
  • 网络Storyboard;Storyboarding;story boards
  1. 看板支持:规划工具现在支持看板,包括一个故事版(storyboard)和在制品(WIP)限制。

    Kanban Support : The planning tools now support Kanban including a story board and Work-In-Progress ( WIP ) limits .

  2. 如不能发送设计的三维样品,则须递交长篇视频和装裱好的故事版以辅助末轮竞赛申请。

    If you are unable to send a3D sample of your design , you will be able to submit longer videos and mounted storyboards to aid in the presentation of your entry .

  3. 这是柯南·道尔故事的漫画版,还自带高科技。

    It 's a comic-strip version of Conan Doyle , with lots of technology .

  4. 后来加上了一些特写节目,开始时一些著名作家写的短篇故事的特别版。

    Feature programs were added later , starting with Special English versions of short stories by famous writers .

  5. 更明确地说,团队什么时候才可以把一个用户故事移入到任务版上的“完成”一栏之中?这又到底意味着什么?

    More specifically , when your team moves one particular user story into the " done " column on their taskboard , what does that actually mean ?

  6. 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格将通过改编伦纳德·伯恩斯坦和斯蒂芬·桑德海姆的经典百老汇歌剧《西区故事》(百老汇版的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》),呈上歌舞表演和史上最美的一些音乐曲目(《玛丽亚》、《今夜》等等)。

    Steven Spielberg delivers singing , dancing and some of the most beautiful music ever written - Maria , Tonight , the list goes on - with his adaptation of Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim 's classic Broadway take on Romeo and Juliet .

  7. 莉斯的故事是我们一直钟爱的灰姑娘故事的现代版,我们应该为曾受压迫的莉斯获取最终胜利抱以欢呼。

    Cinderella stories that we all fall in love with , one where we can cheer for the underdog who eventually triumphs .

  8. 故事讲述的是10岁小女孩千寻的冒险故事,国内版由古灵精怪的周冬雨配音。千寻在精灵世界四处游荡,想把变成猪的父母变回原貌。

    It follows the adventures of a 10-year old girl named Chihiro , voiced by the adorable Zhou Dongyu , as she wanders around the spirit world to bring her parents back to their original form after turning into pigs .

  9. 后来,英国作家、前外交官A.B.米特福德在他的选集《古日本故事集》中突出介绍了这一事件,之后便流传开来。如今该书已经成为西方故事的权威版,也是我们今天主要依赖的版本。

    The event was later popularized by British writer and former diplomat A.B. Mitford who featured it prominently in his anthology book Tales of Old Japan . This has become the definitive version of the story in the West and the one we will be mostly relying on today .