrinogen Level in Cerebral Infarction Patients with Different Characteristic Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaques

  12. 结果颈动脉斑块组与正常对照组比较,反映动脉弹性的脉压(PP)、脉压指数(PI)、平均管壁张力(CWS)差异有显著性(P

    Results The difference of pulse pressure ( PP ), pulse index ( PI ) and CWS reflecting arterial flexibility was different between the two groups ( P

  13. 结论老年人血清CRP水平增高与颈动脉斑块厚度、增龄、吸烟、肥胖等因素关系密切。

    Conclusion Serum CRP level associates with age , smoking index , body mass index , or carotid plaque score significantly in the elderly .

  14. 结论:TIA的血管因素主要为脑动脉硬化、颅内外血管的狭窄和不同数量及质量的颈动脉斑块,颅内动脉硬化和血管狭窄较颅外发生率更高。

    CONCLUSION : The major factors of TIA are atherosclerosis , intracranial or extracranial vascular stenosis , and number and quality of carotid artery plaque .

  15. 血脂、骨钙素水平、APOE基因多态性都尚不能认为是颈动脉斑块形成和骨密度下降并发的危险因素。

    The levels of TG , BPG and APOE genotype are not the risk factors of BMD decreased patients combined with carotid artery plaque .

  16. 目的探讨调脂治疗对缺血性脑血管病(ICVD)患者颈动脉斑块的影响。

    Objective To investigate the influence of lipids-modulating therapy on carotid atherosclerosis in patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease ( ICVD ) .

  17. 目前很少有关于颈动脉斑块的发生在CIMT中的预测作用的纵向数据。

    There exist few longitudinal data on the predictive role of CIMT in the occurrence of carotid plaque .

  18. 治疗六个月后,以彩色多普勒(CDFI)检测患者的颈动脉斑块内膜中层厚度(IMT)及血管阻力指数(RI),以治疗前后的变化值作为统计学评判。

    After six mouths , their intima-media thickness ( IMT ) of carotid artery and vessel resistance index ( RI ) were observed by CDFI . The changes after treatment were statistical judged .

  19. 目的:检测急性冠脉综合征患者血清白介素6(IL-6)、可溶性白介素6受体(sIL-6R)水平及颈动脉斑块性质的变化并探讨其临床意义。

    Objective : To detect the changes and clinical significance of serum IL-6 ? sIL-6R and the stability of carotid artery atherosclerotic plaque in patients with acute coronary syndrome ( ACS ) .

  20. 结果老年高血压组颈动脉斑块的检出率(633%)显著高于非老年高血压组(229%,P<001),老年高血压伴DM组与老年高血压组比较差异无显著性。

    Results The incidence rate of atheromatous plaque of carotid artery was higher in group of senile patients with hypertension ( 63 3 % ) than that in group of non senile patients with hypertension ( 22.9 % , P < 0.01 ) .

  21. 缺血侧颈动脉斑块发生率(67.7%),其中软斑发生率(33.1%),均高于非缺血侧(48.5%,其中软斑20.4%,P0.05)。

    The incidence of carotid plaque in the ischemic side was found to be 67.7 % , soft plaque in that was 33.1 % , the incidence were higher than that of non-ischemic side ( 48.5 % , soft plaque in that was 20.4 % , P0.05 ) .

  22. Hp抗体阳性者颈动脉斑块和狭窄的发生率分别为100%和61%,健康对照组分别为55%和18%,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。

    There was a significant difference of the percentage of carotid atherosclerotic plaque and arteriostenosis between the patients with positive Hp antibody ( 100 % , 61 % , respectively ) and the normal controls ( 55 % , 18 % , respectively )( P < 0.05 ) .

  23. (见表2)(3)颈动脉斑块IBS%值:AMI组和UAP组显著低于SAP组(P<0.001),AMI组和UAP组之间差别无统计学意义。

    The IBS % of carotid plaques were significantly lower in AMI and UAP groups than SAP group ( p < 0.001 ), and there was no significant difference between AMI and UAP groups , between SAP and control groups ( see table 3 ) .

  24. Logistic回归分析表明心电图ST-T改变组发生颈动脉斑块的OR为1.8(P<0.01);多因素分析表明,控制了年龄、性别、高血压病、糖尿病和高胆固醇后,仍独立关联。

    Logistic regress showed a correlation between the carotid plaque and ST - T change ( OR 1.8 , P < 0.01 ), the relation still could be found after adjusted by age , gender , hypertension , diabetic mellitus and hypercholesterolemia ( OR 1.3 , P < 0.05 ) .

  25. 结果:TIA的血管因素按其相关度顺序排列为脑动脉硬化(73.3%)、颈动脉斑块数量(69.2%)、易脱落颈动脉斑块(23.2%)及颅内外血管的狭窄(19.0%)。

    RESULTS : The order of vascular factors related to TIA was cerebral atherosclerosis ( 73.3 % ), carotid artery plaque number ( 69.2 % ), carotid artery plaque which was easily shed ( 23.2 % ) and intracranial or extracranial vascular stenosis ( 19.0 % ) .

  26. 目的研究脂蛋白脂酶HindⅢ基因多态性与动脉硬化性脑梗死发病的关系及其对血脂、颈动脉斑块的影响。

    Objective To study the associations between Hind ⅲ gene polymorphism of LPL and atherosclerotic cerebral infarction and to investigate the effect of Hind ⅲ gene polymorphism on plasma lipids , carotid intima-media thickness ( IMT ) and carotid artery plaque ( CAP ) in patients with atherosclerotic cerebral infarction .

  27. 颈动脉斑块的超声检查及危险因素分析

    The Ultrasonography and Analysis of Risk Factors of Carotid Artery Plaque

  28. 颈动脉斑块稳定性相关因素研究进展

    Research advance of related factors on the stability of carotid plaques

  29. 心肌梗死并发脑梗死与颈动脉斑块相关性分析

    Correlation of myocardial infarction complicated with brain infarction and carotid plaque

  30. 颈动脉斑块和血白细胞计数增高的相关研究

    Carotid artery plaque thickness and elevated white blood cell count