
xì ɡāo ɡēn xié
  • stiletto ;spike heel
  1. 诱人、顽皮,总是穿细高跟鞋的玛丽莲·梦露(MarilynMonroe),成为了这一时期女性的典型形象。

    Marilyn Monroe - alluring , playful and invariably stiletto shod - became one of the principal feminine archetypes of the period .

  2. 剑桥大学(UniversityofCambridge)的最新研究表明:健康长寿的秘诀最好是每天快步行走20分钟,这给另一压迫性标志——细高跟鞋——带来“巨大麻烦”。

    Recent research from the University of Cambridge finds that the key to longevity and good health might well reside in a brisk 20-minute daily walk , which spells trouble for purveyors of another signifier of oppression : the stiletto shoe .

  3. 她早就抛弃了那双小山羊皮的NicholasKirkwood细高跟鞋,改穿同样品牌但穿起来更舒服的粗跟及踝靴。

    She 's long since abandoned her suede Nicholas Kirkwood stilettos in favor of ankle boots from the same designer with a small , foot-friendly block heel .

  4. 尽管巴黎出生的鞋履设计师罗杰•维威耶(RogerVivier)或许可誉为细高跟鞋的设计鼻祖,他1954年推出的这款平底鞋奠定了其同名时尚品牌大获成功的基石。

    And while Paris-born shoe designer Roger Vivier may have been credited with inventing the stiletto in 1954 , it is a flat on which the fortunes of the house now rest .

  5. 虽然我们都知道高跟鞋可能是致命武器——去年,德克萨斯州的安娜·特鲁希略(AnaTrujillo)用5.5英寸(约合14厘米)的细高跟鞋刺死男友,被判终身监禁——但如果它是穿在脚上,你并不总能把它轻松取下。

    While it is known that shoes can be lethal weapons - last year , Ana Trujillo of Texas was sentenced to life in prison for stabbing her boyfriend to death with a 5-inch stiletto heel - they are not always easily accessible when they are on your feet .

  6. 细高跟鞋会下陷,但是坡跟鞋可以让你保持步伐稳健。

    Stilettos will sink , but a wedge heel will keep you steady .

  7. 赛琳娜当天搭配了一双漆皮黑色细高跟鞋,浑身上下除了带了一条手链以外并没有带其他的珠宝配饰,但依旧亮眼。

    Selena paired her elegant dress with shiny black stilettos and donned minimal jewellery .

  8. 这双古怪的细高跟鞋被巧妙地塑造成正在倒出热咖啡的咖啡壶。

    This wacky pair of stilettos are cunningly disguised as coffee pots with hot liquid pouring out .

  9. 第二次世界大战结束后,这种联系催生了细高跟鞋的发明。

    At the conclusion of World War II , this association led to the invention of the stiletto .

  10. 忘掉那些折磨你脚的细高跟鞋吧:楔跟鞋能带给你同样的高度和修长腿形而不会让你疼痛难耐。

    Forget torturing your feet in stilettos : Wedges give you the same height and leg-lengthening results without the pain .

  11. 霍尔顿就是个例子,媒体几天前拍到她身穿白色热裤,蹬着6英寸的细高跟鞋外出吃晚餐。

    Particularly Ms Holden , who was pictured just days ago slipping out to supper in white shorts and six-inch stilettos ?

  12. 英国工会的领导们认为,基于健康和安全方面的原因,工作场所应该禁穿细高跟鞋。

    Stiletto heels could be banned from the workplace because of health and safety reasons , according to the Trade Union bosses .

  13. 如果你穿的是非常高的细高跟鞋,先服用一些布洛芬片,其中的消炎成份可以预防双脚肿胀。

    If you 're stepping out in mile-high stilettos , take ibuprofen first ; the anti-inflammatory ingredients will help keep your feet from swelling .

  14. 芭比是一个有教育意义的玩具的观念,可能会让我们当中的女权主义者感到惊恐,但在穿细高跟鞋的上海人中,却可能恰恰行得通。

    The notion that Barbie is an educational toy might horrify the feminists among us , but it just might work among the stiletto-heeled Shanghainese .

  15. 初学者应该避免10厘米细高跟鞋,坡跟鞋和松糕鞋可能更容易适应些。

    The novice heel wearer should avoid 10 centimetre stilettos . You may want to start by trying wedges or shoes with a thicker heel .

  16. 在“愤怒的新娘”这个游戏中,玩家以拥有多个手臂的印度教女神手上拿着的细高跟鞋和长统靴等物品为武器追打几位新郎。

    The player assumes the role of a Hindu goddess whose many arms can throw projectiles like stiletto-heeled shoes and construction boots at potential husbands .

  17. 【中英文对照】,如今的时尚单品,诸如细高跟鞋、紧身牛仔裤和可爱型的手包,看起来时髦,但穿起来对你的身体未必有益。

    Today 's fashions , such as and cute hand-held purses , may look sharp but may not be all that great for your body .

  18. 玩家可挑选多种武器,包括细高跟鞋,煎锅、扫帚、西红柿和拖鞋。

    There is a wide array of weapons to choose from , including a stiletto shoe , a frying pan , broomstick , tomato and loafer .

  19. 所以可能我太老了,已经不适合穿紧身牛仔裤,不适合穿6寸的细高跟鞋,也不适合纹身,把头发染成绿色了。

    So maybe I 'm too old for skintight jeans , too old for six-inch stilettos , too old for tattoos and too old for green hair .

  20. 你不需要完全丢掉自己的风格,但是要避免肚脐装,低腰裤,细高跟鞋和任何紧身衣。

    You shouldn 't feel like you have to lose your style entirely , but avoid midriff blouses , low-low riders , stilettos , and anything skintight .

  21. 配上细高跟鞋,这些牛仔裤会给沿大腿分布的股皮神经造成压力,会使腿部有刺痛感和灼烧感。

    Coupled with stiletto heels , the pressure these jeans put on the femoral cutaneous nerve that runs through the thigh can cause tingling and burning through theleg .

  22. 维克托-楚,来自纽约,曾担任过鞋类设计师。他以细高跟鞋私人顾问的身份为人所熟知,他开办讲习会,教授女性如何穿着高跟鞋阔步前行并保持优美的姿态。

    Victor Chu , a former New York footwear designer , also known as the ' stiletto whisperer ' holds workshops to teach women how to perfect their strut .

  23. 最初一名游客掉落的啤酒瓶在一块玻璃上砸出裂纹,随后一名穿着细高跟鞋的女子通过有裂纹的玻璃后,导致玻璃裂缝进一步扩大。

    The dropped bottle of beer caused an initial crack , but a woman walking over the broken glass in stiletto heels reportedly caused the pane to shatter further .

  24. 科斯建议不要穿太浮华的中跟凉鞋,而应该搭配粗跟高跟鞋――就像他的时装秀里的那些――或者尖头细高跟鞋。

    Mr. Kors advised steering clear of mincing kitten-heel sandals in favor of a chunky platform -- like the ones in his show -- or a sharp-toed stiletto . '

  25. 维克托-楚,来自纽约,曾担任过鞋类设计师。他以“细高跟鞋私人顾问”的身份为人所熟知,他开办讲习会,教授女性如何穿着高跟鞋阔步前行并保持优美的姿态。

    Victor Chu , a former New York footwear designer , also known as the ' stiletto whisperer " holds workshops to teach women how to perfect their strut .

  26. 脱掉宽松舒适的衣服(大学的运动衫、平角短裤),穿上能让你辣味十足的服装,比如穿上细高跟鞋、迷你裙或涂上红色的唇膏。

    Ditch the breakup comfort clothes ( college sweatshirt , boxer shorts ) and rock outfits that amplify your hotness , like stilettos , a mini , or red lipstick .

  27. 在每周一次、一次3小时的课上,希纳指导那些在穿细高跟鞋方面完全是门外汉或菜鸟的人,如何“更自信、放松和优雅地”穿高跟鞋。

    In a weekly class lasting three hours , Chyna instructs stiletto-wearing virgins and amateurs alike how to wear high heels with " more confidence , ease and elegance " .

  28. 如今的时尚单品,诸如细高跟鞋、紧身牛仔裤和可爱型的手包,看起来时髦,但穿起来对你的身体未必有益。

    Today 's fashions , such as slinky stilettos , skin-tighthipster jeans and cute hand-held purses , may look sharp but may not be all that great for your body .

  29. 穿上细高跟鞋可谓登上时尚的顶峰了——但数百万女同胞们可以证明,要忍受穿上它的疼痛与不适太难了。

    Towering stilettos may be the height of fashion - but coping with the pain and discomfort they cause can be a tall order , as millions of women will testify .

  30. 尽管2000美元一只的手袋和700美元一双的细高跟鞋对大部分人而言非常昂贵,但如果价格大幅下降,人们对品牌价值的感觉也会大打折扣。

    While $ 2,000 handbags and $ 700 stiletto heels are still expensive for most people , if prices drop precipitously , the perception of a label 's value may also drop .