
  • 网络ether;ethereal;aether
  1. 以化身活在乙太的世界。

    and so live on as an avatar in the ether .

  2. 这个显现会与最后一个元素-乙太元素一起到来。

    That comes with the last tattva-the ether .

  3. 工厂自动化乙太网路(EPA)是一种以现场汇流排为基础的标准,利用乙太网路连接到现场装置。

    Ethernet for Plant Automation ( EPA ) is a Fieldbus-based standard for using Ethernet to connect field devices .

  4. 哪一下列各项是快速的乙太网络技术?

    Which of the following are fast Ethernet technologies ?

  5. 3标准为骨干装置建议以哪个乙太网路做标准?

    Which Ethernet standard does the IEEE 802.3 standard recommend for backbone installations ?

  6. 允许地球光明梦想的振动开始滋养乙太身体。

    Allow the vibrations of the light earth dream to begin to nurture the etheric body .

  7. 在一个乙太区域网路里,网路卡怎样知道什麽时候它能传送数据?

    In an Ethernet LAN , how does the NIC know when it can transmit data ?

  8. 翱翔,吃乙太,见未曾见的;离开,要迷失,但攀登。

    Soar , eat ether , see what has never been seen ; depart , be lost , but climb .

  9. 一个子界面是在一个实体界面(例如:路由器上的高速乙太网路界面)上的逻辑界面。

    A subinterface is a logical interface within a physical interface , such as the Fast Ethernet interface on a router .

  10. 乙太网路交换器从连接埠所接的客户终端设备接收封包,然后一个独特的封包辩识标签会加到每一个封包表头。

    As packets are received by the switch from any attached end-station device , a unique packet identifier is added within each header .

  11. 相对于在那些只知乙太形态的创造物内,提升如此致密的形态是更难的任务。

    Ascending a form that is so dense is a more difficult task than within those creations that knows only an etheric form .