
duǎn wà
  • socks;anklet
短袜 [duǎn wà]
  • (1) [socks]∶针织或编织的足套,通常套至踝部以上,有时长及膝盖,穿于鞋内或其他鞋袜内

  • (2) [anklet]∶袜统通常仅略高于脚踝的袜

短袜[duǎn wà]
  1. 我除了短袜什么都没穿。

    I had nothing on except for my socks .

  2. 蓝衣服和红褐色短袜!他又搞错了。

    Blue suit and reddish-brown socks ! He had fouled up again .

  3. 山姆的商店屯积了有斑点的短袜。

    Sam 's shop stocks short spotted socks .

  4. 我写这篇文章的时候,我穿的是Gap大卖场的T恤,上面粘的都是猫毛,一双有大黄蜂团的黄色短袜。

    As I write this , I 'm wearing a Gap T-shirt covered in cat hair and yellow ankle socks with bumblebees embroidered on them .

  5. 据出生于巴勒斯坦、撰写中东事件的作家赛义德阿布里什(saidaburish)表示,短袖就等同于短袜。

    According to Palestinian-born Middle East affairs writer said aburish , short sleeves are equivalent to short socks .

  6. 所以,今天如果你们谁捣蛋,我马上打电话给Santa,我会告诉他,你们圣诞节只要短袜就可以了。

    And if anyone of you acts up , so help me , I will call Santa and tell him you want socks for Christmas .

  7. 甚至《绿野仙踪》里面的Dorothy也穿着蓝色的围裙和短袜。

    Even Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz is kitted out in a light blue pinafore and socks .

  8. Bravado集团已售出数百万件与杰克逊共同设计的太阳镜、马克杯、钱包、围巾和短袜,产品种类多达200种。

    Bravado has already sold several million pieces from a 200-item range of sunglasses , mugs , wallets , scarves and socks designed with Mr Jackson .

  9. B-19细小病毒感染同时发生的单纯红细胞再生障碍和丘疹紫癜性手套和短袜样综合征

    Simultaneous occurrence of pure red cell aplasia and papular-purpuric ' gloves and socks ' syndrome in parvovirus B-19 infection

  10. 她拉开抽屉,拿出一双短袜

    She open the drawer and take out a pair of sock

  11. 我们国中生必须穿白色短袜。

    We junior high school students have to wear white socks .

  12. 例:,,,,.上衣、大衣、短裤、长裤、衬衫和短袜等等都是衣物。

    Coats overcoats shorts trousers shirts and socks are articles of clothing

  13. 我会告诉他,你们圣诞节只要短袜就可以了。

    And I will tell him you want socks for christmas .

  14. 织物强力与伸长试验仪短袜断裂伸长率的测定

    Fabric strength and elongation tester measuring method for stretched with socks

  15. 这两款时髦的短袜在商场和网上购物都有销售。

    Both Japanese shops and online stores sell these trendy socks .

  16. 那穿红短袜的小子竟然能将球扔到时速90。

    The Red Sox guy pitches a ball AT90 miles an hour .

  17. 蓝衣服和棕色短袜!他又搞错了。

    Blue suit and brown socks ! He had fouled up again .

  18. 短袜和长简袜都很容易带电。形状像短号但是带有粗管的铜乐器。

    A brass instrument resembling a cornet but with a wider bore .

  19. 短袜断裂伸长率的测定我可以伸长我的双腿。

    Measuring method for stretched with socks I can lengthen my legs .

  20. 母亲把圣诞礼物装在短袜里。

    My mother put the Christmas gifts into the socks .

  21. 他小心地把短袜拉上肿胀的脚踝。

    He pulled his sock carefully over his swollen ankle .

  22. 他们降低了短袜和鞋子的价格。

    They brought down the prices of socks and shoes .

  23. 今晚谁要为白短袜队投第一个球?

    Who will be pitching first for the White Sox this evening ?

  24. 浸过蒸过后,臭短袜气味顶呱呱。

    After soaking and steaming , the stinky socks should smell super .

  25. 忘掉一个纽扣还是两个纽扣的争论吧,忘掉能否在会议室里穿鲜艳短袜的问题吧。

    Forget the one-versus-two-buttons debate , or the can-you-wear-colourful-socks-in-the-boardroom question .

  26. 简是那个穿裙子,鞋子和短袜的女孩。

    She 's the girl wearing the skirt and the shoes and socks .

  27. 这些短袜每双卖1英镑。

    These socks are going at 1 a pair .

  28. 有谁听过几千间店子只卖短袜,不卖其它?

    Who has ever heard of several thousand shops selling nothing but socks ?

  29. 他正在查看自己短袜上的洞。

    He was examining the hole in his sock .

  30. 一双短袜探索实现一机双网的方法

    Exploration of How to Realize One-computer with Double Network