
  1. 她推一部咖啡研磨机。

    A beaker of coffee from the drinks machine She pushes a coffee mill .

  2. 你在调查中带着咖啡研磨机?

    You bring your own coffee grind onnvestigations ?

  3. 你可以使用家用咖啡研磨机烹制出完全符合自己口味的新鲜咖啡。

    With a home coffee grinder , you can create fresh pots of coffee made exactly to your taste .

  4. 非常成熟的黑醋栗,蓝莓和黑色的橄榄果连同“咖啡研磨”的橡木形成非常活跃气味。

    Very ripe black currant , Blueberry and black olive fruit along with " coffee grinds " oak create a very vibrant nose .

  5. 他将研磨好的咖啡从研磨机里倒进了滤纸里。

    He poured the ground coffee from the grinder into the paper filter .

  6. 咖啡豆在研磨机上研磨了大约10秒钟。

    He ground the beans in the grinder for about 10 seconds .

  7. 咖啡由手工研磨,再在桌边经过4分钟的煮咖啡过程就完成了。

    The coffee is ground by hand and brewed table side in a four-minute process .

  8. 稍加冷却后,放在臼中用杵捣碎或用咖啡豆或香料研磨机磨碎,备用。

    Let cool briefly , then pound with a mortar and pestle or grind in a coffee or spice grinder .