
jǐng cóng
  • cervical plexus
颈丛[jǐng cóng]
  1. 罗吡卡因和布吡卡因用于颈丛神经阻滞的效果观察

    Comparison of ropivacaine with bupivacaine used for cervical plexus nerve blockade

  2. 不同剂量舒芬太尼对颈丛阻滞甲状腺切除术患者的作用

    Effects of different doses of sufentanil in patients undergoing thyroidectomy with cervical plexus block

  3. 心得安加颈丛神经阻滞(C组);

    Group C : propranolol plus cervical plexus blocking ;

  4. E组各项指标于颈丛阻滞后稳定,与C组比较有显著差异(P<0.05~0.01)。

    In group E , all the above mentioned parameters were stable during cervical plexus compared with group C ( P < 0.05 ~ 0.01 ) .

  5. U组和E组于颈丛阻滞后分别静注乌拉地尔0.3mg/kg和艾司洛尔0.3mg/kg。

    Urapidil 0.3mg/kg in group U and esmolol 0.3mg/kg in group E were intravenously injected respectively after cervical plexus .

  6. 应用韩氏穴位神经刺激仪(HANS)辅助小剂量颈丛阻滞对甲状腺手术的麻醉

    Application of the Han 's Acupoint Nerve Stimulator ( HANS ) Combined with Plexus Cervicalis Blcoking ( PCB ) in Thyroid Operation

  7. 【结论】静脉注射0.5mg/kg盐酸艾司洛尔治疗颈丛麻醉下甲状腺手术患者的心血管反应安全、有效。

    [ Conclusion ] Esmolol is effective and safe on cardiovascular reactions of cervical anesthesia .

  8. 早期46例47次CEA采用颈丛麻醉下通过阻断试验结合返流压力测定选择性应用转流管,近期13例14次手术在全麻并常规应用转流管下进行。

    The early 47 CEAs were performed under cervical block anaesthesia with selective intra-operative shunting , and the recent 13 patients with 14 CEAs were done under general anaesthesia with routine use of shunting .

  9. 方法:选颈丛阻滞麻醉,在c4横突处穿刺,给予0.25%罗哌卡因,分别在深丛7mL、浅丛15mL,共22mL注入。

    Method : The cervical plexus were selected to block anesthetic and punctured at c4 transverse .

  10. TRAIL与顺铂协同诱导横纹肌肉瘤细胞凋亡的实验研究针麻配合浅颈丛神经阻滞行颈椎病减压术81例临床观察

    An Experimental Study of the Synergistic Effect of TRAIL Combined with Cisplatin in RD Rhabdomyosarcoma Cell Line Clinical observation on the depression of 81 cases with cervical vertebra disease under acupuncture anesthesia combined with superficial cervical plexus block

  11. 目的用全身麻醉和颈丛阻滞复合静脉病人自控镇痛术(PCA)两种方式,进行颈动脉体瘤切除术,旨在比较两种麻醉方式的优缺点,及后者麻醉方式的可行性。

    Objective General anesthesia or cervical plexus block combined with PCA was applied in the operations for the excision of carotid aneurysm , with the aim of comparing the advantages and disadvantages of these two methods and the clinical applicability of the latter .

  12. 氟芬合剂抑制颈丛神经阻滞后心血管反应的临床研究

    Inhibitory Effect of Innovar on Cardiovascular Response after Cervical Plexus Block

  13. 低浓度罗哌卡因用于颈丛阻滞的临床观察

    Use of low concentration of ropivacaine in cervical plexus nerve block

  14. 碳酸利多卡因联合罗哌卡因用于颈丛阻滞效果观察

    Effect of Lidocaine carbonate and Ropivacaine in Cervical Plexus Block Compared

  15. 舒芬太尼靶控输注辅助颈丛阻滞甲状腺手术效果

    Efficacy of sufentanil target-controlled infusion assist cervical plexus block thyroid surgery

  16. 目的观察曲马多对颈丛麻醉的辅助作用。

    To investigate the effect of tramadol on cervical plexus block .

  17. 神经刺激器在颈丛神经阻滞的应用评价

    Judge of the nerve stimulator applied in cervical plexus block

  18. 手术采用气管内插管全身麻醉39例,颈丛麻醉43例。

    General anesthesia was adopted in39 cases and regional anesthesia in43 cases .

  19. 艾司洛尔对颈丛麻醉下甲状腺手术中心血管反应的平抑作用

    Esmolol prevents hemodynamic response during cervical plexus block anesthesia of thyroid surgery

  20. 保留颈丛神经颈淋巴结清扫术在分化型甲状腺癌手术中的应用

    Application of neck dissection preserving cervical plexus nerve in differentiated thyroid cancer

  21. 全麻和颈丛阻滞行颈动脉内膜剥脱术的对比研究

    Comparative study of carotid endarterectomy under general anesthesia and cervical plexus block

  22. 颈丛阻滞下行颈动脉内膜剥脱术&附32例分析

    Carotid endarterectomy under cervical plexus block , clinical analysis of 32 cases

  23. 小剂量芬太尼复合低浓度布比卡因在改良颈丛阻滞中的应用

    Application of Low-dose Fentanyl Combined with Bupivacaine in Cervical Plexus Block Anaesthesia

  24. 小剂量盐酸艾司洛尔对颈丛麻醉时心血管反应的治疗作用

    Treatment Effect of Esmolol on Cardiovascular Reactions of Cervical Anesthesia

  25. 颈丛神经阻滞期脑氧饱和度的变化

    Changes in Regional Cerebral Oxygen Saturation during Cervical Plexus Block

  26. 罗哌卡因与布比卡因颈丛阻滞的临床比较

    Clinical comparision between ropivacaine and bupivacaine in cervical plexus block

  27. 颈丛阻滞复合针刺麻醉在甲亢手术中的应用

    Application of Bilateral Cervical Plexus Block Combining with Acupuncture Anesthesia in Hyperthyroidism Operation

  28. 改良颈丛阻滞麻醉用于锁骨骨折手术53例效果观察

    Improved Cervical Plexus Block Anesthesia for 53 Cases of Clavicular Fracture Surgery Effect

  29. 全麻患者18例,颈丛麻醉25例。

    18 cases were general anesthesia , and 25 cases were plexus anesthesia .

  30. 针刺麻醉复合颈丛麻醉用于甲状腺手术32例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Acupuncture and Compound Cervical Plexus Anaesthesia Applied in Thyroid Operation