
  • ice-cream cone;Ice Cream Cones
  1. 他绝对没看过你吃冰淇淋甜筒。

    He must never have seen you eat an ice-cream cone .

  2. 但这个规则也有几个例外,包括在街上吃冰淇淋甜筒是没问题的。

    There are just a few exceptions to this rule , including the fact that it is OK to eat an ice-cream cone on the street .

  3. 而且每天我要买两个甜筒的TastiD-Lite(真是令人不好意思),一天三个也不是闻所未闻。

    Also ( this is embarrassing ) I usually get a cone of Tasti D-Lite twice a day , and having three in one day isn 't at all unheard of .

  4. 放纵地享用一个甜筒之后,可以向北走到科佩德街区(QuartiereCoppedè),把冰激凌的热量消耗掉一些。这个奇特的街区以美丽的新艺术派宫殿闻名,它们古怪的塔楼和华丽的正面像是来自童话世界。

    After indulging in a cone , walk off some of the calories on a stroll north to Quartiere Copped è , a curious quarter marked by beautiful Art Nouveau palazzi whose whimsical towers and ornate facades look plucked from a fairy tale .

  5. 我买了两个冰淇淋甜筒给你们。

    I bought two ice cream cones for you .

  6. 接下来的几周我去买了许多冰淇淋甜筒,却没有赢到小车。

    After several weeks and many ice cream cones , I didn 't win .

  7. 有人把这个圆锥形的金色火炬比喻成一台干酪磨碎机或者是一个冰淇淋甜筒。

    The conical gold torch has compared to a cheese grater or an ice cream cone .

  8. 效果立竿见影,其他州的消费者闻风而来,只为了买一支冰淇淋甜筒。

    The effect was immediate , with people coming from out of town just to buy an ice cream cone .

  9. 二十岁的时候,挤在人头攒动的公共大巴上,吃着甜筒,挺开心。

    At the age of twenty , I felt so contented sandwiched in a jammed bus , eating ice cream .

  10. 参与竞争的团队还有计划制作冰淇淋甜筒蛋糕的远征工程公司;

    Also in the mix for the competition are Expedition Engineering , a team who are planning a cake made of ice cream cones ;

  11. 乍看之下,这种科幻风格的小吃似乎仅仅是一直普通的薄荷口味可爱多甜筒,但是,在紫外光的照耀下,这支甜点会发出亮闪闪的光芒。

    The sci-fi style snack appears to be nothing more than a normal mint Cornetto however once under UV lighting the sweet treat lights up in luminous colours .

  12. 而伦敦主教在其葬礼悼词中关于撒切尔夫人是发明甜筒冰淇淋的团队成员的说法,也毫不例外引起了争议。撒切尔夫人在从政前从事科学研究的工作。

    The claim by the bishop of London in his funeral address that the former scientist was part of the team that invented Mr Whippy ice-cream is no exception .

  13. 在你的书桌上可能放着一包饼干或是一小块在办公室聚会上吃剩下来的蛋糕,或是尝一口你儿子吃的冰激凌甜筒。

    There 's the bag of pretzels at your desk , the little slice of cake at an office party , the taste of your son 's ice cream cone .

  14. 而伦敦主教在其葬礼悼词中关于撒切尔夫人是“发明甜筒冰淇淋的团队成员”的说法,也毫不例外引起了争议。

    The claim by the bishop of London in his funeral address that the former scientist was " part of the team that invented Mr Whippy ice-cream " is no exception .

  15. 别的孩子们都盼着过周六,期待在那长长的闲暇时间里,他们的父亲会带他们去学游泳或上曲棍球课,去公园里散步或买冰淇淋甜筒。

    Other children looked forward to Saturdays , long stretches of time when their fathers would take them to swimming or hockey lessons , to the park for a walk or for an ice-cream cone .

  16. 随着食品成本的上涨,麦当劳公司高层在3月份宣布,在一元菜单中用现烤饼干和冰激凌甜筒取代小份饮料和薯条。

    In March , amid higher food costs , executives announced it was removing small drinks and small French fries from its dollar menu , replacing those items with fresh baked cookies and ice cream cones .

  17. 在这个炎热的夏季,工作人员特别为熊猫崽们制作了一种苹果甜筒为它们降暑,但是似乎这些甜筒激起了这些小东西们的哄抢。

    During this hot summer , a few specially-made ice cones with fresh apples inside have been made to help the cubs beat the heat , but it seems it has also provoked a little competition as well .

  18. 我并没有像有些人说的那样,去麦当劳只吃沙拉,他说,事实上,我吃了带奶酪的大汉堡巨无霸,我吃了圣代,我还吃了冰淇淋甜筒。

    So this isnt something where you say , Well , he went to McDonalds and he only had the salads , he said . No , I had the Big Macs , the quarter pounders with cheese . I had sundaes , I had ice cream cones .