
duǎn lùn
  • short commentary
短论 [duǎn lùn]
  • [essay] 一种分析性的、解释性的或批评性的文章,通常比学术论文或学位论文短得多,论述也不那么系统、正规且通常是从有限的、往往是从个人的观点来论述主题的

  1. 她不喜欢用许多引语添凑起来的短论。

    She does not like an essay padded out with numerous quotations .

  2. 坦斯利关于这个问题的短论在今天仍然值得一读。

    Tansley 's essay on this problem is still worth reading today .

  3. 本课程包括三篇短论作业。

    This course includes three essay assignments .

  4. 他总算得到了“世界的敲钟人”这个职位,因此他每年写一篇关于猫头鹰的短论。

    So now he got the place of " Universal Bell-ringer , " and wrote yearly a short treatise " On the Owl " ;

  5. 本书除了费先生的七篇短论外,接下来是六篇中国士绅的生活史,由周荣德先生于1943年至1946年间在云南搜集整理。

    Feis seven essays are followed in this volume by six life-histories of Chinese gentry collected by Mr. Yung-teh Chow in Yunnan between 1943 and 1946 .

  6. 另外两篇则为本课程相关资讯-个人回忆录、自传、调查、其它非小说的叙述或具说服力的短论。

    The other two assignments will be essays related to the material of the course-personal memoir , autobiography , investigation , or other nonfiction narrative or persuasive essay .

  7. 对于每一篇短论,你必须进行提案与起草,以从课堂的工作小组以及我这方面得到回应。

    For each essay , you will write a proposal , draft the piece , and then get feedback on your writing from a workshop group in class as well as from me .

  8. 经我同意,三篇短论中可以有一篇小说作品,但是你需要附加一份批评性的注释,讨论你的故事如何衔接到课程中读到和讨论到的题目。

    With my permission , one of your papers may be a work of fiction , accompanied by a critical commentary addressing the ways your story engages the issues we have read about and discussed in the course .

  9. 十七年时期的文学批评在语体方面表现出强烈的政论色彩,它往往夹杂在诸如专论、会议报告、评论员文章、短论之中,以政论的方式来阐释文学问题。

    We point out that the literary criticism of the " 17 years " period uses the political commentary to explain the literature problems , and usually embodied in specific issue , meeting report , commentator 's article and short comments .