
  1. 在某些情形下,Metronome的短暂停时间保证不能满足应用程序的RT特征。

    In certain situations , Metronome 's short pause-time guarantees are insufficient for an application 's RT characteristics .

  2. 实际上,足够接近的短暂停时间与完整的STWGC并无二致。

    In effect , short pause times that are sufficiently close together are no different from a full STW GC .

  3. 金现在已回归《金和考特妮的迈阿密之行》(KourtneyandKimTakeMiami)。她在威尼斯和恋人度过了她的32岁生日,这也是她意大利旋风行的一部分。这次旅行从罗马开始,还在佛罗伦萨做了短暂停留。

    Kim , who 's now back to shooting Kourtney and Kim Take Miami , spent her 32nd birthday with her beau in Venice , part of a whirlwind trip to Italy that started in Rome and also touched down in Florence .

  4. 因此,与具有短暂停时间的策略(如optavgpause)相比,具有较长暂停时间的策略(如optthruput)实际上可能给出更低的平均响应时间。

    Thus , a policy with longer pause times ( such as optthruput ) may actually give lower average response times than one with short pause times ( such as optavgpause ) .

  5. 当总管由于地震等因素引起爆管发生火灾时,除采用紧急放空外,还要关闭所有生产井,下游用户会短暂停气。

    When fire happens due to header blasting caused by earth quake , excepting emergency venting , all production wells must be closed , gas supply for the downstream users shall be stopped for time being .

  6. 的确,相比于一年中无数次点对点的紧张旅程,短暂经停维也纳、基辅、阿拉木图、乌鲁木齐和北京的21世纪风格的商务旅行,还是很有一些浪漫气息的。

    Indeed , there is something quite romantic about a 21st-century whistle stop business trip calling at Vienna , Kiev , Almaty , Urumqi and Beijing rather than making countless , stressful point-to-point journeys over the course of the year .