
duǎn jù
  • short play;playlet
短剧 [duǎn jù]
  • (1) [skit]

  • (2) 包含在戏剧(如小型歌舞时事讽刺剧)表演中的短滑稽剧或喜剧

  • (3) 包含在时事讽刺剧中或单独演出的短小的严肃戏剧;尤指业余作者创作的剧本或业余剧团上演

  1. 和小伙伴们一起读短剧。

    Read a short play with a few friends .

  2. 接着他们为他表演一出短剧。

    Then they acted a short play for him .

  3. 今年除了那些搞笑短剧外,还会有众多乐队登台献艺。

    This year numerous bands are playing , as well as comedy acts

  4. 她的畅销小说《桃树路》不久将被拍成一部电视系列短剧。

    Her bestseller ' Peachtree Road ' is soon to be made into a television mini-series .

  5. 我们在为英语晚会排几个短剧。

    We are getting-up some short plays for our English evening .

  6. 我们的课本包括8篇故事,2篇短剧和2篇杂文。

    Our textbook includes eight stories , two short plays and two essays .

  7. 一出滑稽短剧《兽王》酷似传统的边疆闹剧

    One of these skits , " The King of Beasts " resembles a traditional frontier prank .

  8. 特里普(Tripp)与泰勒(Tyler)制作的关于电话会议的搞笑短剧在YouTube上的观看次数达到1100万;

    There is a funny sketch by Tripp and Tyler sending up the conference call that has been watched 11m times on YouTube ;

  9. 梅姨在2004年出演HBO的系列短剧《美国天使》而获得艾美奖,这次梅姨出演电视剧也算是比较罕见。

    The gig marks a rare TV role from Streep , who won an Emmy in 2004 for her part in the HBO miniseries " Angels in America . "

  10. 毕业后不久,森德勒得到了一个在NBC电视台星期六现场节目表演喜剧短剧的机会,在那工作的五年里他成了该节目最受欢迎的演员之一。

    Not long after graduation , Sandler gained a position with the NBC-TV sketch-comedy show Saturday Night Live , and became one of the show 's most popular actors during his five-year stint .

  11. 士兵赵开赫(ChoGae-hyuk,音)为本次活动创作了一部关于朝鲜战争的音乐短剧,他和五名韩国流行乐明星在一间营房里共住了四个月。他说,他们的职业道德令他感到吃惊。

    Cho Gae-hyuk , a soldier who composed a short musical about the Korean War for the festival and shared a barracks room with five of the K-pop stars for four months , said he was surprised by their work ethic .

  12. 除了珀塞尔和米勒,《越狱》的创作者同时也是ABC系列短剧《零点时刻》的运作人保罗·舒尔林也期待《越狱》的回归。同样也期待《越狱》回归的还有该剧的执行制片人唐·帕罗斯和马尔提·阿黛尔斯坦。

    Apart from Purcell and Miller , even Paul Scheuring , who created ' Prison Break ' and was the show runner of the fleeting ABC series , ' Zero Hour , ' is also waiting for the reboot , alongside executive producers Dawn Parouse and Marty Adelstein , who were also a part of the original series .

  13. 流行天后嘎嘎小姐凭借她在HBO热门短剧《美国恐怖故事:旅馆》中扮演的反面角色获得了最佳女主角的奖杯。

    Pop superstar Gaga also took home the award for best actress in a limited television series or movie for her role as the villainous Countess in American Horror Story : Hotel . The Born This Way singer made an emotional speech as she was awarded a Golden Globe for her role in the HBO hit .

  14. 我已经在很多剧本和短剧。

    I have been in a lot of plays and skits .

  15. 学习课文,完成编写关于短剧第二幕的对话,并且模仿配音。

    Learn the text and make a dialogue of Scene II .

  16. 戈登:还会有滑稽短剧。

    Gordon : They will have some funny skits as well .

  17. 她在欧洲巡回表演她的歌曲和短剧。

    She toured Europe with a programme of songs and sketches .

  18. 帮助你写并表演短剧的步骤。

    Steps to help you write and perform a short play .

  19. 视听说课堂短剧表演法的实践与研究视听的听觉的和视觉的

    Practice and Research on Short-play Approach in English Video-aural-oral Class

  20. 看过我为戏剧之夜写的短剧么?

    Did you read the short play I wrote for theater night ?

  21. 圣诞节那天,他们在学校上演了一出短剧。

    At school they did a little play at christmas .

  22. 在《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的剧本基础上,我创作了一出与贪腐有关的短剧。

    I wrote a sketch based on Romeo and Juliet about corruption .

  23. 他们上演了一出夫妻二人买新车的短剧。

    They did a sketch about a couple buying a new car .

  24. 那场由我学生扮演角色的英语短剧很成功。

    The English play which my students acted in was a great success .

  25. 除了小说,他还创作散文,短剧和随笔。

    In addition to his novels , creative nonfiction short stories and essays .

  26. 昨天晚上他们演了一出短剧。

    They put on a short play last night .

  27. 主要剧情开始前上演的短剧。

    A short play presented before the main play .

  28. 现在请观看下面三幕短剧。

    Now watch the drama in three short acts .

  29. 把你的短剧给全班或另一组的同学表演。

    Present your plays to the class or to another group of classmates .

  30. 音乐、短剧和游戏同样精彩呈现!

    And of course , lots of wonderful Christmas music , sketches and games !