
  • 网络Coffee Center;Cafe Central
  1. 费尔南多·加斯特,哥伦比亚国家咖啡研究中心实验室主任,表示卡斯蒂罗的种子已被送往墨西哥、萨尔瓦多以及哥斯达黎加进行进一步评估。

    Fernando Gast , Cenicaf é 's director , says seeds of the Castillo coffee plants have been sent to Mexico , El Salvador and Costa Rica for evaluation .

  2. 户外咖啡馆和购物中心的餐厅都变为不吸烟场所。

    Open-space coffee shops and restaurants inside shopping malls are becoming non-smoking facilities .

  3. 他们去了医院,咖啡店,老人中心,中餐厅和火车站。

    They went to banks , coffee shops , senior centers , Chinese restaurants and train stations .

  4. 这也表明大多数学生将在商场、咖啡店、呼叫中心以及建筑工地上从事低薪职业,所学专业却长期没有用武之地。

    This suggests large numbers of students will embark on low-paid jobs in shops , cafes , call centres and building sites – failing to use their degree for many years .

  5. 猫镇咖啡馆兼收养中心于10月下旬开业,到目前为止,已安排客人收养了52只猫,号称美国第一家永久性的猫主题咖啡馆。

    The Cat Town Cafe & Adoption Center , which opened in late October and has arranged 52 cat adoptions so far , claims to be the first permanent cat cafe in the United States .

  6. 今后将需要在消费者驾车和停车的所有地方建设更多的电动汽车充电设施,比如住宅、工作场所、咖啡店、购物中心附近、酒店、城镇四周等等。

    New EV charging infrastructure will need to be built in the home , at work , at coffee shops , near shopping malls , hotels and all around town & anywhere consumers drive and park their vehicles .

  7. 我们还特制了特浓咖啡的小杯子,里面藏着磁铁,它使这些指南针拼命地动,全朝向咖啡杯为中心。

    And we had custom espresso cups made that hide a magnet inside , and make those compasses go crazy , always centering on them .

  8. 这些咖啡树中的四分之三被一种被称为卡斯蒂罗的抗罗亚品种替代,此品种是由哥伦比亚国家咖啡研究中心实验室经过13年精心选育开发出来的。

    Three-quarters of them were replaced with a roya-resistant variety known as Castillo , which had been developed in the labs of Cenicaf é, the coffee federation 's research arm , after 13 years of selective breeding .

  9. 这些咖啡树中的四分之三被一种被称为“卡斯蒂罗”的“抗罗亚”品种替代,此品种是由哥伦比亚国家咖啡研究中心实验室经过13年精心选育开发出来的。

    Three-quarters of them were replaced with a roya-resistant variety known as Castillo , which had been developed in the labs of Cenicaf é , the coffee federation 's research arm , after 13 years of selective breeding .