
yǐ zhuànɡ dòu
  • sigmoid sinus
  1. 乙状窦中段前缘到面神经垂直段的最短距离:(9.84±2.48)mm;

    The shortest distance from the anterior border of middle sigmoid sinus to the mastoid segment of facial nerve was ( 9.84 ± 2.48 ) mm ;

  2. 内耳门后下缘到乙状窦后缘中点的距离左侧为(32.15±1.76)mm,右侧为(33.34±1.57)mm;

    The distance from the posterior inferior edge of internal ear port to the central point of the posterior edge of the sigmoid sinus was ( 32.15 1.76 ) mm on the left , and ( 33.34 1.57 ) mm on the right ;

  3. 乙状窦沟及周围骨性结构CT观察的临床意义

    Clinical significance of CT scanning of skull sigmoid sinus sulcus and its adjacent bony structures

  4. 高分辨率CT准确显示了3例颈动脉骨管破坏,4例颈静脉球或乙状窦受到累及,5例面神经骨管破坏。

    HRCT correctly depicted destruction of carotid artery canal in 3 cases , erosion of jugular foramen in 4 cases and facial nerve canal in 5 cases .

  5. 结果:横窦乙状窦膝至内耳门后缘的距离约为(35.1±0.2)mm。

    Results : The distance between knee of transverse sigmoid sinus and posterior border of internal acoustic porus was ( 35.1 ± 0.2 ) mm .

  6. 结果经静脉入路治疗横窦-乙状窦区DAVF共16例。病变累及横窦-乙状窦交界处者11例、横窦者3例、乙状窦者2例。

    Results Sixteen patients with transverse-sigmoid sinus DAVF were treated by transvenous approach .

  7. 结论对于适当选择的横窦-乙状窦区DAVF病例,经静脉入路闭塞病变静脉窦是一种安全有效的治疗方法。

    Conclusion In properly selected cases , transvenous occlusion of the DAVF involved transverse-sigmoid sinus was safe and efficient .

  8. 目的评价经静脉入路栓塞治疗横窦-乙状窦区硬脑膜动静脉瘘(DAVF)的安全性和有效性。

    Objective To evaluate the safety and the efficacy of transvenous embolization of transverse-sigmoid sinus dural arteriovenous fistula ( DAVF ) .

  9. 病变组乙状窦前位(32.3%)发生率高于正常对照组(15.8%,P0.05),气化不良组(43.5%)高于气化良好组(11.3%,P0.05)。

    The incidence of ante-rior location of sigmoid sinus in the abnormal group ( 32.3 % ) was higher than that in normal group ( 15.8 % ), which was higher in poorly pneumatized group ( 43.5 % ) than that in well pneumatized group ( 11.3 % ) .

  10. 静脉对神经根有压迫的占15.4%;③岩静脉距横窦与乙状窦交角处的距离为31.1±5.2mm。

    The distance from the petrosal vein to the meeting point of the transverse and sigmoid sinuses was 31.1 ± 5.2 mm .

  11. 直径小于1cm的听神经瘤,经中颅凹入路和乙状窦后入路切除肿瘤均可,但中颅凹入路术野开阔,利于手术操作;

    To acoustic tumors less than 1 cm in diameter , both of the middle cranial fossa approach and retrosigmoid approach can be used , but the middle cranial fossa has broad vision , it is helpful to operate .

  12. 磨除部分乳突后联合颞部开颅,形成一3.5cm×3cm大小的骨窗,暴露并剪开乙状窦前和颞部硬脑膜,牵开颞叶和小脑半球,显微镜下观察所显露的解剖结构。

    After stripping partial mastoid process , a 3.5cm × 3cm bone window at the temporal part was made to expose the anterior part of the sigmoid sinus and temporal dura mater . Many anatomic structures can be observed under microscope when cerebellar hemisphere and temporal lobe were drawn away .

  13. 经乙状窦后入路小脑前下动脉显微解剖学研究

    Endoscope-assisted Microanatomy Study of Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery through Retrosigmoid Approach

  14. 经锁孔枕下乙状窦后经内听道上入路研究岩斜区的显微解剖

    Micro-anatomic study of petroclival region by keyhole approach of suboccipital-retrosigmoid suprameatal

  15. 乙状窦后径路内镜下选择性前庭神经切断术治疗梅尼埃病

    Endoscopic technique utilized into the selective vestibular neurotomy by retrosigmoid approach

  16. 乙状窦后径路听神经瘤切除术中内镜辅助应用价值的探讨

    Application of the endoscope assisting in retrosigmoid approach vestibular schwannoma resection

  17. 国人乙状窦沟的应用解剖学研究

    Applied anatomic study of groove of sigmoid sinus of the Chinese

  18. 听神经瘤枕下乙状窦后开颅技术的改进临床研究

    Clinical study on improving suboccipital retrosigmoid sinus approach for acoustic neuromas

  19. 扩大乙状窦后经内耳孔上入路显微外科解剖学系列研究

    Studies on the Microanatomy of the Expanding Retrosigmoid Suprameatal Approach

  20. 枕下乙状窦后锁孔入路切除听神经瘤的临床应用

    Removal of acoustic neurinoma by retrosigmoid approach with keyhole craniotomy

  21. 乙状窦后入路微血管减压术治疗面肌痉挛

    Treatment of hemifacial spasm with microvascular decompression via retrosigmoid approach

  22. 乙状窦后手术入路的应用解剖学

    Applied Anatomy of Operative Pathway in Sigmoid Sinus Posterior Region

  23. 乙状窦后锁孔入路切除大型听神经鞘瘤

    Microsurgical excision of large acoustic neurinomas via retrosigmoid keyhole approach

  24. 内镜下经乙状窦后入路显微手术治疗继发性三叉神经痛

    The microsurgery treatment of secondary trigeminal neuralgia via retrosigmoid approach under endoscope

  25. 乙状窦后径路小脑脑桥角手术并发症

    Complications of cerebellopontine angle surgery by the retrosigmoid approach

  26. 乙状窦前迷路后入路中后骨半规管定位与保护的应用解剖

    Applied Anatomy for localization and preservation of post semicircular canal during presigmoid-retrolabyrinthine approach

  27. 乙状窦后进路下桥-小脑角的内镜解剖特征

    Endoscopic anatomy of the cerebellopontine angle by retrosigmoid approach

  28. 内窥镜辅助的乙状窦前入路中岩静脉的解剖学研究

    The anatomic study of the superior petrosal vein during the endoscope-assisted presigmoid approach

  29. 乙状窦后入路切除颈静脉孔区哑铃形肿瘤

    Jugular foramen tumors with collars batton shaped via a posterior sigmoid sinus approach

  30. 乙状窦后内窥镜辅助桥脑小脑角面神经手术治疗面肌痉挛

    Treatment of facial spasm by endoscope-assisted cerebellopontine angle-facial nerve operation through retrosigmoid approach