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gù tǔ
  • homeland;native land
故土 [gù tǔ]
  • [homeland;native land] 故乡。指土生土长的地方

  • 孰使予乐居夷而忘故土者,非兹潭也欤?--唐. 柳宗元《钴鉧潭记》

  • 怀念故土

  • 故土难移

故土[gù tǔ]
  1. 她再也没见到自己的故土。

    She never saw her native land again .

  2. 苗族服饰刺绣中的故土及迁徙图案纹样

    Embroidery Patterns of Native Land and Migration on Dress of Miao Minority

  3. 他因怀念故土而返回(乡里)。

    He returned to his native land of homesickness .

  4. 2002年8月9日,她终于在故土南非被安葬。5:拉美西斯木乃伊RamsesMummy

    She was buried in South Africa on August 9 , 2002 .

  5. 还有接触到vedran故土会对重建的联邦造成什么影响?

    And what would contacting the Vedran homeworld do for a reunited commonwealth ?

  6. 第二章,城市断零者的故土情。

    The second chapter , the native affection of the vagrants .

  7. 二十年后,他终于踏上了他的故土。

    He finally set foot on his homeland twenty years later .

  8. 春天来临时它们振翅飞向北极的故土。

    When spring comes , they take wing for the Arctic .

  9. 从地名看台湾移民的故土情结

    To View Taiwan Immigrants ' Hometown Complex From Its Place Names

  10. 他离开故土波兰已有三年了

    He have be away from his native poland for three year

  11. 他们全家决定离开故土,移居澳大利亚。

    The family decided to uproot themselves and emigrate to Australia .

  12. 他2年前离别故土。

    He parted from his native shore two years ago .

  13. 他们回到告别了的故土。

    They returned to the land from whence they came .

  14. 《茫茫藻海》:对阁楼上疯女人故土的再想象

    Wide Sargasso Sea : Re-imagination of Homeland of Lunatic Woman in Attic

  15. 在长达十年的战争之后,我们的英雄们现在正回归故土。全美上下的军人家庭都在团聚。

    After a decade of war , our heroes are coming home .

  16. 从故土意识把脉哈代的悲观主义走向

    To Grip the Tragic Tendency of Hardy from His Birthplace 's Consciousness

  17. 红色故土长眠千万壮士英豪。

    The red land with thousand of heroes sleeping in .

  18. 埃及一神论法老木乃伊即将返回故土。

    Mummy of Egypt 's monotheist pharaoh to return home .

  19. 我恳请她能给我一匹战马,好让我踏平敌人的庄园,重返故土。

    And I begged her give me horses to trample down my enemies .

  20. 在白人移民看来,故土英格兰是耶路撒冷,而澳洲大陆则是巴比伦。

    For white immigrants , England is jerusalem , while Australia is babylon .

  21. 移民们匆匆告别故乡,什么故土,什么亲情都丢弃了。

    Immigrants in his hometown , farewell , what what family is discarded .

  22. 由于远离故土,普鲁丝妮患了思乡病,她非常想见亲爱的妹妹菲勒美拉。

    Then Procne became homesick and longed to see her dear sister Philomela .

  23. 他表示村民们经常被迫离开故土,却得不到公平的补偿。

    He says often villagers are forced from their homes without fair payment .

  24. 一般地说,没有一个中国人离开故土之后会不打算回去的。

    Generally speaking , no Chinese leaves his home not intending to return .

  25. 根据文章,他为什么被迫离开故土?

    Why was he forced to leave native place according to the passage ?

  26. 探讨归国人员在与故土再融合过程中面对的各种挑战的文章也有很多。

    Much has been written about the challenges that folks face in re-integrating .

  27. 来自故土文化的得与失&以现代山东作家为例

    Gains and Losses from Native Land Culture & Taking Shandong Writers for Example

  28. 他们也永不会归到故土。

    Only that they won 't be coming home .

  29. 选择客居,可以说是一种对故土的不忠行为。

    To choose foreignness is an act of disloyalty to one 's native country .

  30. 然而,在这样一个故土观念极重的地区,这种方案没有什么号召力。

    Yet this approach has little appeal in a region of strong local loyalties .