
  • 网络short rent
  1. 民居短租网站Airbnb每月都能促成3000多起业务,不过现在Airbnb打算开始向中长期租房业务方向发展了。

    After booking 3,000 monthly rentals , airbnb is ready to expand its bookings into the ( somewhat ) longer term .

  2. 不过,旅游业中部分交易正在走向另一个方向,Airbnb正在开展磋商,准备收购中国第二大民宿服务公司小猪短租(Xiaozhu)。

    But some deals in tourism are heading in the other direction , with Airbnb in talks to buy China 's second-largest home accommodation service , Xiaozhu .

  3. 该市场的最大公司途家(Tujia)最近收购了中国旅游服务提供商携程(Ctrip)的度假短租业务,并通过股份互换方式收购了蚂蚁短租。

    The largest company in the market , Tujia , recently bought Chinese travel services provider Ctrip 's vacation rental business , and acquired Mighty Talent , another holiday rental company , through a share swap .

  4. 据一名知情人士透露,Airbnb正在谈判收购中国第二大民宿短租服务提供商。目前这家硅谷企业正在深化进入中国市场的努力。

    Airbnb is in talks to buy China 's second-largest home accommodation service , according to a person close to the discussions , as the Silicon Valley company deepens its push into China .

  5. 对小猪来说,与Airbnb达成交易可能有助于提高其地位;中国的民宿短租市场一度有六家Airbnb效仿者,近来则在快速整合。

    For Xiaozhu , a deal with Airbnb could help boost its position at a time when China 's home accommodation market , once consisting of half a dozen Airbnb clones , has been rapidly consolidating .

  6. 关于我国开发区工业用地实行短租制的探讨

    On Application of Short-term Tenancy System to Industrial Land Use in Chinese Development Zone

  7. 这个周一,埃莉诺也从圣迭戈驱车回家了,她是在租出她暑期短租的房间后回来的。

    This Monday , Eleanor drove back from San Diego after she rented out her room for the summer .

  8. 一些俱乐部也对这位英格兰国脚的短租抱有兴趣,包括纽卡和维拉。

    A host of clubs are interested in taking the England international on a short-term basis , including Newcastle and Aston Villa .

  9. 收购小猪的交易若能达成,将成为民宿短租服务领域迄今最大的交易,因为这家中国公司上一次估值达到3亿美元。

    The acquisition of Xiaozhu , if agreed , is poised to be the home-sharing service 's largest deal to date , with the Chinese company last valued at $ 300m .

  10. 另有大小货车租赁业务。公司面向社会各界,为客户提供多种租赁方式:短租带驾、长租自驾、机场接送、点对点接送、货车运输等服务。

    Company for all sectors of society , providing customers with a variety of lease : short lease with drive , long-term lease Zijia , Airport Shuttle , point to point transfer , trucking and other services .

  11. 在纽约,酒店工会和纽约市官员的反对尤为激烈,他们指责该公司未能遵守2010年一项禁止在曼哈顿提供短租服务的法律——但很少执行。

    In New York , hotel unions and New York City officials have been particularly vociferous about the company 's failure to comply with a 2010 law that banned short-term rentals in Manhattan - but is rarely enforced .