
duǎn shī
  • Short poem;ode
短诗 [duǎn shī]
  • (1) [versicule]∶篇幅小的诗

  • (2) [verset]∶指宗教经典中的短诗

  • 坐着膝上放着打开的可兰经,吟唱着可兰经中的短诗

  1. 教授让他的学生背熟一首叶芝的短诗。

    The professor had his students memorize a short poem of Yeats .

  2. 作者从语场(field)、语旨(tenor)和语式(mode)等三个方面分析了英国诗人SiegfriedSassoon的短诗‘They’。

    From the three aspects of register : field , tenor and mode , the author analyzes a short poem ' They ' , by the English poet Siegfried Sassoon .

  3. 为什麽你写的大多是短诗?

    Why do you think you write mostly very short poems ?

  4. 记者用一首短诗结束了他的报道。

    The correspondence ended up his report with a short poem .

  5. 二是借用中国古典绝句形式来创作短诗。

    The second is to use the form of Classical Chinese Poem .

  6. 我必须承认那兹就我的抒情短诗你。

    I had to acknowledge that you 're my madrigal .

  7. 听众被他充满机智短诗的演讲迷住了

    The audience is amused by his speech full of epigram

  8. 描述田园的或者牧人的生活的短诗。

    A short descriptive poem of rural or pastoral life .

  9. 由三行短诗构成的警句式的日本诗。

    An epigrammatic Japanese verse form of three short lines .

  10. 剧作家奥斯卡?王尔德以他的诙谐短诗着称。

    The playwright Oscar Wilde was notedfor his epigrams .

  11. 他最擅长的是写抒情短诗。

    He is at his best in short lyrics .

  12. 而且也创作了许多著名的短诗,十四行诗。

    and he wrote many of his famous short poems , the Sonnets .

  13. 浅析丁尼生短诗《鹰》的音乐美和形式美

    The Analysis Of The Musical And Formal Beauty In The Eagle By Tennyson

  14. 这些格言大多是引用名言,宗教教义或是短诗。

    The message is often a famous quotation , religious principle or short poem .

  15. 虽然还是个孩子,但他已经能够背诵几首短诗了。

    Child as he is , he has been able to recite several short poems .

  16. 我一开始读些短诗,但现在我想我最喜欢长诗了。

    I started with small poems , but now I think I most like long poems .

  17. 更重要的是,我心目中理想的诗就是短诗。

    But , more importantly , short poems are my perception of what poetry should be .

  18. 如果你有野心,你甚至可以试著写一则短篇故事,短诗或短剧。

    If you are more ambitious , you could even try writing short stories , poems or plays .

  19. 有时我会用中文写一些散文或是短诗,或是把一些精美的英语小品文翻成中文。

    Sometimes I will write some essays or short peoms in Chinese or translate some English essays into Chinese .

  20. 为他写一首短诗,在切完蛋糕后念给他听。

    So write a short poem for him and read it to him after you are done cutting the cake .

  21. 论柯仲平抗战时期的短诗创作&文艺上的游击战

    On the Short Poems by Ke Zhong-ping During the Anti-Japanese War Period & Guerrilla Warfare in Literary and Artistic Creation

  22. 完美的诗作,迪金森短诗中的一首,一种关于死亡期至的惊悚尝试。

    A perfect poem , and one of Dickinson 's most compressed and chilling attempts to come to terms with mortality .

  23. 那天晚上,我写了一首关于梦想破灭的伤心短诗,并将它寄给了《卡普里周报》。

    That night I wrote a short sad poem about broken dreams and mailed it to the Capri 's Weekly newspaper .

  24. 我一点儿不怀疑,在被海子哭着撕毁的那么多短诗原稿里,一定有一些诗歌珍品。

    I do not have any doubt that , among so many manuscripts of short poems , definitely had some poetry treasures .

  25. 现在,写一篇有关夏天的短诗或散文,试试用你刚才清单上列出的词汇或短语。

    Now write a short poem or prose piece about summer and try to use some of the words or phrases on your list .

  26. 格斯•范•桑特演奏鼓机、贝司和吉他,威廉•伯罗斯读他的四首短诗&不知这算不算他们献给中国朋友的另一种拜年。

    Van Sant plays drum machine , bass and guitar , while Burroughs reads four short pieces with his voice often being electronically manipulated .

  27. 通过对叶芝的短诗《一亩青青草地》的示范性分析初步显示如何对诗歌进行文体分析以达到欣赏的目的,并希望其对教学有所启示。

    This paper attempts to demonstrate the pedagogic significance of stylistics in EFL learner 's poetry appreciation through the magnified analysis of Yeats'poem An Acre of Grass .

  28. 我听说过他曾经写过各种即兴短诗,但只有一首印刷出来,我在许多年以前曾读过。

    I have learned that he wrote sundry small occasional pieces , but only one of them was printed , which I was now many years since .

  29. 运用概念图式和空间合成理论,对弗罗斯特的短诗《雪夜林边驻足》进行探讨,可了解此诗的多义性阐释的成因。

    By employing the conceptual scheme and space blending theory , this paper analyses the causes of polysemic expounding of his short poem Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening .

  30. 他喜欢用一连串自创的打油诗来描述自己的生活(比如他的短诗“Me!Wheeeeee!”),和他的拳头一样,他的语言同样饶有趣味。

    He entertained as much with his mouth as with his fists , narrating his life with a patter of inventive doggerel . ( " Me ! Wheeeeee ! " )