
  • 网络coffee liqueur;kahlua;Baileys
  1. 他用一瓶咖啡酒攻击了收银员

    He assaulted a cashier with a bottle of kahlua .

  2. 它通常与卡鲁瓦咖啡酒,伏特加酒,冰淇淋,巧克力糖浆,和奶油搭配。

    It 's usually made with Kahl ú a coffee liqueur , vodka , ice cream , chocolate syrup , and whipped cream .

  3. 提高咖啡酒非生物稳定性的探讨

    Research on Improvement of the Non-biological Stability of Coffee Wine

  4. 华姑上星期去了墨西哥玩,这瓶就是她带回来的咖啡酒,真的超级好喝!

    I really like it ! It tasted a little bit like Frapachino but the flavor was much stronger .

  5. 介绍了咖啡酒的生产工艺及质量标准,并对生产咖啡酒的经济效益进行了初步预测

    The paper introduced the manufacture technology and quality standard of the coffee wine , and the economic results of producing the coffee wine has carried on the preliminary calculation

  6. 适宜提高抗坏血酸的含量和适度降低果酒中的多酚可提高咖啡酒的抗氧化性,改革咖啡酒增香措施可预防咖啡酒液表面起膜,并提高咖啡酒的稳定性;

    High content of ascorbic acid and appropriate reduction of fruit polyphenol in the wine can raise its anti-oxidant capacity . Reform of its fragrance increasing measure can prevent the surface of coffee wine liquid from getting a membrane and raise its stability ;

  7. 以咖啡代酒,为我们的未来干杯!

    Cheers ! With our coffee cups for our future !

  8. 另外,咖啡和酒也是意大利的特产。

    Coffee and wine are also a well known part of Italy .

  9. 这顿饭最后我们喝了咖啡和酒。

    We ended the meal with coffee and liqueurs .

  10. 睡前三、四个小时就不要再喝咖啡或酒了。

    Don 't consume caffeine or alcohol within three or four hours of bedtime .

  11. 如果身体状况良好,要做到每天按时睡觉起床,避免临睡前喝咖啡或酒,不要在灯光通明的房间睡觉。

    If you 're physically fine , go to bed and get up at a regular time every day , stay away from caffeine and alcohol before bedtime , and avoid bright lights in the bedroom .

  12. 甘露咖啡力娇酒的原料之一就是咖啡豆。

    Kahlua liqueur coffee beans is one of raw materials .

  13. 由咖啡和蛋酒奶油做成的松软海绵蛋糕,外面再撒上一层诱人的可可粉。

    Layers of sponge soaked with liqueur and coffee , filled with egg-nog and coffee cream , dusted with cocoa powder .

  14. 邀约亲朋好友相聚在盛宴全天候餐厅和雅日本餐厅共享美食,或者前往怡聚大堂吧来上一杯香浓咖啡或清爽酒品放松身心。

    Choose from Feast , our all day dining restaurant , Miyabi Japanese restaurant , or you can have a cup of coffee and great selection of refreshing libations at the lobby lounge .

  15. 我能给你拿一份咖啡还是餐后酒?

    Can I get you a coffee or a liqueur ?

  16. 他们默然呆坐,面前是一杯杜松子酒,那酒一股子丁香味儿,是这咖啡馆的特色酒。

    They were sitting in silence before glasses of the gin flavoured with cloves which was the speciality of the cafe .

  17. 提拉米苏酱是来源于意大利的独特风味,由咖啡、苦杏仁酒及奶酪混合而成。用量为每升冰淇淋混料加入提拉米苏酱60~80克。

    T & G Tiramisu Paste is special from Italy , manufactured with coffee , amaretto and mascarpone.For1L ice mix60 ~ 80g Tiramisu Paste .

  18. 像冰淇淋饮料、冰咖啡饮品、玛格丽特酒、热带鸡尾酒和冰沙等季节性饮料是春季休闲或是在甲板上结交朋友时候的最爱。

    Seasonal beverages like ice cream drinks , iced coffee drinks , margaritas , tropical cocktails and smoothies are favorites on spring break or for sipping with friends on the deck .

  19. 在最后两天中,他们不允许吃巧克力或包含相似成分的任何东西,包括很多种的浆果和水果,他们也不能喝咖啡、茶或酒。

    During the last two days they were not allowed to eat chocolate or anything containing similar compounds , including many kinds of berries and fruits , nor could they drink coffee , tea , or wine .

  20. 冲调一杯意大利特浓咖啡,后加入15毫升咖啡酒及10毫升Rum酒拌匀。

    Prepare a cup of espresso , add15ml Coffee Liqueur & 10ml rum , and mix well .