
In certain situations , Metronome 's short pause-time guarantees are insufficient for an application 's RT characteristics .
In effect , short pause times that are sufficiently close together are no different from a full STW GC .
Kim , who 's now back to shooting Kourtney and Kim Take Miami , spent her 32nd birthday with her beau in Venice , part of a whirlwind trip to Italy that started in Rome and also touched down in Florence .
Thus , a policy with longer pause times ( such as optthruput ) may actually give lower average response times than one with short pause times ( such as optavgpause ) .
When fire happens due to header blasting caused by earth quake , excepting emergency venting , all production wells must be closed , gas supply for the downstream users shall be stopped for time being .
Indeed , there is something quite romantic about a 21st-century whistle stop business trip calling at Vienna , Kiev , Almaty , Urumqi and Beijing rather than making countless , stressful point-to-point journeys over the course of the year .